The daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1961-current, November 16, 2016, Page 6A, Image 6

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Gluten-free diets aren’t just a fad Tomorrow’s horoscope
Dear Annie: I’m a woman in
my early 50s. Eight years ago, I
began having messy bathroom-re-
lated accidents in my car after eat-
ing in restaurants. Doctors con-
firmed I had an allergy to gluten
— which made sense, seeing as one
of my parents has it and I had usu-
ally just eaten wheat before having
an attack.
Many restaurants and supermar-
kets are very accommodating. The
hardest part is dealing with regu-
lar snide comments about my glu-
ten-free diet — people saying I’m
just being trendy and I’ll get over it.
I’m sure a lot of people are avoid-
ing wheat by choice, but some of us
have to do it out of necessity. Please
tell your readers to be more discern-
ing. — Frustrated in Framingham
Dear Frustrated: It sounds as
if the people making these remarks
have some intolerance issues of
their own. Gluten-related disorders,
such as celiac disease, are very real.
Just because some fad dieters have
gravitated toward a gluten-free
trend doesn’t make it OK to dis-
miss the issue. Your diet is between
you and your doctor. If anyone else
wants to judge you, he or she should
first walk a mile with your stomach
Dear Annie: I recently retired.
Dear Annie
My husband is still working. In the
past few years, he has started play-
ing a computer game. This is not one
of the ones that involve other play-
ers; it involves only him. At first, he
did it for only an hour or two. Now
he starts when he gets home from
work and plays until bedtime. On
weekends, except for mowing the
lawn and a few other tasks, he plays
from morning until bed.
He has no interest in doing any of
the things we used to do, and I am
worried about the future when he
retires. He used to be good company;
we used to go places and do things
together. I have many interests and
activities, but I miss the man I mar-
ried. I am not looking forward to a
future of this. He refuses to consider
counseling, saying that I am the one
with a problem. — Lonely
Dear Lonely: Your husband is
By Holiday Mathis, Creators Syndicate Inc.
playing a losing game with addic-
tion. Seeing as he’s defensive and
insistent that he doesn’t have a
problem, you might try shifting the
focus to your marriage and the way
his behavior is impacting you. Then
suggest marriage counseling.
I would also recommend contact-
ing On-Line Gamers Anonymous. It
offers help for people in your posi-
tion. One of the first things it empha-
sizes is to stop enabling the gamer’s
problematic behavior. “This means
refraining from doing anything that
makes their life comfortable while
they game, such as bringing them
meals at the computer,” the group
says. Visit
Dear Annie: There was no
response to “Knight’s” letter from
you, so I am sending one.
How chivalrous he is — and
self-centered. Many men who “pay”
expect something in return that a
woman might not care to offer. Quid
pro quo. This is not about com-
mitment. It is about power, con-
trol, intimidation and manipula-
tion. Treating someone should not
be about you; it should be about the
other person. If your date chooses to
not accept your offer, it doesn’t say
anything about you; it says some-
thing about the comfort level of your
date. — Not a Fan
ARIES (March 21-April 19). When people
offer things to you in passing to seem gen-
erous, but then don’t give you the specifics
about how you would take them up on their
offer, call the bluff. Get into this!
TAURUS (April 20-May 20). You’ll be
asking for things you and the people you
represent really need and want. Learn your
customer first. You’ll be successful when
you let their habits dictate your timing.
GEMINI (May 21-June 21). This will be
a day of constant reinvestment. You’ll keep
putting your riches into things and getting
your riches plus more in return. The more
you invest, the more prosperous you’ll be.
CANCER (June 22-July 22). The
amount of freedom you exercise in your
life will be equal to the amount of freedom
you exercise in your head. It will really help
to think your way through the restrictions
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). If you want to
know what’s really hurting you, it’s the
fence. Get off the fence! Make a commit-
ment. Either side will do, really; it doesn’t
matter. Either one will be better than sitting
in the middle.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). Your under-
standing will broaden. As this happens, sud-
denly you may question certain things you
took for granted — like your freedom. How
free are you really? Could you be freer?
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). It’s said that
god helps those who help themselves.
Maybe that’s a bleak view of things.
Shouldn’t the help go to those who need
it? If not, at least the unlucky have you —
more compassionate than deities are ru-
mored to be.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). That per-
son who is blustering around and putting
on a good show is hiding something. He’s
not hiding something big, but he’s hiding an
emptiness he’d rather you not know about.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). The
best thing for your mood will be to let off
steam a little bit at a time. This way you
won’t build up in a blast and burn someone.
Be the teakettle. Move yourself off the burn-
er once you hear the whistle.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). What
was fun and cute once is no longer. You
have real needs that are not being met,
and these distractions aren’t helping you
get them met. You’ll get serious and truthful
on the matter today.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). Go on
and state your terms. Negotiations are a
dance, but you need to get onto the same
dance floor as the other person in order to
realize that you’re actually dancing togeth-
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). The less
you worry, the better. One way is not to
think about it. Another way is to think better
of it. A third way is to go on a long walk.
And if that doesn’t work, there are at least a
dozen other ways that will.
You’ll enjoy how your loved ones celebrate
you, and this is a sign of your healthy, vi-
vacious relationships. To have this kind of
support in your life is truly wonderful. The
best you’ve given will blossom in 2017! Your
financial life gets better in March. Love will
lead you to new places in July. Capricorn
and Scorpio adore you. Your lucky num-
bers are: 7, 30, 22, 48 and 19.