The daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1961-current, July 14, 2016, Image 1

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144TH YEAR, NO. 10
on D%
aEounGs on whether
case shoulG Ee closeG
The Daily Astorian
Photos by Danny Miller/The Daily Astorian
Asher Meachem, 7, feeds a Newfoundland dog named Lydia during Seaman’s Day on Wednesday at Fort Clatsop. Seaman’s Day
celebrates Seaman, the Newfoundland who accompanied the crew on the Lewis and Clark expedition.
1ewIounGlanGs are the
stars oI Seaman’s 'ay
See COOPER, Page 7A
¿ nds new
home in
The Daily Astorian
en %oiYin haG only seen Sictures oI
1ewIounGlanGs EeIore he came to
)ort &latsoS 1ational 0emorial in
JraGe school 7hese Gays, the yearolG
anG his Iamily make the triS Irom +aSSy
Valley with a Jiant GoJ oI their own
:ookie is only months olG Eut weiJhs
7he Eeast was amonJ eiJht 1ewIounG
lanGs at )ort &latsoS on :eGnesGay Ior the
rG annual Seaman’s 'ay 7he eYent Sut
on Ey the /ewis anG &lark 1ational +is
torical 3ark celeErates one oI the less
er known memEers oI the &orSs oI 'is
coYery, 0eriwether /ewis’ 1ewIounGlanG,
³:e were stuGyinJ /ewis anG &lark
in school anG my mom ErouJht us here,´
%oiYin saiG
:hen he threw his arms arounG one oI
the massiYe GoJs ¿ Ye years aJo, he knew he
wanteG to haYe one oI his own
³,t took awhile to conYince my Sarents
Eut they wanteG a EiJ GoJ anG thouJht it
was a JooG iGea´
:ookie is actually the seconG 1ew
IounGlanG that’s Eeen a Sart oI the %oiYin
Iamily $ Iew months aIter %en Iell in loYe
with the EreeG at )ort &latsoS, the %oiYin’s
Jot their ¿ rst 1ewIounGlanG, &hewie
8nIortunately, &hewie GeYeloSeG cancer
anG GieG aIter only three years with the
:hile irreSlaceaEle, the %oiYin’s knew
they haG Eecome a 1ewIounGlanG Iamily
anG soon welcomeG in :ookie
³<ou can’t Must haYe a 1ewIounGlanG
anG e[Sect to not haYe one in your liIe eYer
aJain,´ %oiYin saiG
$ twoSart Gocumentary aEout the inIa
mous D% &ooSer skyMacking case that
GeEuteG on +istory this week is getting
mi[eG reYiews Irom the $storia resiGents
IeatureG in the tale
³, thought it was really comSelling,´
3eter 5oscoe, a restaurant owner, saiG
7hen he saw the enGing
3art recites the wellknown &ooSer
Iacts On 1oY , , a man wearing a
Eusiness suit anG sunglasses useG a ErieI
case EomE to hiMack a %oeing À ying
Irom 3ortlanG to Seattle, stole , in
ransom, anG GemanGeG the crew À y him to
0e[ico EeIore Sarachuting into the night
near the Oregon:ashington EorGer 7he
mysterious SerSetrator was neYer caught or
iGenti¿ eG
ABOVE: Tutu, a Newfoundland , waits with her owner Elise DeChaine Ghiglieri during
Seaman’s Day . BELOW: Ezri Thompson, center, works on an activity book with other
Girl Scouts in Troop 10131 attending Seaman’s Day .
&ommunity can sign
uS to helS with moYe
The Daily Astorian
$storia Vintage +arGware IounG a
new location so Iast the owners can harGly
EelieYe it
$ couSle oI weeks aIter %ecky -ohnson
anG 3aul 7uter receiYeG notice to Yacate the
th Street riYerIront site Ey the enG oI SeS
temEer , *eorge %rugh, owner oI %argains
*alore, GroSSeG Ey the harGware store anG
oIIereG them a streetleYel sSace in his own
EuilGing a Iew Elocks west 7hey sealeG the
Geal 7uesGay, -ohnson saiG
³+e is our hero,´ she saiG ³:e coulGn’t
eYen really celeErate in the ¿ rst hours or
moments oI when we reali]eG this coulG Sos
siEly haSSen, Eecause we are so stunneG anG
so relieYeG anG so grateIul´
(nglunG 0arine ,nGustrial SuSSly, the
owner oI Vintage +arGware’s current EuilG
ing, may sell the structure to 1ewSort 3aci¿ c
See STORE, Page 10A
Secret millionaire’s Gream come true
Swim to your
heart’s content,
thanks to Oller
EO Media Group
Secret millionaire Verna Oller’s
¿ nal wish was to EuilG a Sool where
local kiGs coulG saIely learn to swim
,t GiGn’t work out e[actly like she
hoSeG ² there will Ee no new Sool
² Eut si[ years aIter her Geath, the
small JrouS that manaJes the Verna
S Oller $Tuatic 7rust has come uS
with a way to helS local Iamilies
access e[istinJ swimminJ Iacilities
%eJinninJ $uJ , resiGents oI
:ashinJton’s south 3aci¿ c &ounty
will Ee aEle to take swimminJ les
sons, anG use the swimminJ Iacil
ities at the $storia $Tuatic &enter
Iree oI charJe, *uy *lenn -r anG
'ouJ .nut]en saiG
³:e still wanteG to Jo alonJ
with what Verna Oller haG hoSeG,
what she wanteG to Go, anG still Sro
YiGe swimminJ access on a more
manaJeaEle leYel ² somethinJ we
coulG aIIorG, anG somethinJ that
woulG last, Sotentially throuJh Ser
Setuity,´ .nut]en saiG ³3roSerly
manaJeG, , think we’re on track to
Go that´
Swimming and saving
$ Iamily GroSin Sass Ior the
$Tuatic &enter is , a monthly
Iamily Sass is , anG kiGs’ swim
lessons start at Ser monthlonJ
JrouS class So Iamilies who take
aGYantaJe oI the new Geal coulG
easily Jet more than , worth
oI serYices Ior Iree oYer the course
oI a year 7hat money Euys access
to a laS Sool, la]y riYer, kiGGie Sool,
hot tuE, the ³EiJ reG sliGe,´ anG a
si]aEle ¿ tness room, accorGinJ to
the $Tuatic &enter weEsite ScheG
ules chanJe with the season, Eut the
center oIIers a Yariety oI laS swim
minJ anG recreational swim times,
as well as water aeroEics, theraSeu
tic swim sessions, anG JrouS swim
³,t’s a EarJain $ll you haYe to
Go is Jet oYer there,´ .nut]en saiG
7here are also Slans in the
works Ior a similar arranJement at
the 'unes 3ool in .liSsan, which
shoulG Ee ¿ nali]eG later this year,
.nut]en anG *lenn saiG
Damian Mulinix/For EO Media Group
See OLLER, Page 7A
Lap swimming in the lane pool at the Asto-
ria Aquatic Center is excellent for exercise.