9A THE DAILY ASTORIAN • TUESDAY, JULY 5, 2016 Legal Notices AB5249 CLATSOP COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION Legal Notices AB5252 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF CLATSOP NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Clatsop County Planning Commission will hold a public hearing beginning at 10:00 AM on Tuesday, July 12, 2016, at the Guy Boyington Building, 857 Commercial Street, Astoria, OR, regarding the following: Continuation of a quasi-judicial hearing to consider a zoning map amendment from Rural Community Residential to Rural Community Multi-Family Resi- dential on 10.4 acres of land in the Miles Crossing area and a proposed conditional use permit for a multi-family development. A copy of all documents pertain- ing to this matter may be re- viewed in the Clatsop County Community Development office, 800 Exchange Street, Suite 100, Astoria, at no cost and may be obtained at reasonable cost seven (7) days prior to the hear- ing. Published: July 5th, 2016 AB5250 SOUTHWEST COASTAL CITIZENS ADVISORY COMMITTEE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Southwest Coastal Citizens Advisory Committee will hold public hearings and make rec- ommendations to the Planning Commission beginning at 6:00 PM on Tuesday, July 12, 2016, at the Arch Cape Fire Hall, 79729 Hwy 101, Arch Cape, OR regarding the following: A quasi-judicial hearing to con- sider a zoning map amendment from Rural Community Residen- tial to Rural Community Com- mercial on approximately 0.60 acres in the rural community of Arch Cape. Applicant is Vito Cerelli. Owner is Butch Cole- man Trust, Butch Coleman Trustee, Harry E. Coleman. A legislative hearing to consider text amendments to the Clatsop County Comprehensive Plan and Land and Water Development and Use Code discontinuing the Southwest Coastal Citizens Advi- sory Committee and amending sections related to development in Arch Cape. Applicant is Clat- sop County. A copy of all documents pertain- ing to this matter may be re- viewed in the Clatsop County Community Development office, 800 Exchange Street, Suite 100, Astoria, at no cost and may be obtained at reasonable cost seven (7) days prior to the hear- ing. Published: July 5th, 2016 ADDING a room to your home? Furnish it with items advertised in the classifieds. NOTICE TO INTERESTED PERSONS No. 16PB04226 In the Matter of the Estate of Eeva Kyllikki Ylipelto, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that ANTTI J. YLIPELTO and HAN- NELI P. TURNER have been appointed co-personal repre- sentatives. All persons having claims against the estate are re- quired to present them, with vouchers attached, to the under- signed co-personal representa- tives at 801 Commercial Street, Astoria, Oregon, or mail them to PO Box 508, Astoria, OR 97103, within four months after the date of first publication of this notice, or the claims may be barred. All persons whose rights may be affected by the proceedings may obtain additional informa- tion from from the records of the court, the co-personal represen- tatives, or the attorneys for the co-personal representatives. Dated and first published July 5, 2016. Antti J. Ylipelto and Hanneli P. Turner C0-Personal Representatives PO Box 508 Astoria, OR 97103 b u siness D IRECTO RY Your G uide to Local Professionals T REE S ERVICE (503) 791-0 7 67 D UM P T RUCK & E X CAVATIN G bigbystreeservice.com B IGBY ’ S TREE SERVICE Proudly supports Assistance League Operation School Bell Attorneys for Co-Personal Representatives: SNOW & SNOW 801 Commercial Street PO Box 508 Astoria, OR 97103 Published: July 5th, 12th, and 19th, 2016 CLASSIFIED ADS act fast to sell the no-longer-needed items you have around your home. Call today! 325- 3211. NOTICE TO CONSUMERS The Federal Trade Commission prohibits telemarketers from ask- ing for or receiving payment before they deliver credit repair services, advance fee loans and credit, and recovery services. If you are asked to render pay- ment before receiving any of the preceding services, please con- tact the Federal Trade Commis- sion at: 1-877-382-4357 • Pruning • Stum p G rinding • Rem oval • 60’ Bucket Truck A UTO W DUM P TRUCK IN G & EX CAVATIN G SEPTIC SYSTEM S • SITE W O RK • U TILITIES • DRIVEW AYS DRAIN AG E • RO CK • DEM O LITIO N • PO LE B U ILDIN G S RESIDEN TIAL CO N STRU CTIO N TREE REM O VAL • CLEAN SAN D Steve Kinney H. 503-458-5458 C. 503-791-3481 Low Ra tes Nate Kinney W eekend C. 503-468-2582 Deliveries 91569 George Hill Rd., Astoria, OR 97103 CCB#186315 C O N STRUCTIO N RECK IN G -R ECY CLIN G A storia A uto W recking-Recycling Bergerson Tile & Stone … Open Weekdays 8-4:30 & Saturdays 9-4:30 an d C ab in ets Buying any kind of metal! Appliances • Farm Scrap • Fencing • Water Heaters • Copper • Copper Wire • Brass • Aluminum • Batteries • Stainless Steel • Lead • Computer Towers & More! Parts Department Now Open! We Also Buy Vehicles With Proper Paperwork! QUESTIONS? C all us at: Occasionally other companies make telemarketing calls off clas- sified ads. These companies are not affiliated with The Daily Asto- rian and customers are under no obligation to participate. If you would like to contact the at- torney general or be put on the do not call list, here are the links to both of them Complaint form link: http://www.doj.state.or.us/ finfraud/ K IN N EY & SO N S’ BO N DED • IN SU RED C C B#158562 • PN -6716A • PN -6848A 503-325-8855 34522 HWY. 101 BUSINESS, ASTORIA, OR 97103 • Solid Surface Countertops • • Tile & Stone Installation • • Dewils Cabinetry • VISIT OUR SHOWROOM: 1033 Marine Drive, Astoria • 503-325-7767 S H ARPEN IN G S ERVICES C ARPET BES T BUY Legal Notices AB5245 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CANNON BEACH PLANNING COMMISSION THIS IS TO NOTIFY YOU THAT THE CITY OF CANNON BEACH HAS PROPOSED A LAND USE REGULATION THAT MAY AFFECT THE PERMISSIBLE USES OF YOUR PROPERTY AND OTHER PROPERTIES* The Cannon Beach Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on Thursday, July 21, 2016 at 6:00 p.m. at Cannon Beach City Hall, 163 East Gower Street, Cannon Beach, regarding the following: CP 16-01, City of Cannon Beach is requesting several Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinance text amendments. The proposed amend- ments include: W O O D R EFIN IS HIN G O DO R & DUS T FREE! NEW W O O D FLO O RS FRO M $3.99/S q.Ft. W EEKDAY S 9AM TILL 5:30PM • S ATUR DAY 9AM -4PM CA RPET • HA RDW O O D LA M INA TE TILE • NA TURA L S TO NE VINYL • W INDO W FA S HIO NS • Dark sky ordinance: Amend 17.44.15, Table B, to allow unrated fix- tures if fully shielded and downcast; • Slope/density: Amend 17.82.020, 17.08.040, 17.10.040, 17.12.040, • • • • • • • • • 17.14.040, 17.16.040, 17.18.040, 17.20.040, and 17.26.040 to clarify that the slope/density standards in 16.04.310.A are applicable; Appeal period: Amend 16.04.370, 17.88.130, and 17.88.140 to reduce appeal time from 20 to 15 days; Short-term rental: Amend 17.77.020 to suspend transient rental per- mits awarded through a lottery while the City Council considers com- prehensive reforms to the City's short-term rental program; Government structures/schools: Amend 17.22.030.C to codify a Plan- ning Commission interpretation; Cannon Beach Elementary School site: Amend Comprehensive Plan Housing policy 16; Recreation, Open Space, Natural, Visual and Historic Resources policy 4; and School System recommendations 1 and 2 to to reflect the cur- rent status of the former Cannon Beach Elementary School site; Hardscape/softscape: Amend 17.04.335 and 17.44.120 to codify De- sign Review Board and Planing Commission interpretations concerning hardscape, softscape, and lot coverage; PODS/dumpsters: Add new sections 17.04.446, 17.54.100 and 17.54.110 concerning portable storage containers; Planned Development: Amend chapter 17.40, Planned Development; Tree removal ordinance: Amend chapter 17.70, Tree Removal. The Zoning Ordinance text amendment request will be reviewed against the criteria of the Municipal Code, Section 17.86.070.A, Amendments, Criteria. The Comprehensive Plan amendment request will be re- viewed against the criteria of State-wide Planning Goals 1, 2, 5, 7, and 8. 105 B S TR EET | W ES T R AIN IER , O R PHO N E (503) 556- 0171 | TO LL- FR EE (800) 886- 0171 Check ou r ou r n ew w ebs ite! W A Lic CO LUM RF29 LQ N w w w .ca rpeto n era in ier.co m O R 114 E LECTRICIAN W For additional information concerning Ordinance Number 16-XX, you may call the (city) Planning Department at (503) 436-8040. All interested parties are invited to attend the hearings and express their views. Statements will be accepted in writing or orally at the hearing. Correspondence should be mailed to the Cannon Beach Planning Commission, P.O. Box 368, Cannon Beach, OR 97110 or via email at cityhall@ci.cannon-beach.or.us. Staff reports are available for inspec- tion at no cost or may be obtained at a reasonable cost seven days prior to the hearing. Contact Alisha Gregory at City Hall (503) 436-8054 or agregory@ci.cannon-beach.or.us for further information. The Planning Commission reserves the right to continue the hearing to another date and time. If the hearing is continued, no further public no- tice will be provided. The hearings are accessible to the disabled. Con- tact City Manager, the ADA Compliance Coordinator, at (503) 436-8050, if you need any special accommodations to attend or to par- ticipate in the meeting. TTY (503) 436-8097. Mark Barnes, City Planner About this notice: In 1998, Oregon's voters passed a law known as Ballot Measure 56. It requires that notices like the one above be mailed to landowners when a change in land-use laws might limit use of their property. The law re- quires the City of Cannon Beach to use the above wording in such no- tices, even though that wording may not describe the likely effects from the change in land-use laws very well. The Measure also requires the notice to say that the City of Cannon Beach has determined that the proposed land use changes “may change the value of your property.” But the City of Cannon Beach does not know how these amendments might affect the value of your property, if at all. Posted/Mailed: July 5, 2016 Published: July 5th, 2016 W ASH IN G IN G ATE! H S A TIM W EE ES W O D FR W IN for a M ention this ad for ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR WADSWE*916L9 CCB#2404 For your electrical needs, call 1715 EXCHANGE ST. ASTORIA 503.325.5501 www.wadsworthelectric.com Fax 503.325.2321 360-749-2820 (Washington) As noted above, on Thursday, July 21, 2016, the City of Cannon Beach will hold a public hearing regarding the adoption of Ordinance Number 16-XX. Cannon Beach has determined that adoption of this ordinance may affect the permissible uses of your property, and other properties in the affected zone, and may change the value of your property. Ordinance Number 16-XX is available for inspection at the Cannon Beach City Hall located at 163 East Gower Street, Cannon Beach. A copy of Ordinance Number 16-XX also is available for purchase at a nominal cost of to cover the cost of reproducing the ordinance. IN D O W C H IM N EY R EPAIR Chimney Repair for all types of Masonry Work Call JERID for FREE ESTIMATES 503-455-2599 CCB# 203499OR WALIC# NWMASMC846JQ $1 50 or m ore • Gutter cleaning • Frame & sill wipe • Screen cleaning • Pressure Washing S P E CIAL TO U CH JAN ITO R IAL 503-338-9487 Serving you for over 20 yrs . V ELAZQUEZ L AWN C ARE M AINTENANCE hedges • fertilizer flower beds • bark soil storm clean up all year • low rates 503.739.2942 T REE S ERVICE A UTO S ERVICE Auto Mark’s Service AC S ERVICE S TARTING AT 10 % O FF E G O TH E E XTR A M ILE L AW N C ARE NW Masonry Chimney Repair BEAT THE HEAT ay l tod Cal W 115 $ O IL C HANGE S PECIAL $ 33 Includes 30 Point Inspection. Up To 5 Quarts Conventional Oil with Filter 503.738.4261 1570 Lewis & Clark Rd, Suite B, Seaside , Oregon (Across from Clean Sweep Maintenance)