The daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1961-current, December 23, 2016, WEEKEND EDITION, Page 14, Image 39

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    Warrenton Grade
School Letters to
Dear Santa,
I was good at the Oregon zoo. I
wundr how fast your sla gos? I
want fre christmas is sumit.
your Bff Dalton
Dear Santa,
I want a xbox1 for christmas.
How I been good is whenever my
friend Coltyn gets hurt I help him.
your friend Teagan
Dear Santa,
I shud be on the good list because I
got good gerades. I want Aerme
for Christmas. Is roudoff the red
nose raneder reel? From: Beau
Dear Santa,
I went a hors for Chrismas. Do
you like cookie's santa? I help my
mommy beceaes my mommy
hurt hre sholdr.
love Ciara
Dear Santa,
Would you get me ore makeup. I
can read sixth grade books. What
is your favorote kind of cookie?
Love Sofia
Dear Santa,
What is you're favorite cooki. I
helped a hurt friend. Can I get a
mebo.From Frankie
Dear Santa,
I ask for a podex. I help my dad
and my mom wote is poke farit
coocey. from Kadence
Dear Santa,
Thank you for leting me have a
grat christmas. I would like a col-
oring kit for christmas please. I
like that you like my cookie's and
milk. Sincerely Jasmine
Dear Santa,
I've been good I help my dad when
he is sick. Which cinde of elf is the
best that you like? Santa I want
a small cute puppy. Sincerely,
Dear Santa,
I really want a toy tiruck that you
can ride. I have been really good I
allways help my cousin with her
babby. do you like oriyo mint
cockys? Love Alexis
Dear Santa,
Thank you for making all the toys.
I would like a American doll baby.
Santa please say hi to Mrs Closs.
from Clire
Dear Santa,
I un lauded the dish washer. and
I vackuam the floor. Santa do you
love pancakes? can I have a poke-
mon set. from Diego
Dear Santa,
what is your favorite randeer. I've
been cleaning the house. I would
like a remot control car. from Gene
Dear Santa,
Thank you for your giffs. I would
like to see you. Santa say Thank
you to the Elfs for me.
Sincerely Kylica
Dear santa,
I want a toy bow 8 arow please
please prity please. Do you Like
panckacs? I shood be on the good
list Becas I peel with my sister.
from: Tyler
Dear Santa,
Thank you for my gvf. could I
have a nerf mega mastadon plant
vs zombies gw2 and chocolate.
Hope you like your cookies.Sirn-
sislly Gage A
Dear Santa,
I like christmas. Can you pleas
make my kusin viset my family
ples? I will like that.
Love Milana H
Dear Santa
I helped Dilen make a fire. I really
want a mincraft stuff anmial
slime. I want to now wat favrites
cookie is. from, Boom
Dear Santa,
I wot a toy Santa. I helped Sofia
win she got hrt. Santa do you
have a favrite randar. Love,
Dear Santa,
I want a d.s. for Christmas. I have
bin really good I helped my frend.
I owis wated to keny of you have
a dog. from Hunter P
from a ll of u s a t
224 0 C o m m ercia l S treet, Asto ria
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5 03 -3 25 -6 3 6 2
14 • Letters to Santa 2016 •