THE DAILY ASTORIAN • FRIDAY, JUNE 9, 2017 FEATURES Tree dispute with neighbors Dear Annie: Our next-door meaning they really didn’t neighbors, the “Johnsons,” need to be cut down anyway. Fast-forward one month. must hate trees. Our neighbor- hood is full of beautiful mature Mr. Johnson again complains trees. When the Johnsons pur- about our tree. We told him chased their home, they imme- that we did have it trimmed diately cut down every tree in and that we had used up our tree trimming bud- their yard. Last year, DEAR get for that year. His they complained about response was that he some branches that ANNIE knows we have more hung over their prop- money than that. erty line and a few that Fast-forward a were over their house few more months. We — not touching their have dogwood trees in house, however. the corner of our yard Our city code says and found they were we are not required to Lane stuffed full of twigs, trim them. But being Annie Creators Syndicate Inc. branches and string. good neighbors, we My husband cleaned contracted a licensed tree trimmer. He asked to park it out. Forty-five minutes later, his ladder truck in said neigh- the entire Johnson family bors’ driveway, which he said (mom, dad and two boys) was would reduce the bill by 50 on our front step. Mrs. Johnson percent. We told him to knock said her 9-year-old son was so on the door and ask them sad that his fort had been taken down. before starting. What should we do here? The tree trimmer showed up and was working, when Mr. I’m voting for a fence, but we Johnson came out and said he like all the wildlife that fre- had to move the truck because quents our neighborhood. — it had been on his driveway too Midwestern Nana Dear Midwestern: I’d like long. The project was halted. No branches were weak or for you to tell this family to go damaged in the first place, climb a tree, but you do have to live next to them for the next who-knows-how-many years, so it’s best to stay some- what amicable. It sounds as if they’ve an overgrown sense of entitlement. The best way to nip that in the bud is to respond with strength — not by bullying them but by refusing to acqui- esce to unreasonable demands or apologize for things that are not your fault. Explain that you only hired a tree trimmer in the first place because you wanted to be neighborly — emphasiz- ing that in fact, the city code doesn’t require you to trim them and that you won’t be doing so. As for the issue of their children climbing your trees: If one of them were to fall and get injured, you might be legally liable — and something tells me the Johnsons would have no qualms about suing. Tell the parents not to allow the children in your yard. If it keeps happening anyway, a fence may be necessary. Con- sult the laws in your state, and look into styles that would per- mit wildlife but not wild chil- dren to pass through, such as thinly spaced iron bars. 3C TOMORROW’S HOROSCOPE By Holiday Mathis, Creators Syndicate Inc. ARIES (March 21-April 19). You’ll sharpen your disputing skills, speak up and counter the positions you don’t agree with. Your primary op- position will be a voice in your head that needs to be set straight. SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). Today you are like a universal remote control. You fit into almost any situation and are effective in your ability to influence the scene with the appropriate button pushing. TAURUS (April 20-May 20). Tension of any kind is an impediment to creativity, productivity and social ease. Avoid it, diffuse it, or flee it entirely. It may be easiest to wish everyone well and start new in a fresh environment. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). You’ll make tough demands of yourself, but as long as they are in line with what you enjoy you’ll be successful. On the other hand, you have zero tolerance for tedium, so don’t even put those tasks on the schedule. GEMINI (May 21-June 21). You typically think of cleaning and reorganizing as a means to an end, but actually it’s an involving, interesting and even enjoyable process in and of itself today. Simple, inexpensive improvements bring joy. CANCER (June 22-July 22). You’ll make a change gradually, as moderation fits your personality. An approach that’s too strict only inspires you to rebel against your own authority. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). The Japanese proverb says, “Fall seven times; get up eight.” But no one will keep you from lying there for a moment of recovery to ponder and process what just happened. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). You take pride in holding up your end of every bargain. But it may benefit all involved in the current cir- cumstance to renegotiate the agreement. This time, give yourself more breathing room. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). Your good manners attract luck. You’d be surprised how many forget to add the “Please” and “Thank you” when addressing clerks, waiters, family and angels. (Even angels appreciate being graciously addressed!) FRANK AND ERNEST BLONDIE THATABABY SALLY FORTH PHOEBE AND HER UNICORN B.C. LOLA DILBERT SIX CHIX BIZARRO MUTTS NON SEQUITUR BABY BLUES WIZARD OF ID ZITS ROSE IS ROSE CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). It will be easier for you to influence people you have an affinity for. It’s as though people can sense your true feelings. Find something to love about those you need to sway. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). Maybe you think of a certain form of entertainment as “mindless,” and yet there’s something compelling about it that resonates with you. There’s a benefit to exploring it further that offers valuable insights into your own psyche. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). There are those who make a hobby out of attracting trouble. You’ve an expanded capacity for empathy, and yet there’s a point at which you’re not doing people favors by permitting them to be their weakest selves. TOMORROW’S BIRTHDAY (June 10). Success starts with a dream. Wings of imagination will ultimately lift you toward improvement in many areas of your life at once. Polish and shine a talent when the right teacher comes in August. Doors will open wide for you after you circulate your resume in September. Family celebrates with you, big-time, in December. Libra and Taurus adore you. Your lucky numbers are: 5, 34, 10, 28 and 37.