The daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1961-current, August 26, 2016, WEEKEND EDITION, Page 7A, Image 7

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Man must make leap of faith
Dear Annie: Last year, I got out
of a 10-year relationship. I thought
she was the love of my life — until
she cheated on me with one of my
friends. I was devastated, and only
recently have I started to be remotely
interested in dating again. Lately,
I’ve been on a few dates with this girl
— let’s call her “Lauren” — and she
is amazing. She’s so beautiful and
talented and kind. Just being around
her makes me feel like a better per-
son. I want to take things to the next
level, but there’s something holding
me back.
I’m not sure I can bring myself
to trust someone with my emotions
ever again. What’s the point of mak-
ing ourselves so vulnerable when it
so often just ends in heartache? This
girl has set off no red lags, yet I keep
waiting for the other shoe to drop.
How do people ever move on
after such dramatic breakups? — In
My Shell
Dear Shell: Risk is what makes
trust possible. It’s the gap that lets us
take a leap of faith. If there weren’t
the possibility of falling, the feeling
of landing safely on the other side
would mean very little.
That’s not to say we should jump
into relationships recklessly or walk
through life blindfolded. It’s only
natural — healthy, even — for you to
Dear Annie
feel cautious after what your ex-girl-
friend did. But this new woman has
given every indication that she is
worthy of your trust. Go for it.
Dear Annie: I am 20 years old
and have been best friends with this
girl since we were 5. She’s practi-
cally my sister.
She’s engaged to a guy she began
dating back in high school. Although
he is very nice and genuinely cares
for her, he does not seem at all
mature enough to be married. After a
single semester at a local community
college, he left to pursue his dream of
becoming a musician. He lives with
his grandmother and works at Target.
He gets extremely upset if anyone so
much as suggests returning to school.
A little under two years ago,
they broke up for about two months
because he had objections when-
ever she hung out with any males not
related to her. Despite his insisting
he trusted her, it was clear he didn’t.
One night after they had gotten back
together, my friend called me sob-
bing, heartbroken, because he had
been jealous and said hurtful things
I’m worried that my friend is
being naive. She has said she would
marry him tomorrow if she could,
although she plans on waiting till she
is out of school. She has asked me to
be a bridesmaid. I can tell that she’s
trying to make me like the guy better.
I know it is not my place to tell
my friend what she should do with
her life. I do believe that they love
each other, and I want her to be
happy, which he seems to make
her. But I still fear that she’s mak-
ing a mistake. Is there any way for
me to express my concerns without
destroying this cherished relation-
ship? — Looking Out
Dear Looking Out:
As you know, your friend really
wants you to like this guy, so the
more she senses your disapproval
the less she’ll open up to you about
the reality of the relationship. The
best thing you can do is to continue
being there for her, ready to listen
whenever she’s ready to talk, willing
to give honest input if and when she
asks for it. She’s lucky to have you.
Tomorrow’s horoscope
By Holiday Mathis, Creators Syndicate Inc.
ARIES (March 21-April 19). The narrative
you put together in your mind to explain who
you are, how you got here and where you’re
going is overdue for some scrutiny. In short,
the story in your head is running the story of
your life, so make it good.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20). They want
to know what you think and will seek your
opinion to find out where you’re coming from.
There are better ways to show who you are
than sharing your opinion, though, so stay
alert to opportunity.
GEMINI (May 21-June 21). Exercise,
reading, studying music — these are not
frivolous extras to reward yourself with when
you are “good.” They are keys to your happi-
ness and as important as other things you
do to keep life running smoothly.
CANCER (June 22-July 22). What would
you like a second crack at? It’s a day of
do-overs. And if you’ve failed to make a de-
sired impression on someone, you can use
today’s particular kind of luck to turn it all
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). You’ve no desire to
be singled out for praise, placed in a special
category or treated differently from anyone
else. However, when this happens (and it
will happen) be ready to graciously receive
it before you deflect the energy.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). Choose your
passions carefully. Some are more manage-
able than others. As for interests that are
known to be difficult to control, for now it may
be best to exclude them altogether. You have
a sense about trouble, so use it.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). If it’s not diffi-
cult, you won’t be in the mood for it today.
Only challenges that are worthy of your effort
need apply! The same goes for your amuse-
ments. You’ll keep your standards high.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). Even though
your plans obviously shape your experience,
that experience always happens in the pres-
ent moment. If the plan isn’t working well, be
ready to throw out the script and wing it.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). Your
ancestors had to struggle for freedom. It’s a
different battlefield these days, but the battle
is the same. The fight will continue with you.
Be valiant.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). Shiny
things are often just reflecting the brilliance
of some other source, like the sun. What you
really need right now is not the reinterpre-
tation of brilliance; you need the actual bril-
liance. Go to the original source.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). The ner-
vous energy will keep building up until you
discharge it. Start a project that will help you
channel this in a positive direction. Tonight
features fascinating chemistry.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). Contrary to
popular myth, science proves that goldfish
have memories longer than three seconds.
And those who think that you, dear fish,
don’t remember who owes you big-time will
have another thing coming.
Those on the outside might think you’re act-
ing on impulse or winning by luck when the
truth is that you’re acting out of a profound
instinct for what’s right and best and winning
because you’ve been preparing for years to
do just that. Exceptional relationships send
you to new emotional heights in November
and March. Leo and Capricorn adore you.
Your lucky numbers are: 30, 7, 10, 48 and 21.