6A FEATURES She’s still feeling abused Dear Annie: As a child, I kind person. I have spent my life endured horrible physical and helping others. I have also been in verbal abuse by my parents. As an counseling since I became preg- adult, I found myself in an abu- nant, making sure I don’t continue sive relationship with a man. He the cycle of abuse. My parents and my son’s lied to me about having a vasec- tomy and intentionally got me father have destroyed the relation- ship between my son and pregnant to keep me in his me. Because they spoil life “forever.” DEAR him rotten, he believes I was pregnant and ANNIE everything they say. He destitute with nowhere to treats me not based on turn, so I made the big- how I’ve treated him, gest mistake of my life. but based only on how I contacted my parents. my parents and his father They fed me and made talk about me. I am dev- sure I had everything I astated to have lost my needed for my son. Over the years, I allowed my Annie Lane son to them. I have tried telling him the truth son to have a very limited Creators Syndicate Inc. about them, but now it relationship with them, is too late. I have tried and I monitored it closely. I thought I was protecting my son counseling with my son, as well. by not telling him all of the hor- The therapist did not realize the rible things my parents and his scope of the abuse, so counsel- ing failed. Now my son won’t go father did to me. Now my son is 18 and has a to counseling anymore. I feel that very negative opinion of me. He I am still being abused, and I am moved in with my parents. It turns completely hopeless. Is there any way at all to get out that both my parents and his father have done nothing but bad- my son back? — Hopeless in NY Dear Hopeless: I’m sorry for mouth me in every way to my son for years. They must make stuff your separation from your son. up about me, because I have never Because he is 18, there is no legal given them any reason to say bad course you can take here. Time is things about me. I am a good, the only thing that can give your son back to you. Focus on your own well-being, physically and mentally. Be the healthiest you that you can be. As he matures more, he should be able to see for himself that Grandma and Grandpa aren’t telling the whole story. Dear Annie: I grew up in the 1950s and was taught by parents, schoolteachers and preachers that a man isn’t supposed to wear any kind of head covering indoors. This was further enforced by drill sergeants when I joined the Army. Now it seems that just about any- where you go, including restau- rants, there are some men sitting and wearing hats or caps, even while eating. Have the rules of common courtesy changed that much? I think it looks disgusting. — Appalled Dear Appalled: Unfortu- nately, it’s a custom that seems to have fallen by the wayside, as fash- ion and what’s considered accept- able have changed a great deal in general. I doubt that the people who wear hats indoors know it is rude to do so; perhaps they were never taught. But I agree with you. It would be nice if we could lift up those baseball hats and show them some manners. THE DAILY ASTORIAN • THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 2016 TOMORROW’S HOROSCOPE By Holiday Mathis, Creators Syndicate Inc. ARIES (March 21-April 19). In the name of understanding where another person is coming from, you’ll learn about things that don’t interest you or you’ll take part in activities you never thought you would. It will either build character or the relationship or both. TAURUS (April 20-May 20). You’re going to change; you’re not going to lose who you are, though. By arranging the “you” differently, you’ll appear to be, and therefore experience life as, someone else. GEMINI (May 21-June 21). You’re in a sweet position to negotiate, because you don’t really need the thing you’re bargaining for. Be ready and willing — almost eager — to walk away from the deal, and you’ll get the best one imaginable. CANCER (June 22-July 22). When others treat you poorly it doesn’t bring your value down; it brings theirs down. If this happens, remain reasonable and rise above it. If, from that view, you still think a sharp response will help, apply it mindfully. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). You’ve a new deliber- ateness to your being. You show up, tune in, keep flowing attention to what you’re doing and execute the action like it’s the only thing that exists in the world moment. For you, it is. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). Make your point, but don’t present it as though it’s the absolute way and truth. You’ll be more convincing if you present it as one good option. Bring up the opposition, if only to prove you understand what you’re up against. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). These are normal conditions — no extenuating circumstances here to factor in. Therefore, what you see is not only what you get: It’s what you’ll get more and FRANK AND ERNEST BLONDIE THATABABY SALLY FORTH PHOEBE AND HER UNICORN B.C. LOLA DILBERT SIX CHIX BIZARRO MUTTS NON SEQUITUR BABY BLUES WIZARD OF ID ZITS ROSE IS ROSE more of. Is that acceptable to you? If not, do something now. SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). There are those who believe that the morally correct thing to do is that which results in the happiness of the ma- jority. You know better. Right is right, and wrong is still wrong even when it’s the popular choice. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). As conclu- sive as it may be, the evidence that, as of yet, has gone undiscovered cannot be factored into your decision. Buy time. Delay the conclusion. You need to know more. Don’t act now. Better to wait and see. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). Someone is trying to convince you that the story is neither true nor false — that the amount of truth it holds should be enough. Let this be a red flag. The fuzzy logic won’t hold over time. It’s true or it’s not. Probably it’s not. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). No more messing around. You don’t need inspiration or research or tools. You just need to get in there and put the hard work in. You can have this finished in a few hours if you apply yourself. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). The commer- cial world is a messy plurality of objects and services that is organized, thankfully, into a monetary system. Today it will help you to remember that this concept of money isn’t fixed or absolute. Negotiate. TOMORROW’S BIRTHDAY (Nov. 25). If you absolutely had to distill the meaning of life into one word, your word would be “love.” You’ll live, give and have so much of it this year, you’ll be pinching yourself at times to make sure you’re not in a dream. The new year will bring different professional opportunities. Leo and Gemini adore you. Your lucky numbers: 4, 22, 38, 17, 44.