The daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1961-current, May 19, 2016, Page 6A, Image 6

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What to do about cheater?
Tomorrow’s horoscope
By Holiday Mathis, Creators Syndicate Inc.
Dear Annie: I’ve been living
with my boyfriend for nine years
and we have a son together. Over
the 14 years that we’ve known
each other, we’ve had our share of
problems, but it’s gotten worse in
the last couple of years.
Two months ago, “John”
totally changed, and I found out he
was being unfaithful. Of course,
he denies it, but I have proof. I
want to leave him, but I really
have nowhere to go. So I’m just
stuck here while he continues to
see the other woman.
I hate being made a fool. Please
tell me what you think I should
do? — Miserable and Cheated On
Dear Miserable: You are not
“stuck,” but you do have some
dificult choices to make. The irst
decision is whether you are better
off with John or without him. You
have a son together, which means
John is responsible for child sup-
port. Please discuss this with a
professional who can help you
sort through your issues and do
what is best for you and your son.
Ask John to come with you, but if
he isn’t interested, go without him.
Free and low-cost counseling is
available through local churches,
graduate school counseling
departments, medical school psy-
Syndicate Inc.
Mitchell and
Marcy Sugar
chology departments, United Way,
the YMCA and the Department of
Children and Family Services.
Dear Annie: I’d like to give
some advice to brides-to-be. These
words of wisdom come from a
middle-aged woman with 30 years
of marriage under her belt:
1. He will not change for you.
If he grew up in a dirty house,
chances are he is not a neat guy.
If he’s nasty to you, he will con-
tinue to be.
2. If he views porn, at some
point in your marriage, it will be
a problem. People who view porn
will defend it, and it will not be
good for you or your marriage.
3. If he likes to go out drink-
ing with his buddies, be prepared
to raise your kids alone and wait
by the phone for him to call. He
might lie about where he was and
he may even start ights as an
excuse to leave the house.
4. My husband went from his
mother’s couch to my apartment.
His father believed that house-
work, laundry and cooking were
women’s work and my husband
was the same. If he believes his
job is to go to work, come home
and be waited on, well, my dear,
that will be your life.
5. If he is addicted to his smart-
phone, no amount of pleading will
change that.
6. Once you have children,
he will not suddenly be a help-
ful, kind father. If he was helpful
and kind before, he will probably
remain that way. If not, you will
cry many tears.
7. Discuss handling the
inances before you say “I do.”
My husband made more money
than me, and always considered it
to be “his money.”
Please ladies, do yourself a
favor and heed your inner voice. It
will not fail you. I wish I had paid
attention to the red lags. — Mar-
ried and Lonely in Connecticut
Dear Married: Thank you
for the advice — most of which
is a variation on your irst caveat,
which is that he will not change
because you marry him. All
women should understand that.
ARIES (March 21-April 19). You’ll be giving
a performance of sorts. It could be as small as
making an introduction, or as big as making
a business presentation or putting on a party.
Regardless of the scale, all details need to be
worked out.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20). You’re the
grounded person who is not afraid to let
friends know when they are taking themselves
too seriously — or not seriously enough. Who
does this for you, though? Check in with that
person today.
GEMINI (May 21-June 21). You never know
when a random safety tip is going to save a
life or keep someone from getting hurt or em-
barrassed. Here’s a random safety tip: Don’t
use your phone while driving.
CANCER (June 22-July 22). When you
have to wonder, “Does he mean ... ?” it’s a
sign that that you’d be wise to either ask more
questions or listen more carefully to the an-
swers. A little of both will save you from incon-
venience today.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). You don’t have to
judge anyone’s potential, call the wins or loss-
es or choose who gets in and who stays out-
side. Maybe you thought you needed to make
some decisions, but you can relax. It’s not up
to you.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). What’s easier:
risking your heart or risking your money?
You’ll gamble with one or the other today and
learn the answer to that question. Your win-
nings will tempt you to take more chances.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). If you simply go
with the majority and their accepted norms of
consumption you’ll be taking part in earth’s
destruction. The only responsible thing to do is
to go above and beyond what most people do.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). The highlight
of the day will be an endeavor you approach
with solemnity, as though you were sworn
in allegiance. Maybe you were. There aren’t
many things you vow to honor and protect, but
this is one of them.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). When
the bullhorn gets passed to you, you talk
about someone else. You’re more interested
in promoting others than you are in getting
ahead, but you’ll get ahead in spite of this —
or, more likely, because of it.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). Once you
make up your mind you probably won’t un-
make it. And if there is a change, it will be all
your doing — no one else can convince you.
These are some of the reasons you’re taking
your sweet time with a decision.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). Your charis-
ma is so powerful it can disconnect from your
body and move on its own. You can’t control
it. It will linger in places you wouldn’t have ex-
pected. Your presence will be felt where your
body is absent.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). Since you can
only see the world through your own lens it is
impossible to know what the others see. How-
ever, your great powers of empathy will allow
you to imagine and come pretty close.
FRIDAY’S BIRTHDAY (May 20). Usually
you wouldn’t seriously dedicate yourself to the
pursuit of pleasure, but you will come to un-
derstand how important your own happiness
is to the happiness of others. A joy quest will
continue into August. Your talent will excite
fans in September. You’ll cash in an ancient
investment in November. Scorpio and Aquar-
ius adore you. Your lucky numbers are: 2, 22,
25, 16 and 50.