6A FEATURES Parents apply the pressure Dear Annie: My parents to do anymore. Any advice don’t care about whether I’m you could give me on how to happy; they only care about talk to them about this would whether I’m successful. That be appreciated. — Not Good basically says it all. They always Enough Dear Not: I’m proud of you complain about my grades and compare me with the other kids, for taking the time to write and ask for help. What- talking about how jeal- DEAR ever you do, do not hurt ous they are that the other yourself. Please dis- parents have honor-roll ANNIE cuss the thoughts you’re kids they can brag about. having with your par- And even though my ents, a guidance coun- grades have been mostly selor or the Suicide Pre- bad, I do occasionally do vention Lifeline (which well, but they have very offers totally confiden- rarely told me that they tial support). If you ever are proud of me — espe- Lane feel as if you’re a seri- cially my dad. I don’t Annie Creators Syndicate Inc. ous danger to yourself, think I have ever heard dial 911. him say the word proud Your parents seem to have in any context. And that’s not just true with their priorities out of order, but respect to my classes. I’m also that doesn’t mean you’re not in the school band, on the foot- good enough or that they don’t ball team and a Boy Scout, and love you. I’m sure that they really they refuse to acknowledge my believe the pressure they’re pil- accomplishments in any field. I ing on is ultimately in your best understand that as a sophomore interest and will motivate you to in high school, I need to pre- do better. Their idea of success pare for my future, but it’s as may always be different from if that’s all they care about, and yours, but there are ways (espe- they don’t care at all about how cially once you’re older and I feel. I’ve started to have fre- out of the house) you can make quent suicidal thoughts because peace with that. Life is much big- of it. I just don’t know what ger than it looks right now. Dear Annie: After read- ing the letter from “Broken- hearted Mom” — who followed her adult child to a new city, only to be left out in the cold and dumped on — I was heart- broken for her. This woman’s children should be ashamed of themselves! You only get one mom, and when she’s gone, that kind of unconditional love will be gone, as well. You just can’t replace her. If she lives anywhere near me, I would be delighted to come over on a weekend and put together her furniture. I can just hear my mom saying it’s just the right thing to do. I lost her six years ago. My mother never met a stranger. If this woman is nearby, I would really be willing to help her. I live in Louisville, Kentucky. — Miss- ing Mom Dear Missing: Thank you for your sweet and concerned letter. Unfortunately, I don’t think “Brokenhearted Mom” is anywhere near Louisville, but I’ve passed your note along so she knows that others are think- ing of her. Please keep sharing your generous heart with the world. THE DAILY ASTORIAN • WEDNESDAY, APRIL 26, 2017 TOMORROW’S HOROSCOPE By Holiday Mathis, Creators Syndicate Inc. ARIES (March 21-April 19). There’s a risk you’ve been considering for some time. This is the breakthrough you’ve been waiting for. You’ll recognize a pattern and use the discovery to make a timely play. TAURUS (April 20-May 20). There’s a time for glitz, glamour and show and a time for slipping under the radar and observing your advantage from that low position. Underplay your next move. Humility is not only a virtue; it’s a tactic. GEMINI (May 21-June 21). There is a difference between acting out of a desire to do what’s right and acting out of fear of the repercussions that will happen when you do what’s wrong. The former builds energy. The latter drains it. CANCER (June 22-July 22). You’ve a talent for carefully organizing the chaos. It’s amaz- ing! You’ll accidentally impress someone with your ability to stay calm and bring clarity to the picture. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). You don’t have to actu- ally be brave to do brave things. It’s more about acting as a brave person would, and then making a habit of that. Follow through time and again. Before you know it, you’re the real deal. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). You’re an excel- lent steward of your resources. Of course, the temptations are few now, but this will change. Take stock of the way you’re manag- ing and lay down some rules you can abide by for continued success. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). You’re ahead of your time in some way. Table the idea, and then get back in step with the others. When there’s an opportunity to use this, you’ll be ready to jump. For now it’s better to stay in sync. FRANK AND ERNEST BLONDIE THATABABY SALLY FORTH PHOEBE AND HER UNICORN B.C. LOLA DILBERT SIX CHIX BIZARRO MUTTS NON SEQUITUR BABY BLUES WIZARD OF ID ZITS ROSE IS ROSE SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). What would you do if you knew that the best is yet to come? Would you stop worrying and hedg- ing your bets? Would you let go of some- thing substandard in your life? All indications point to... the best really is yet to come! SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). Act on a whim. There’s no guarantee it will turn out as hoped, but even if it doesn’t it will be a lot more interesting than if you stuck to the “normal” way. The people around need spontaneity just like you do. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). You’ve a pressing desire to live differently. There’s no better time to start. Do it today; repeat it to- morrow and the next day and the next. What you do daily will get easier until it’s automatic and just part of how you are. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). Look for the small improvements. They can make a big difference. Be proud of the little steps; they’ll add up. The person who makes slow progress makes progress indeed. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). When you love what’s happening, you’ll be enthusiastic on the inside, cool on the outside. When you don’t love what’s happening (but you know that they do), it’s just the opposite. TOMORROW’S BIRTHDAY (April 27). You’ve a checklist of things you want to accomplish this year. You’ll hit a few, miss a few and stumble into bits of life that make you deeper and more exceptional than any list-worthy qualification ever could. The plac- es you seek in August will inspire a lifestyle change. New friendships lead to work in October. Cancer and Gemini adore you. Your lucky numbers are: 46, 38, 11, 20 and 26.