FEATURES THE DAILY ASTORIAN • WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 2016 Please call me Mrs. Smith Dear Annie: When did it become commonplace for young people to address their elders by our first names? My youngest daughter, “Emma,” graduated high school two years ago and moved out of state for college. This past summer, when she returned home, I noticed a shift in how her friends spoke with me. Though I have a good relationship with my daughter’s friends — they were often over for study sessions or sleepovers as they grew up — they always addressed me as “Mrs. Smith.” However, the most recent time a few of Emma’s friends were over for dinner, one of them called me “Susan” without prompting. I was too surprised to say any- thing at the time, but it struck me as odd. Though they are technically adults, it’s hard to see these young women as my equals. It’s not exactly rude, and I don’t want to be labeled as old-fashioned, yet I’m not sure I’m ready to be “Susan.” To this day, when I run into the mother of my childhood best friend, I still call her “Mrs. Ste- vens.” It just seems polite to me. Annie, am I just behind the times on this, or is there a way to be Mrs. Smith again? — Mrs. in Dear Annie By Annie Lane Creators Syndicate Inc. Minnesota Dear Mrs.: I’m with you on this one. Although you may feel a bit awkward doing it, simply tell your daughter’s friends you would prefer that they call you Mrs. Smith. The awkwardness will pass in a matter of seconds, and really, you’ll be doing them a favor. They should be aware that some adults consider the casual first-name-ba- sis treatment disrespectful. It’s a small thing, yes. But in a world so short on common cour- tesy, little niceties go a long way. Dear Annie: You have recently published a couple of letters from people living in apartments with noisy neighbors. Your advice to talk directly to the noisy neighbor is right on. Years ago, we lived next door to a man in his early 30s who liked to party, listen to music and 5A Tomorrow’s horoscope By Holiday Mathis, Creators Syndicate Inc. television at a very loud volume, and could be heard giving loud Tar- zan yells as he jumped across the furniture in his living room. This was in an apartment building made of concrete, with thick walls, and we could still hear him. One day, his music was so loud we couldn’t hear our televi- sion at all. My then-husband went next door and knocked repeatedly on the neighbor’s door until he answered. He invited him to come to our place for a coffee, and the neighbor delightedly accepted. My husband insisted that the neighbor come right then, so the neighbor left his apartment with the music still blaring. When he entered our apart- ment, he quickly realized that the only thing he could hear was his own music blaring away. We explained to him that though the walls were concrete, they didn’t block out exceptionally loud noise. He sheepishly apologized, and that was the end of the problem. — Liv- ing Peacefully in Laval Dear Living: I can’t imagine how he must have felt realizing the whole building had heard Tar- zan’s call. Kudos to you and your husband for resolving the problem peacefully. ARIES (March 21-April 19). You crave someone’s love. Do you dare pause to ask why? Knowing the origin of this craving might not stop it, but there is something valuable to learn in the investigation. TAURUS (April 20-May 20). Your mind power is quite real. Your intentions and atti- tude will cause you to move through the world accordingly and with an impact of body that changes particles, matter and thus, to some degree, the course of history. GEMINI (May 21-June 21). How someone longs to understand the mystery of your inner life. It’s not going to happen, at least not in any kind of substantial way, but if you offer up a glimpse into your thoughts and feelings you’ll make the relationship slightly easier. CANCER (June 22-July 22). People will reject something that doesn’t fit in with a num- ber of other things they know to be true. To be persuasive you may need to change, soften or mold your idea to click in with what is al- ready accepted. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). Contradictions abound, and what does this mean? Maybe saying and believing contradictory things isn’t a sign that you’re getting something wrong. Maybe it’s a sign that you’re getting something right. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). When you feel something’s different about a relationship, this is no cause to panic. Different can be good — even differences that don’t seem particu- larly favorable at first. Relationships that aren’t changing aren’t growing. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). You know that people from other cultures and backgrounds think differently. You’re surer of this than you are of being right in your own cultural views. FRANK AND ERNEST BLONDIE THATABABY SALLY FORTH PHOEBE AND HER UNICORN B.C. LOLA DILBERT SIX CHIX BIZARRO MUTTS NON SEQUITUR BABY BLUES WIZARD OF ID ZITS ROSE IS ROSE SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). As intellectu- ally adept as you are, you’re always operating on a sensual level, too. The lighting affects you, as does the color, scent and overall at- tractiveness of things. Today you’ll find com- fort in the beautiful. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). You’re no minimalist, but you’re willing to let something drop in the name of simplicity. Also, a request has been made. So what goes? Note: Just because a thing is enjoyable doesn’t make it superfluous. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). Though you may prefer to be around positive role models, if they don’t show up, fret not! Re- verse role models may work even better. Seeing what you don’t want will be among the strongest motivators. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). As you show appreciation for the solid people and felicitous circumstances of the day, a joy ignites in your heart, radiates through your body and rings out through the atmosphere. You are happi- ness, ground zero. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). How might you get out of your uptight, rational mind? Have an experience that transcends it. Lean into the mystical. Reach into that which cannot be easily explained or completely understood. TOMORROW’S BIRTHDAY (Nov. 10). You’ll claim a victory in the next three weeks, priming you for a solar year of confidence. The winning attitude will spill over into your love life. Risks, adventure and fun fill the end of the year. In January, you’ll be called to take on a major responsibility. Compensation will be delayed until August. Aquarius and Virgo adore you. Your lucky numbers are: 9, 30, 22, 28 and 15.