Forsythea FR IDAY , N O V EM BER 2 5 to S UN DAY N O V EM BER 2 7 HOLIDAY SPECIALS BLOCKS of 10 Where nature & art collide in décor that will refresh & comfort 2 0 O FF % “New Release” Movie Rentals Specials on all things Rogue November 23 RD - 28 th Starts at 11am daily C hr i stm a s D eco r Join us Friday, November 25th 1-4 pm for a book signing from the author and illustrator of “The Scandinavian Santa” T ha n ksg ivin g S AL E Don’t forget your christmas gifts! SALE 29 $ 9 5 JOIN OUR UNLIMITED PROGRAM 19 95 $ per mo. 4 movie rentals at a time excludes new releases Large Selection DVD’s on Sale 1 $ 99 & up No minimum purchase II TTALA fine art décor traditional toys Gift Certificates Make choose their The Perfect Gift... they own videos! 1 1 2 4 C o m m e rc i a l S t . Astoria, OR 503 325-2189 M a ri m ekko Monday - Saturday 11am-5:30pm Sunday Noon - 4 Pm (503)325-5720 • 1-8 00-8 51-FIN N • 1116 Co m m ercia l • As to ria Special order that particular film for yourself or as a gif t! Hurry, time is running out to get here by Christmas. All specials good through Christmas only! Historic Hanthorn Cannery Pier 39 VIDEO H O R IZONS 750 Astor St., Astoria • 503-325 - 7 3 10 100 39 T H S T REET , S UIT E 601 A S T O RIA • 503-468-0923 ... for movie release dates, previews and more!! ANNUAL H oliday S ale & O p en H ou se • Holiday Treats • Gourmet Food Sampling • Special Wine Tasting Sea Gypsy Gallery and Gifts Local Handcraft ed Art Jewelry Artwork Candles Stained Glass Body Products Upcycled Artwork F riday & S atu rday O n ly N O VEM BER 25 t h & 26 th 503. 325.66 00 1004 M a rin e Dr. Asto ria 15 %off purchase on Plaid Friday Tu es-S a t 10a m - 5:30p m w w w .thecella ro n m text “thecella r” to 24 5 87 fo r a virtu a l to u r 18 • HOME FOR THE HOLIDAYS 2016 • WWW.DAILYASTORIAN.COM 1001 Commercial Street Astoria, Oregon 97103 360-510-2488