The daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1961-current, October 31, 2016, Page 5A, Image 5

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Tomorrow’s horoscope
The rules of trick or treating
Dear Annie: It’s that time of
year again when the tacky cobweb
decorations are up and overpriced
bags of “fun-size” candy flood
every grocery aisle’s end cap. As
I prepare for this Halloween, I’m
wondering what your opinion is on
something that’s been bugging me
for years now.
My neighborhood civic league
has rules regarding trick-or-treat-
ing. It’s to occur between the hours
of 5 and 8 p.m., and only children
13 or younger may participate.
Of course, every year, there are
a handful of teenagers, probably
15 or 16 years old, who show up
on our doorstep expecting candy. I
tell them sorry; they’re too old to be
trick-or-treating. I didn’t make up
the rules, but I do agree that trick-
or-treating should be left to the lit-
tle ones.
Also every year, there are the
stragglers who come ringing the
doorbell at 8:15, after I’ve shut off
the lights and put away the candy,
and I refuse to answer.
Apparently, some neighbors
think I’m ornery. I’m just follow-
ing the rules. I don’t want to have
to buy extra candy so I can hand
it out to every high schooler who
decides he wants some Snickers.
And I don’t think they should be
Dear Annie
ringing my doorbell after 8 o’clock,
either. It’s rude. What do you think?
— Halloweary
Dear Halloweary: As for the 8
o’clock cutoff time, you’re entitled
to shut things down promptly (pro-
vided you don’t slam your door in
any sad little Spider-Man’s face).
It’s better to encourage an early
curfew on Halloween night any-
way, because it can be dangerous to
have kids in the middle of the street
after dark.
When it comes to the issue of
trick-or-treating teenagers, that all
depends on their effort level. If they
aren’t even dressed in costumes
and simply show up on your door-
step looking for a handout, set them
straight. The same goes for ones
wearing sarcastically halfhearted
costumes, such as just a sheet over
one’s head.
But if these kids are trick-or-
treating in earnest, wearing cos-
tumes they put real effort into,
then loosen up and give them some
candy. Embrace the fun, playful
spirit of this holiday, and let these
children be children a little while
Dear Annie: “Playing games”
isn’t my thing. Women need to be
more straightforward. Recently, I
went out with a woman who works
at a restaurant that’s in the same
shopping center as the retail place
where I work. We always chat-
ted when we saw each other in
the parking lot and were what you
might call “simpatico.”
We got happy-hour drinks at
a bar across the street, and she
seemed into me. The next night,
I texted her, asking whether she
wanted to go out to dinner some-
time. She texted back and said she
would love to get dinner sometime
but specified that she only wanted
to be friends. Ugh. I told her thanks
but that I didn’t need her pity
Why did she go out for drinks in
the first place? — Too Nice
Dear Nice: This woman is not in
your debt. She simply wasn’t inter-
ested, and she did you the courtesy
of letting you know that quickly.
By Holiday Mathis, Creators Syndicate Inc.
ARIES (March 21-April 19). You may get
off to a slow start, and perhaps your goal is
the thing to blame — not quite big enough
to enthuse you. See what happens after
you raise the stakes.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20). In one
mood, you’ll say, “No regrets.” In another
mood, there’s a list of things you would do
differently if you could. Both moods have
their merits. The past needs to be exam-
ined, after all. It also needs to be released.
GEMINI (May 21-June 21). You’re con-
siderate, and you love to please, but you’re
also careful not to waste a lot of effort
where it won’t be appreciated. You’ll have
the biggest impact when your efforts are
well-matched to the situation.
CANCER (June 22-July 22). Go on and
jot down those notes to yourself. You’ll be
surprised by your own pen. Also, writing
will help you mentally organize yourself
even if you don’t save what you’ve written.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). People making
hysterical fools out of themselves may be
in keeping with the shenanigans of the day,
and you’ll laugh along with the others. You
won’t feel complete until you’ve tended to
more serious tones, too.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). Congratula-
tions: Today you are the solution. Of course,
that means that in order to really shine, you
need a problem. Open your helping heart
and the perfect one will quickly show up.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). You’ll speak
powerfully and confidently. Your ideas will
be a hit, as long as you act on them. Be
decisive. Follow through. Don’t ask for per-
mission when you know it’s what’s best for
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). The one
who should be in the starring role of your
life is you. Someone else seems to be vy-
ing for the part these days. Yes, this person
needs care and love, too — but save some
for you! Healthy boundaries are the way.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). Stay
buoyant. The others are counting on you
to break the ice, crack a joke, make it fun.
The heavy karma will work itself out in a
hundred lighthearted exchanges.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). It might
not go according to plan, but it will all go
better because you have a plan. Prioritize
consciously before you get into your day,
or you’ll wind up serving someone else’s
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). People
will work for your approval, ask for your ad-
vice and make various kinds of attempts
for your support. It is no small thing to be
respected by your peers.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). You’ve had
to surmount a few difficulties to get here,
and now the challenge you face is one of
your own design — that’s what makes it
worthwhile. This is harder than what others
would have encouraged you to take on.
be packaging your skills differently and
trading on them differently as well — just
the change you needed to bring more
money and satisfaction into your life. Your
connection with nature is strong, and this
will figure into the traveling you do in 2017.
You’ll be celebrated for your talents in Feb-
ruary and July. Aries and Sagittarius adore
you. Your lucky numbers are: 39, 1, 22, 21
and 19.