The daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1961-current, May 29, 2017, Page 6A, Image 6

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Cellphone user causes accident
Dear Annie: Despite the pas- tice! What about my husband’s life?
sage of considerable time, sadly this
It would take too many words
topic is still one worthy of second to express the depth of the pain of
thought and action.
loss our daughter, my husband’s sis-
Fourteen years ago, my hus- ters and I have felt every day for
band was killed in a senseless, tragic 14 years and will continue to feel.
motor vehicle accident.
At my husband’s calling hours, so
many of those present —
A girl talking on her
cellphone while driving
bosses and co-workers
alike — commented to me
lost control of her vehicle
and was witnessed weav-
about what a professional
ing across narrow highway
gentleman he was. To all
lanes, forcing my husband
his family and friends, he
over the guardrail. His car
was a gentle, caring human
fell approximately 60 feet.
being who will be forever
He was taken to a local
All of you who use
hospital with a brain bleed
cellphone while driv-
and numerous fractures of Annie
Syndicate Inc.
ing, please, please stop.
the cervical and thoracic
This was my husband’s pet
spine. After 26 days in a
coma, my beloved husband and my peeve. — Forever Heartbroken
Dear Forever Heartbroken: I
daughter’s best friend passed away.
At the hearing, when the judge am so sorry for your loss.
Readers, if you text while driv-
asked her whether she had been
talking on her cellphone, she lied ing, it’s not a matter of “if” you get
and said no. Her cellphone records into an accident but “when.” If you
proved otherwise. Prior to the hear- have trouble resisting the urge to
ing, the state’s attorney informed me look at your phone, consider install-
that she would serve no prison time. ing an app such as Live2Txt, which
She had graduated as class valedic- blocks all incoming texts and calls
torian and was attending a presti- while you’re driving. For parents,
gious university. She had her whole there’s Cellcontrol, a device that can
life ahead of her. She was given 100 be installed in the dashboard of a
hours of community service at a car and paired with an app that pre-
rehab facility. Such a travesty of jus- vents your teen from texting while
Thank you for raising this
important issue. If your letter causes
even one person to think twice
before texting while driving, it just
might save a life.
Dear Annie: My granddaughter
is turning 7 soon and wants to have
a small birthday party. She has five
friends she wants to invite. Her mom
(my daughter) is close to another
mother who has a child in the same
group, but my granddaughter does
not want to invite that child.
In previous years, this child was
invited, but during this past year, the
kids have grown apart, although all
the mothers have stayed in contact
So the problem is: Should this
child be invited in order to keep the
peace, or should my granddaughter
invite only the friends she wants?
We’re not sure of the best way to
handle this. Her birthday is com-
ing up soon, so we need your help.
— Nana
Dear Nana: I’m never one for
leaving children out, especially
when they are as young as 7. Invite
her. Who knows? By next week,
they may be best friends. Kids
change their minds all the time.
They’re much more open than we
grown-ups are.
By Holiday Mathis, Creators Syndicate Inc.
ARIES (March 21-April 19). You want to go
on adventures, but you also realize that each
adventure has its cost. There’s a dollar amount
and an energetic amount to be settled. Today’s
adventure will be worth the price of admission.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20). The depth of a
loss is measured by how long it takes you to
get over it. This is a highly personal equation.
What one person shrugs off another carries
around for years. You can expect everyone’s
healing pace to be different.
GEMINI (May 21-June 21). Sound of mind,
sound of body — what more could you ask
for? Sure, you can think of a few other things
you might like to request. But is that the right
thing to do? Give, give, and give more. The
sun is in your sector, and generosity is your
an agenda beyond all that.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). You do not
strive to be generous in order to satisfy a
social quota. You give what you feel like giving.
That’s honest. The special charisma that swirls
around you today has a lot to do with that
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). Neglect is
an underused concept. Use it now. Problems
fade from neglect. Ignore them and they go
away. Maybe they were never problems to be-
gin with, merely situations, or even non-issues.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). There’s
something a little weird afoot. You think, “I don’t
have time for this!” But then “this” is all you’re
doing. Well, that means “this” is important to
your development as a person.
CANCER (June 22-July 22). To flatter isn’t
always to put yourself in a lower position. After
all, it takes one to know one. And a little more
on the subject: Doing the opposite is also a
form of imitation.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). Transitions
are precarious parts of life, represented in big
happenings and also in the day to day. Be
tender to those in the middle stages, as they
are particularly vulnerable.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). The tone of a thing will
be much more important than what the thing
does or is. The representation is what will mat-
ter. This isn’t right; it’s just what’s happening.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). The call of duty
— some dread it. But to you, this is an entry
point. You like to go beyond the call of duty, in
fact. Going beyond the call is your aim in many
regards these days.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). When you see
something that’s inconsistent with your belief
system, by your definition it’s absurd. Yet you
might find yourself doing that very thing —
which is equally absurd. And there’s really
nothing wrong with either.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). Progress is a hard
thing to nail down, because who knows which
nuisance is better than the last? You’ll figure
it out. Some praise will come to you on the
matter, not that it will mean much, since you’ve
walls come crumbling down in this solar
return. You want to connect with people, and
you want to live without limits. These things
will happen! Don’t let anyone (including you)
define you in a way that constricts your identity.
Professional goals will be met in September.
November brings more financial winnings. Ari-
es and Taurus adore you. Your lucky numbers
are: 40, 2, 22, 29 and 18.