The daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1961-current, March 22, 2017, Page 5A, Image 5

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Jealousy creeps its way in
Dear Annie: I’ve never felt them) completely and know I
so strongly about anyone as I don’t have to worry about infi-
do about my girlfriend, “Ange- delity. But I can’t help but feel
lina.” She is warm and funny a little jealous when, for exam-
and makes me want to be my ple, I realize my friends texted
best self every day. The year her about plans instead of me.
that we’ve been dating has been When I’ve “jokingly” brought
that up to her, she said
the best of my life.
it’s because I’m bad
This is a great change
about texting/calling
from my previous girl-
people back and all my
friend, who was from a
friends know it.
well-to-do family and
Another example:
wasn’t afraid to flaunt
Recently, I was out
it. She was gorgeous but
of town for work for
expected me to worship
two weeks, and Ange-
the ground she walked
lina went out with my
on because of that. She
friends a few times.
didn’t like spending time Annie
Syndicate Inc.
Sometimes I worry
with any of my friends.
that she’ll end up con-
When she told me we
couldn’t go to my best friend’s necting better with one of my
birthday party — because he’s friends than with me. She and
an “idiot,” according to her — I my best friend do click really
well. As much as I don’t want
decided to end it.
So it’s no surprise that I’m to be jealous, I feel that green
thrilled Angelina clicks with my monster sneaking up on me.
friends. She gets along so well Should I talk to her and/or my
with them, and they all think friends, or would I seem crazy?
she’s hilarious. I like going out — Love-Struck
Dear Love: Your girlfriend
with her and all my buds. I’m
proud to show off what an awe- loves your friends because she
loves you, not the other way
some girlfriend I have.
The problem is that I feel as if around — and don’t you for-
she’s getting along too well with get it. So often, jealousy is a
some of them. I trust her (and self-fulfilling prophecy. Every
time you indulge such a whim
(telling your partner not to
spend time with a certain per-
son, asking for validation, etc.),
you end up feeling even less
secure and more in need of val-
idation. Use positive self-talk
(“My wonderful girlfriend loves
me,” “I love that my girlfriend
cares about my friends,” “What
concrete facts are before me?”)
rather than positively talking
yourself out of a happy rela-
tionship. It seems you’ve found
a keeper, and I see no reason to
goof things up by letting your
insecurity call the shots.
Dear Annie: In responding
to a distraught parent who was
“Tired and Exhausted” because
of her son’s addiction, you sug-
gested Al-Anon or Nar-Anon.
From my experience, another
12-step group has been invalu-
able: Families Anonymous. As
with other 12-step groups, loca-
tions can be found online. —
Stepfather of an Addict
Dear Stepfather: Thank you
for recommending this great
organization, which is for the
friends and family members of
those who suffer from addiction.
Visit http://www.familiesanony- for more information.
By Holiday Mathis, Creators Syndicate Inc.
ARIES (March 21-April 19). The spirit of
adventure is rather obviously alive in you.
You’ll raise eyebrows and get other kinds
of attention from people who wish they
had the guts to take on life the way you do
TAURUS (April 20-May 20). You don’t get
to choose your family, your colleagues or
your neighbors. When you can be friends
with someone who also happens to be a
person you didn’t choose, it really feels like
the universe is on your side.
GEMINI (May 21-June 21). You’ll make
something interesting happen socially,
something that no one was expecting.
Because of you, the other person feels em-
powered to take a risk. This is getting good.
CANCER (June 22-July 22). If one person
is calling all of the shots, no matter how
brilliant this person may be, the situation
will not be as stable as a scene with a
few diverse leaders who can balance one
have a critical opinion, it will ultimately
inform and help you.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). The events
you’ll deal in today may only be important
to the players involved. Outsiders wouldn’t
understand. There’s a good feeling attached
to knowing you are on the inside.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). There
will be a great level of complexity to your
dealings. There will be rules to follow, stated
and unspoken. The more sensitive you
are to the latter kind, the less you’ll have to
abide by the former kind.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). You may
not be in the mood to “be yourself” today,
and if you want to be someone else for a
while instead, you’ll find a way to do this
playfully and ethically.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). Destroying
someone’s illusions is just as damaging as
destroying personal property. To respect a
person is to respect the mythology that the
person lives within.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). There is magic in
your writing. You can really use it today in a
number of possible directions. Writing things
down can make them more real, easier to
let go of or harder to forget.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). There’s plea-
sure in work and work in pleasure. Right
now it will be easier for you to extract the joy
from difficult endeavors than it will for you to
take the difficulty out of joyful endeavors.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). You can’t be
completely known, because you’re not one
definitive way. Different environments and
people pull out new sides of you. Today it
will feel like you’re deciding who to be with
every little choice you make.
not enough to know. This year you’ll act on
what you know and greatly benefit from this,
too. Sometimes it’s better to live through it
than think through it. Love will surprise and
change you in April. May is for reconnecting
relationships and healing family karma.
August brings a financial breakthrough.
Gemini and Pisces adore you. Your lucky
numbers are: 2, 14, 33, 38 and 27.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). No one likes to
be criticized, but right now you really want
to know you’ve been seen, that others are
trying to understand what you do. If they