4A THE DAILY ASTORIAN • THURSDAY, JUNE 8, 2017 Pyrosomes: They’re hard to avoid right now Comey: Trump administration spread ‘lies, plain and simple’ Continued from Page 1A ‘All you see’ Wednesday. In that testimony he had already disclosed that Trump demanded his “loy- alty” and directly pushed him WASHINGTON — For- to “lift the cloud” of investi- mer FBI Director James gation by declaring publicly Comey asserted today that the president was not the tar- President Donald Trump get of the FBI probe into his fired him to interfere with his campaign’s Russia ties. Comey said that he investigation of Russia’s role in the 2016 election and its declined to do so in large part because of the “duty to ties to the Trump campaign. “It’s my judgment that I correct” that would be cre- was fired because of the Rus- ated if that situation changed. sia investigation,” Comey Comey also said in his writ- told the Senate intelli- ten testimony that Trump, in gence committee in explo- a strange private encounter sive testimony that threat- near the grandfather clock in ened to undermine Trump’s the Oval Office, pushed him to end his investigation into presidency. “I was fired in some way former National Security to change, or the endeavor Adviser Michael Flynn. Democratic Sen. Joe was to change, the way the Russia investigation was Manchin of West Virginia being conducted,” Comey asked Comey the key ques- testified under oath. “That is tion: “Do you believe this a very big deal, and not just arises to obstruction of justice?” because it involves me.” “I don’t know. That’s Bob Comey also accused the Mueller’s job to sort Trump administra- that out,” Comey tion of spreading responded, refer- “lies, plain and sim- ring to the newly ple” about him and appointed special the FBI in the after- counsel who has math of his abrupt taken over the Jus- firing last month, tice Department’s declaring that the James Russia investigation. administration Comey In a startling dis- “defamed him and closure, Comey more importantly the FBI” by claiming the bureau revealed that after his fir- was in disorder under his ing he had actually tried to leadership. And in testimony spur the special counsel’s that exposed deep distrust appointment by giving one between the president and of his memos about Trump the veteran lawman, Comey to a friend of his to leak to described intense discomfort the press. “My judgment was I need about their one-on-one con- versations, saying he decided to get that out into the public he immediately needed to square,” Comey said. The Republican National document the discussions in Committee and other White memos. “I was honestly concerned House allies worked fever- that he might lie about the ishly to lessen any dam- nature of our meeting, so I age from the hearing, try- thought it really important to ing to undermine Comey’s document,” Comey said. “I credibility by issuing press knew there might come a day releases and even ads point- when I might need a record ing to a past instance where of what happened not only to the FBI had had to clean up defend myself but to protect the director’s testimony to Congress. Republicans and the FBI.” The revelations came as Trump’s own lawyer seized Comey delivered his much on Comey’s confirmation, anticipated first public tell- in his written testimony, of ing of his relationship with Trump’s claim that Comey Trump, speaking at a packed had told him three times the Senate intelligence com- president was not directly mittee hearing that brought under investigation. Trump himself was Washington and parts of the country to a standstill as all expected to dispute Com- eyes were glued to televi- ey’s claims that the presi- sions showing the testimony. dent demanded loyalty and The former director immedi- asked the FBI director to ately dove into the heart of drop the investigation into the fraught political contro- Flynn, according to a person versy around his firing and close to the president’s legal whether Trump interfered in team who demanded ano- the bureau’s Russia investi- nymity because of not being gation, as he elaborated on authorized to discuss legal written testimony delivered strategy. By ERICA WERNER and ERIC TUCKER Associated Press THE DAILY ASTORIAN T HURSDAY E VENING A (2) (-) (-) (6) (-) (8) (9) (10) (12) (13) (-) (20) (-) (29) (30) (31) (32) (34) (35) (36) (38) (39) (43) (44) (45) (46) (47) (48) (49) (50) (51) (52) (53) (54) (56) (57) (58) (61) (63) (64) (65) (162) L KATU KOMO KING KOIN KIRO KGW KRCW KOPB KPTV KPDX KCPQ TBS KZJO ESPN ESPN2 NICK DISN FAM FMC LIFE ROOT FS1 SPIKE COM HIST A&E TLC DISC NGEO TNT AMC USA FOOD HGTV FX CNN FNC CNBC BRAV TCM SYFY RFD (2) (4) (5) (-) (7) (-) (3) (10) (12) (-) (13) (20) (22) (29) (30) (31) (32) (34) (35) (36) (38) (39) (43) (44) (45) (46) (47) (48) (49) (50) (51) (52) (53) (54) (56) (57) (58) (61) (63) (64) (65) (162) 6 Sam Zeman, an Oregon State University research associate, said as the sur- vey boats went farther away from shore, they saw bigger and bigger pyrosomes, some roughly 2 feet long. One researcher fixed a GoPro camera to a net and dropped it over the side. It was a glimpse into a famil- iar world that had become very odd. They saw pyro- somes down to a depth of 100 meters, as far as their equip- ment could go. “Watching that footage was eerie,” said Jennifer Fisher, a research assistant with Ore- gon State’s Cooperative Insti- tute for Marine Resources Studies that work closely with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, who was on a survey cruise in May. There’s blue water in all directions, shaded turquoise to dark cerulean, “and all you see is pyrosomes.” They seem to hang in the water, like an army. At night, they drifted near the water’s surface. Fisher is pretty sure cock- roaches will survive the apoc- alypse. After this most recent cruise, she added pyrosomes to the list. “It’s very eerie,” Zeman said. “There’s nothing else. It’s just them, and it kind of never stops.” “They could just keep going,” Brodeur said. “We have no idea where they end offshore.” Fire body Though it looks like a sin- gle creature, a pyrosome is made up of individual clones. Hence the Borg reference, though in the case of the pyro- some, the organism is phys- ically linked unlike the TV characters who are mentally connected. A single pyro- some might contain hundreds, if not thousands of individual animals, said Caren Braby, marine resources program manager with the Oregon Department of Fish and Wild- life. They don’t sting and they can’t bite. They are essen- tially hollow tubes, filter feed- ers, and very little is known about them. They are chordates, Braby said, lacking actual vertebrae — bones that form the back- bone — but with the begin- Submitted Photo Pyrosomes can be massive. Some can glow. ning of a spinal chord, Braby said. If you were to compare an octopus or a pyrosome to people, “we’d be more closely related to a pyrosome.” Elsewhere, pyrosomes can be massive and even display bioluminescence. They glow. This is likely how they got the name “pyrosome,” a com- bination of the Greek words “pyro” and “soma”: fire body. The organisms off Oregon aren’t quite so magical, pos- sibly because they aren’t con- suming the right bacteria, one researcher theorized. Salmon trollers from New- port to Alaska reported pyro- somes ending up on the end of their hooks. In fisheries, like the pink shrimp fishery where the gear itself is designed to exclude other fish, pyrosomes are the right size and shape to jam up the works. Shrimper Steve Davis, who runs several boats out of Warrenton, said the pyro- somes can be so thick on the gear that nothing else can get past them. At the very least, they make it so he’s catching less than he should be. “There’s just so many of them, it’s hard to pick them out,” he said. They range from the size of a pinkie fin- ger to almost a foot long, and they seem to float in packs. If a boat is unlucky enough to hit a patch of them, “you go somewhere else and hope that they’re not that thick,” Davis said. It can be frustrating, he said, “especially when you know people are catching shrimp around you.” But the pyrosomes are hard to avoid right now. For trawlers like Warren- ton-based Paul Kujala, the organisms are more of a nui- sance than a hindrance to fishing. They’ll clog nets a bit, and when they’re pulled up with the rest of the haul, invariably some will end up in the fish hold. “And that’s one more thing you don’t want,” Kujala said. At night, he and his crew have hit patches of water where all they can see, in any direction, are pyrosomes. “You always see one or two, but never in the numbers that we’re seeing now,” Davis said. Why? The question right now is, “Why?” Why are they here? What changed? The ocean has been unusually warm for the past two years with weak upwelling winds this year, both factors that could have brought pyrosomes, which seem to favor warmer water, closer to shore. Research- ers noted that the change in temperature coincided with an apparent increase in pyro- somes here. But now the Ore- gon Coast is seeing strong upwelling winds again, and the water is cooling. “Will they stick around?” Fisher said. She thinks it’s a window of time, a sort of natural experiment that will end soon. The pyrosomes’ absence could almost be more revealing than their presence, said Fisher. This makes the data collected on the survey cruises this spring even more important. Combined with data from previous years, researchers might be able to tell a story. “At least a short story,” Fisher said. Brodeur, Zeman and other researchers don’t know if the pyrosomes are affecting other animals in the ecosystem. These are organisms that fil- ter very small particles; it’s hard to know if they are com- peting with other animals for food. But, having them in such high numbers could have important ecological consequences. “How important are these to the ecosystem?” Brodeur wondered. “How much food are they eating and are they a trophic dead end?” In other words: Where are they on the food chain? His lab is in the middle of analyzing samples collected on survey cruises, looking at links between cur- rent environmental conditions and their population boom here as well as their role in the food chain. “We’re learning on our feet,” Brodeur said. What is missing At the same time research- ers are seeing masses of pyro- somes, they are not seeing other creatures. “If there’s a positive side to this, the normal jellies that we get, that tend to be a nui- sance, we don’t know if they will be here this year,” Bro- deur said. And there are no velella velella, or by-the-wind-sail- ors, drifting jellyfish-like crea- tures that sail over the surface of the water. They often wash up in piles on Oregon’s and Washington’s beaches, crisp- ing and turning white in the sun. In recent years, velella velella were so dense out on the ocean that passing boats several times mistook them for sheens of oil and radioed the U.S. Coast Guard think- ing a boat had sunk nearby. This year, they are nowhere. A wave of them showed up in February, but since then they haven’t really been seen. Velella velella is a spe- cies with ebbs and flows, but in hindsight, Fisher said, their absence is a little odd. “Everything else seems like it’s getting back to normal,” she said. “We have cold, nutrient-rich water, we have upwelling, we’re starting to see krill again. All of these things that have been absent over the last few years, but now we have pyrosomes.” Fees: Bill needs only Gov. Brown’s signature Continued from Page 1A according to the Legislative Fiscal Office. State parks offi- cials said they want to use the proceeds to beef up main- tenance and repairs at parks facilities. State Rep. David Brock Smith, R-Port Orford, tes- tified last month the tactic could help stimulate tourism in parts of his district on the southern Oregon Coast. “We know that for just a little bit more in some of our places that are very special and loved, that we might be able to drive more folks (to other parks),” Sumption said. “For example, on the south coast, we could get folks to go from a larger campground that’s full and maybe use price and other amenities to drive folks to Humbug Moun- tain, which is at 17 percent capacity.” The goal is to find “a way to disperse people and cre- ate greater access and oppor- tunity through price as one tool,” she said. LISTINGS A - Charter Astoria/ Seaside - L - Charter Long Beach The Senate voted 27-1 to pass the bill. The state House passed the legislation unan- imously in May. The bill needs only a signature from Gov. Kate Brown to become law. The Capital Bureau is a collaboration between EO Media Group and Pamplin Media Group. Evening listings THURSDAY J UNE 8 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 KATU News at 6 Jeopardy! Wheel of Fortune Grey's Anatomy Scandal The Catch KATU News at 11 (:35) Jimmy Kimmel KOMO 4 News Wheel of Fortune Jeopardy! Grey's Anatomy Scandal The Catch KOMO 4 News (:35) Jimmy Kimmel (5:00) NHL Hockey Stanley Cup Playoffs Nashville vs Pittsburgh (L) Evening Evening Xterra Adventures Xterra Adventures Dateline NBC KING 5 News (:35) Tonight Show KOIN 6 News at 6 CBS Evening News Extra Ent. Tonight Big Bang Theory Superior Donuts Mom Life in Pieces Bull KOIN 6 News @ 11 (:35) Colbert KIRO 7 News CBS Evening News The Insider Ent. 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