8 // COASTWEEKEND.COM Submit one-act plays to new Manzanita competition Two writing workshops are set for playwrights MANZANITA — Save the date, and start writing: The Hoffman Center for the Arts will host a new one-act play competition. Submissions for the competition will be due Jan. 14, 2017. Each entry will be randomly assigned to one of three judges, who will judge them blindly. The top three submissions will be per- formed in a reader’s theater event at the Hoffman Center on March 11. The judges are Anne Osborne Coopersmith of Nehalem, George Dzundza of Tillamook, and Carole Zucker of Portland. Coopersmith is a local actor with the Tillamook Association for the Perform- ing Arts, the Coaster Theatre and the Riverbend Players. She has adapted material for, directed and read in reader’s theater as well as acted in multi-act plays. Dzundza is well known as a character actor for his roles on stage and in front of the camera, including “The Deer Hunter,” “Basic Instinct,” “Law & Order” and “Grey’s Anatomy.” Dzunda has been involved in productions on Broadway, national tours, off-Broadway, regional the- ater and community theater. He is founding member of the s t n e E v Oct. 14 * 8 pm Jesse Lee Falls Band Port Call Bistro Bar of nonproit Rising Tide Produc- tions and recently directed the play “I am My Own Wife” at the North Coast Recreation District in Nehalem. Zucker is a professor emerita of ilm studies at Concordia University in Montreal, Quebec, where she taught for over 20 years. She has a doctorate from New York University in cinema studies, is the author of seven books, and has taught at The Portland Actors Conservatory and The Portland Playhouse. Prospective playwrights for the competition will have the opportunity to attend two workshops focused on play writing on Nov. 5 at the Hoffman Center. From 9:30 to 10:30, Sue Jelineo and Linda Macahon OCT. 15 * 7 pm Astoria Event Center & Now Open @ ALL OF C R P ORT TRO & B A B IS Music samples on reverbnation.com PHOTO BY ERICK BENGEL George Dzundza of Tillamook is one of the judges. K LEVERKILL Free Funk/Punk/Rock SUBMITTED PHOTO Carole Zucker of Portland is one of the judges. of the Riverbend Players will offer a free “Introduction to Script Writing” workshop, which will cover format, character development, plot, dialogue writing, and what directors and actors like and dislike about scripts. There will also be a ques- tion-and-answer session about the competition. Each participant will leave with a handout. To register for the workshop, email hoffman- center@nehalemtel.net with “Script-writing Workshop” in the subject line. The class that follows, “Script Interpretation and Text Analysis,” from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., with an hour lunch break, is presented by Zuck- er. The class will consider the novella of “The Postman Always Rings Twice,” study- ing how it was adapted from two different versions of the David Mamet screenplay and considering how the scripts changed during production. Zucker will have the group look at acting, writing and directing, to see how the text changes from book to screen- play and to consider how this affects the participants’ own script writing. Students will be responsi- Tickets $ 8 october 29 th Suicide Squad-Themed Halloween Party! Ladies Men Free! 3 $ at the Door Free Give-a-ways Live DJ Port of Call Bistro & Bar 894 Commercial Street 503*325*4356 Fra m es to fit every bud g et Bring this a d in for 25% off a ny job - Custom Framing - Shadow Boxes - Frame kits - DIY framing supplies - Original Art Framing - Fabric Stretching - Frame Repair - 100s of Frames and mattes to choose from! 303 Marine Drive Astoria, OR 97103 503-791-8188 ble for reading the James M. Cain novella “The Postman Always Rings Twice” ahead of time. The fee for this work- shop is $50. To register, visit hoffmanblog.org Guidelines the One-Act Play Competition submis- sions are as follows: • Format should be a Microsoft Word document. Include the play title only on the document; do not include your name. One-act plays should be 30 minutes or less, which equates to a script of 30 pages or fewer. The play description should begin with brief description of setting and a list of characters, including any important char- acteristics (age, gender, etc.) As these plays will be per- formed in a reader’s theater format, use stage directions sparingly if at all. Charac- ter name should be in caps followed by dialog. Use one blank line after each charac- ter’s dialog for readability. • Send your submission as an attachment by email to Sue Jelineo at sjelineo@ nehalemtel.net. Include in your email message the title of your play, your full name, and a short writer’s bio with a maximum of 50 words. 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