18 // COASTWEEKEND.COM Summer climbs off ered for Angora hikers and friends PROFESSIONAL TEACHES NATURE, LANDSCAPE PHOTOGRAPHY BASICS The Angora Hiking Club has organized a series of summer climbs for Angora hikers and friends. The Phyllis Dubb Me- morial Saddle Mountain Flower Climb, a diffi cult hike, will take place Saturday, June 24. Hikers can meet up with others at the vacant parking lot at the end of Sixth Street in Astoria at 9 a.m., or they can meet at the Sad- dle Mountain trail head at 10 a.m. Michael Dubb and Kathleen Adams will lead the hike. For more information, contact Dubb at 503- 791-5325, or Adams at 541-261-3458. T he Frank lin A partm ents SUBMITTED PHOTO A photo by Jim Young, teacher of the photography class. NETARTS — Friends of Netarts Bay WEBS will offer a free course for emerging landscape and nature photographers 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Sunday, June 25, in the Ne- tarts Bay area. Participants must register for details. Jim Young, a professional photographer and marine scientist, will teach the basics of photog- raphy and how to take a good image. The course is part of the “Explore Nature” series of hikes, walks, paddles and outdoor ad- ventures. Series events are hosted by a consortium of volunteer community and nonprofi t orga- nizations. They are “meaningful nature-based experiences” high- lighting the beauty of Tillamook County and the work done “to preserve and conserve the area’s natural resources and natural re- source-based economy,” organiz- ers said. The class is limited to 10 peo- ple, who will need to bring their own cameras and be familiar with transferring photos to computers. WEBS will provide transportation to natural areas. Donations for Netarts Bay WEBS are encouraged. Contact Young at jimyoung4990@gmail.com, or call 503-842-2153 for more infor- mation. Area author hosts ocean-themed writing workshop Seaside’s Gallery AFTER HOURS Providing Elegance & Efficiency to D ow ntow n Astoria for O ver 100 Years Every Saturday through summer from 5-7pm 1432 Franklin Avenue Easom Property Management, Inc. Gilbert District Gallery Beach Books Ballery Seaside Coffee House Moxie Fair Trade Sun Rose Gallery 503-325-5678 ASTORIA — Author Matt Love will hold a half-day ocean-themed writing workshop 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, July 15, in an Astoria home. “The ocean is a tremen- dous part of my creative life,” Love said, “and I dis- cover many of my best ideas for writing when I walk along the beach or watch the ocean from afar. Thinking and writing about the ocean is a great way to open one’s mind. 2 0 LANDSCAPE $ BARK (U-HAUL) per yard WARRENTON FIBER 8am-5pm 861-3305 Mon-Fri, 389 NW 13th St., Warrenton “I encourage any aspiring writer to take the class and write about the ocean. It’s the easiest thing in the world to write about and can help get you going.” The class costs $65 and will cap at 12 participants, who will pay at the begin- ning of the workshop. The price includes a “free gift of ocean magic.” Scholarships are also available. To register, contact Love at nestuccaspitpress@gmail. com. MOONLIGHT KARAOKE MOBILE KARAOKE WITH KJ/DJ • Weddings • Receptions • Reunions • Birthdays • Anniversary Parties • Private Parties • Entertainments • Corporate Events 971.386.7369 Tom.w.Cozart@gmail.com