The daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1961-current, November 15, 2016, Page 6A, Image 6

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Hubby reeks with bad hygiene Tomorrow’s horoscope
Dear Annie: I have been hap-
pily married for 25 years. “Mike”
is a wonderful husband with a flaw
— his personal hygiene. He show-
ers only once or twice a week, and
then when he does, he’ll put on the
same dirty pants he wore for the past
three days.
I have asked him, numerous
times, to bathe more frequently and to
change his underwear and socks daily,
whether or not he bathes. (He knows
I don’t mind doing laundry, so that’s
not his excuse.) He comes home from
work and doesn’t change out of his
dusty clothes, and then he sits on the
furniture, leaving dirt and body odor.
He can’t smell it, so he thinks I am
oversensitive and overreacting. I am
so frustrated and at my wits’ end.
Annie, I know he reads your col-
umn every day and hope he will rec-
ognize himself in this letter. I don’t
know how else I can get through to
him. Please help. — Anonymous
Dear Anonymous: Your hus-
band may be depressed, as poor
personal hygiene is a symptom of
self-neglect and can signal a major
depressive disorder. Or he may just
be lazy. If he seems mentally healthy
otherwise and he truly thinks you’re
just being overly sensitive, then I’m
guessing it’s the latter.
Beyond affecting your love life
Dear Annie
(as I’m sure this has), there are other
serious consequences. When a per-
son doesn’t shower often enough,
his skin becomes hospitable to bad
bacteria and vulnerable to all sorts of
He should be showering three (or
more) times a week if he leads a sed-
entary lifestyle, daily if he works out
or does manual labor. And he should
be wearing a fresh pair of underwear
every day.
If he doesn’t believe you and me,
have him consult his physician. He
can either get into the shower or get
into the doctor’s office.
Dear Annie: I am an 18-year-old
freshman at college. I had a wonder-
ful high-school experience — var-
sity volleyball, tons of friends and
two wonderful parents. I worked
hard and got good grades.
During my first semester at
By Holiday Mathis, Creators Syndicate Inc.
school, I have started to constantly
worry that I am going to get sick
and die. The other day, I had a head-
ache and was convinced that I had
a brain tumor. I went to urgent care
and asked whether I needed an MRI.
The professionals there said that
there was nothing seriously wrong,
that I was probably dehydrated.
I am constantly washing my
hands for fear that I will get sick. It is
starting to affect my concentration in
class because every time I get a cramp
or a pain in my stomach, I think I am
dying. I want to enjoy myself and go
back to not being preoccupied with
getting sick. — Wanting to Stop Wor-
rying and Start Living.
Dear Wanting: Make no mis-
take; moving away from home
for the first time is a big deal. It’s
very natural for teens to feel anx-
iety during their freshman year of
college. But as you’ve recognized,
your anxiety is more intense than
the average student’s. Your preoccu-
pation with getting sick — which is
known as hypochondria — could be
your way of dealing with that.
Consult your college counselor,
and practice more positive self-talk
to help cope with these thoughts
when they come up. Your mental
health is extremely important, and
I’m glad you realize that.
ARIES (March 21-April 19). “Stop both-
ering me” is the cry of every sibling on this
earth, and also every person who has cho-
sen another to spend his or her life with.
Why is it that “bothering” is so often a form
of love?
TAURUS (April 20-May 20). Those who
want to know it ask Google. You’re very
charming when you throw up your hands
and say, “Dunno!” You’ll do this today, and
a formidable opponent could let down the
guard and become an ally.
GEMINI (May 21-June 21). The people
around you are getting spoiled by your
kindness. Do they understand the differ-
ence between rights and privileges? You
afford everyone respect, but when it comes
to the special stuff, make them earn it.
CANCER (June 22-July 22). A person’s
taste in media is a window to the soul. This
is not to be ignored these days while you’re
trying to sus someone up. Your prediction in
this regard will be meaningful.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). You’ve a tremen-
dous need for self-expression today. Also,
you might not be quite sure about what
you want to say. But what if you could open
something in your brain that just let this kind
of work flow through you unencumbered?
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). Favors are
currency, but they are not currency you
want to necessarily count on. The thing that
you do for another person may or may not
come around, but you’ll be better for it either
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). This day will
be imbued with more style than content —
more “show” than “go.” Try not to get frus-
trated by the lack of progress. There should
be just enough drama to keep things inter-
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). Which
is harder: to be accountable to others, or
to be accountable to yourself? The latter,
obviously. This is a time to place a higher
priority on your own business, health and
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). Seek
likeminded friends. If you make the time
to be with these people, the laughter, the
good ideas, the feeling empowered and
even maybe invincible — that’s what will
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). Your
mother got this correct: What the crowd
does is popular, not right. Do not confuse
the two. If 12 people say a dumb thing, it’s
still a dumb thing to say.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). If, as the
Chinese proverb suggests, “a book is like
a garden carried in your pocket” then a
phone is a full-fledged farm. You’ll use yours
for far more than gaming and talking today.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). The good
stuff won’t stay in your hands. It’s constantly
being traded, as is the nature of the truly
good stuff. Knowing this, you can adopt a
mindset to better appreciate your moments.
Your life will be impacted by another, to the
extent that you’re different for knowing this
person. December and February are your
best times to invest. December will bring a
love bonanza. January is a chance to even
an old score. The dividends will be exciting
in March. The wedding will be in May. Can-
cer and Sagittarius adore you. Your lucky
numbers are: 9, 18, 3, 33 and 28.