The daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1961-current, January 20, 2017, WEEKEND EDITION, Page 3C, Image 17

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Show me the money
Dear Annie: I have been we’re together). There’s also
dating this girl, “Laura,” for a twinge of feeling as if she’s
about two months. Things are ungrateful for what I do, which
going extremely well. She’s I don’t want to grow. What’s
kind, funny, intelligent — the best way to proceed? — I
all the things I look for in a Ain’t No Mr. Moneybags
woman. But we’ve
Dear Mr.: Gen-
been on many, many
erally, I think who-
ever does the asking
dates, and she’s only
offered to pay once. I
should do the paying.
So if your partner’s
am happy to pay, and I
want to — she’s a spe-
favorite restaurant is a
ritzy, three-dollar-sign
cial girl, so I feel fortu-
steakhouse downtown,
nate to have the plea-
by all means, she can
sure of her company,
take you. But she can’t
and I really do care for
propose the idea and
her — but I’m in law Annie
Syndicate Inc.
then expect you to foot
school right now, and
the whole bill.
my well doesn’t run
Seeing as how this is both-
that deep.
I’ve tried to drop hints here ering you, it seems to be a
and there — suggesting we red flag that she hasn’t been
go to a more casual restau- offering to pay. Try raising
rant instead of the one with your budgetary concerns in
the tablecloth, hit the matinee a friendly way, and keep the
rather than the movie at the focus positive. Good on you
Saturday date-night hour, etc. for being generous these past
— and she’s always down for two months. Chivalry is alive
the change of plans, but she and kicking.
Dear Annie: I’m writing
doesn’t seem to get it. I don’t
know whether she’s just that not with a solution for “Tired
clueless or she actually has in Tulsa” but about her com-
that expectation (and will con- ment about being tired all the
tinue to have it for as long as time since the birth of her baby.
I want to encourage all people,
especially women, to take bet-
ter care of themselves.
I was exhausted and tired
while raising my children and
working full time. I wish now I
had not expected myself to do
it all. I would have been a bet-
ter person, parent and wife if I
had done something to reduce
my workload either at work or
at home. And I might be feel-
ing better now in my 60s if I’d
taken better care of myself.
And I wouldn’t be look-
ing back with regret at how I
treated the people around me
because I was tired and cranky.
I realize it may not always
be economically possible, but
many of us could do well with
less. I think my family and
I would have been better off
with less money if it had meant
I was in a better state of mind
after taking care of myself.
So my advice to every-
one is to do the best you can
to get enough rest, exercise
and good food and take care of
your emotional needs. It’s not
selfish, because it does benefit
everyone around you. — Wish-
ing I Had Taken Better Care
By Holiday Mathis, Creators Syndicate Inc.
ARIES (March 21-April 19). A project seems to
be taking over your life in many ways, including
financial ones. Don’t emphasize how expensive
it is; rather, focus on the joy, education and
relationships it brings.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20). If you aren’t busy
working on your own goals today, you’re work-
ing on someone else’s. Whose? And how did
this person get so lucky as to entice you to this
line? It’s an excellent time to review and rework
the plan.
GEMINI (May 21-June 21). Stick to the one
aim, the one person, the one ideal you want to
hold up. Multitasking pretty much ensures mal-
content. Try and do two things; none get done.
CANCER (June 22-July 22). You’ll give your-
self the good advice like you usually do, but no
guarantees that you’re going to follow it. And
who is the “you” who’s giving it anyway? Is this
person taking into consideration all (the humor,
fun, bonding) you need?
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). Some call it moral
courage, some call it optimism, and you don’t
call it anything, because this is how you are.
You’re the one moving forward, seeing the
possibilities, giving that big smile and feeling
groovy today.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). When you love
something there are two modes you often take.
You either make it sacred, and stash it on high
in an untouchable place, or you play with it
every which way until it’s worn-in like only you
could do it.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). Your happiness
is not dependent on approval, excitement or
reward. You’re curious. You find it easy to like
people. These qualities are what drive you to
the interesting places.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). Every time you
think of a memory, you corrupt it. It’s not just
you; these are the wonderful adaptations of
the human brain. This is why history is more of
an art than a science — something to keep in
mind now.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). To change
yourself is to change the world. Most people
don’t think of it, though. It’s not the most pop-
ular quest. Everyone is trying to make a mark
outwardly. The inward changers — they’re onto
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). Storms on
Jupiter make earthly hurricanes look infantile.
But that’s just how it is around here. Nothing on
earth can rage indefinitely. When passion dies
down, as is its natural course, acceptance is
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). Since you’re
going to travel the same roads time and again,
why not sprinkle some wildflower seeds as
you go, so you’ll have pretty changes to watch
along the way? PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20).
You wish time would change things for you, but
it’s becoming clear that you’re going to have
to do it yourself. A little more grit, a little more
muscle, some negotiations, a sprinkle of charm
— you’re almost there.
TOMORROW’S BIRTHDAY (Jan. 21). You give
the others a sense that you’re in it together,
and that’s some of the reason they really want
to be in it with you. The shrewd, timely and
lucrative actions you take in the next 10 weeks
don’t hurt either! What marches into your life in
March will open your heart. Then June takes it
to a contractual level. Taurus and Gemini adore
you. Your lucky numbers are: 40, 3, 22, 28 and