THE DAILY ASTORIAN • TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 2016 FEATURES Good communication is key Dear Annie: My husband is a struggling with his travel sched- consultant and travels frequently ule and leaving the family. Also, for work. When he travels, he’ll I know he is so loving and caring sometimes leave Sunday and toward me and our family. I need return the following Friday. He to know: Am I crazy? And how do will sometimes do this for three I tame my fears? — Jealous Wife Dear Jealous: It’s funny how weeks out of a month. The proj- when we let our imagina- ects may last six months tions run wild, they could or three years. It grows DEAR go anywhere yet often go lonely without him. ANNIE to the same bad familiar I’m the product of places — in this case, the divorced parents. My memory of your father father left my mother after and his affair. she found out he was hav- You’ve said yourself ing an affair. that there’s no actual evi- This experience has dence that would support had an obvious impact on me, particularly with Annie Lane your fears about your Creators husband’s fidelity. If he my jealousy. I am always Syndicate Inc. has always been honest searching my husband and trustworthy, I see no for any evidence of an affair, whether it’s going through reason to question that now. Jealousy is a monster. The his phone and email or searching his pockets. I’m never certain he’s more you feed it the bigger it gets. Before you know it, you’ve let it been faithful. He’s been on an extended proj- tear, Godzilla-like, through your ect in Europe, frequently leav- entire life. So you must stop feed- ing on Saturdays or Sundays. ing it. Resist the urge to go through He’s missed several events for our your husband’s texts, emails, children and also birthdays and phone logs and pockets. The more our anniversary. I’m becoming you exercise the trust muscle the increasingly concerned that he’s stronger it becomes. And a robust sense of trust is fundamental to a having an affair. All the while, there is no real healthy marriage. All that aside, communication evidence of this, and he is clearly is also fundamental. It sounds as if his time away from home has been hard on your relationship. Talk to each other about this. If he can’t work fewer hours and travel less, you can find other ways to maintain intimacy and emotional closeness. Dear Annie: Whoa! Your response to “Scared of My Friends” really smacked of age- ism. I just turned 70. I live in a rural area and drive every day. Do you know who is really dan- gerous on the road? Someone who is driving with his knees because he is texting or someone holding a cellphone to her ear while driving. Those are the folks who are going to cause accidents, not me because I turned a magic number. I have a very thorough eye exam every year. My eyes are pre- cious to me, and I want to take the best care of them. I work out six days a week, with an hour and a half of cardio and some weights. So do not judge people by a num- ber on a calendar. And certainly do not encourage a government agency to begin using age discrim- ination to keep folks from driving. Take the texters off the road. They are really dangerous. I’m not. — Stephanie in New York 5A TOMORROW’S HOROSCOPE By Holiday Mathis, Creators Syndicate Inc. ARIES (March 21-April 19). Some of the most influential people of your life aren’t the type to readily give advice. They just live exemplary lives, certain aspects of which you would love to emulate — and today, you will. SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). There is but one way to draw a straight line between two points. But if the line is crooked it can follow an infinite number of different paths. Do what’s right. Go directly. Get there the easy, simple way. TAURUS (April 20-May 20). Smart people seek wisdom, and wise people seek intelli- gence. Certainly there will be plentiful examples of one without the other today, but not from (well-rounded and deliberate) you. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). All things turn into fire in the end — otherwise known as “the beginning,” because fire is also the birth- mother of all things. Wherever you are in your creative process, it’s a good and necessary part of the cycle. GEMINI (May 21-June 21). You’ve been there. You’ve been the source of the long sigh followed by “If only.” But now you’re too busy making things happen for yourself for such sighing. You need to be around people who are the same way. CANCER (June 22-July 22). “Vain is the word of a philosopher which does not heal any suf- fering of man.” There’s lots of advice out there today, mostly unhelpful, much of it impractical. It only adds to the beauty of a good ol’ to-do list. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). Though it’s sometimes fun to touch on mystical topics, what matters today more than who you were in a past life or how to interpret someone’s aura is who you are being now and how that’s working with the other person’s need of you. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). No one knows why, but even hungry livestock sometimes need to be prodded to the pasture. One never knows what might be distracting another per- son. Kindness is called for. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). The person with the least need of a situation has the most cheerful, relaxed attitude toward it. From this mood, a person can see and attract more opportunity. Today provides one more example of the bene- fits of detachment. FRANK AND ERNEST BLONDIE THATABABY SALLY FORTH PHOEBE AND HER UNICORN B.C. LOLA DILBERT SIX CHIX BIZARRO MUTTS NON SEQUITUR BABY BLUES WIZARD OF ID ZITS ROSE IS ROSE CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). There should be a name for the particular type of anxiety that accompanies technical difficulties. Software errors, password fails, Wi-Fi issues... quickly let it go. You’ll come up with astoundingly creative solutions. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). Don’t let work take an outsized role on your sense of self. You’re not defined by your work any more than you’re defined by what you own, who you know, or any other single element of your life. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). Maybe it’s impos- sible to tame that ocean of feeling inside you, but you’ll be incredibly powerful when moments of calm do come over you. Through self-pos- sessed, patient politeness you’ll get exactly what you want. TOMORROW’S BIRTHDAY (Nov. 23). Your appreciation for what you already have leads to augmented fortunes this solar return. You treat others with such tenderness through 2017 that relationships will develop an unparalleled depth of feeling. There’s a professional advancement in February. A financial upswing begins in May and keeps building. Libra and Pisces adore you. Your lucky numbers are: 4, 19, 33, 24 and 15.