8B THE DAILY ASTORIAN • WEDNESDAY, JUNE 14, 2017 Honorary grand marshal Submitted photo Carol Obie CAROL OBIE INSPIRATION FOR ORIGINAL SCANDINAVIAN MIDSUMMER FESTIVAL What began as a Brownie Troop that performed Norwe- gian dances for the Girl Scouts’ International Festival under the leadership of Carol Obie offi- cially became the Astoria Scan- dinavian Folk Dancers in 1964. This troop grew in popular- ity and, accompanied by sup- portive chaperone moms, began traveling the region to perform at various events. One of these events was the Junction City Scandinavian Festival, where Carol became inspired and asked: “Why couldn’t Astoria have their own festival?” Listed in the very first 1968 program for the “Astoria Scan- dinavian Midsummer Night Festival,” you find the peo- ple Carol rallied together to spearhead the idea: “Chair- man – Carol Obie; Co-Chair- man – Shirley Tinner and Nel- lie Norman; Committee: Annie Salo, Helen Perttu, Elsa Rau- tio, Ed Niska, Arvid & Rose Jacobsen, Ellen Madsen, Hilda Andersen, Clara John- Submitted photo son, Jordis Tetli, and the moth- ers of the Scandinavian Folk Dancers.” Carol did research to find out what types of activities were part of festivals in Scandi- navia and the U.S. With creativ- ity, enthusiasm and leadership, Carol worked with an advan- tageous team to see this vision come to fruition for the very first festival, and with great success. Everyone had such a great time, there was no ques- tion the Festival would become an annual event. Yet Carol could not have accomplished all that came to pass had it not been for the committee members listed above, as well as many other supportive people, most nota- bly are those whose names are not listed except by mentioning their crucial role as “the moth- ers of the Scandinavian Folk Dancers.” Carol, who moved to Eugene a few years after the first festi- val, passed away in 2009. The 2017 Astoria Scan- dinavian Midsummer Festi- val has named Shirley Tinner as honorary grand marshal for the OpTog Walking Parade, to be held 11:30 a.m. Saturday, June 17, at the Clatsop County Fairgrounds. Tinner was part of the group that founded the original Mid- summer Festival fifty years ago. Born and raised in Astoria, Tinner graduated from Astoria schools and worked as a judicial assistant to Circuit Court Judge Thomas Edison for 23 years. Tinner’s father, Franz Olaf Fransen, was a Swede-Finn and her mother Hilja Maria Eskola a pure Finn. Shirley learned “Uniontown” Finnish and can still speak it. Her only daugh- ter, Kim Supple, was Miss Fin- land in 1976 and crowned Miss Scandinavia. When Kim and her class- mates Gail Norrman and Deb- bie Obie were in first grade, they joined a Brownie troop. Carol Obie was the troop leader and Nelly Norrman and Tinner were assistants. This group is credited with founding the original Asto- ria Scandinavian Midsummer Festival in 1968. Tinner was active in the fes- tival for 25 years, chairing the entertainment committee and making programs. She later alternated these duties with Maureen Sundstrom. The lead- ers of the first festival spent many hours at the Astoria Library researching midsummer traditions in Scandinavia and interviewed local families who had immigrated to the Astoria area from Scandinavia. Tinner is delighted that the festival continues to be authen- tic and thrive. She hasn’t missed a festival in 50 years, and is pleased that many of traditions her group started fifty years ago are still used today. These traditions include the hex burning and bonfire, the Submitted photo Shirley Tinner OpTog Walking Parade and the princess speeches focused on “What My National Heritage Means to Me.” Tinner is unable to walk in the OpTog herself this year but will be represented by Supple and other members of the orig- inal Brownie troop that started the festival. e Enjoy th SALUTES THE 50TH ANNMRSARY OF THE your friends at “The electric vehicle people” SC��AN MIDSUMMER fESfIV;\L! ASTORIA-WARRENTON REGIONAL AIRPORT 1190 SE FLIGHTLINE DRIVE WARRENTON, OR 503-861-2288 • 800-535-8767 www.lektro.com AUGUST9-13, 2017 ASTORIAREGATTACOM