The daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1961-current, April 21, 2016, Page 6A, Image 6

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Tomorrow’s horoscope
Leave the dog next door?
Dear Annie: Two years ago,
my husband bought a dog from a
breeder. It is a designer dog that’s
supposed to be hypoallergenic,
since I have very bad allergies to
dogs. (I take medication now.)
Here’s the problem: We didn’t
know at the time that the dog was
part of a litter that came from our
neighbor’s dog. The mother still
lives with our neighbors and they
like to come around every day and
take our dog for a walk. Our dog
loves them so much that he often
crosses the electric fence when he
sees his mom outside. If he’s tied
up, the neighbors will come by
and just untie him. This is a major
annoyance. Worse is that when
they take him for a walk, I have
to go to their place to pick him
up after, and the neighbor tries to
make me feel guilty for not walk-
ing him myself.
My husband doesn’t have a
problem with it since he’s away
all day and walks the dog when he
gets home. Annie, I really didn’t
want a dog and my husband knew
it, but got one anyway. Now I have
a responsibility to take care of him
and deal with intrusive neighbors.
What do I do? — Desperate
Dear Desperate: You could go
the nuclear route — your neigh-
Syndicate Inc.
Mitchell and
Marcy Sugar
bors are trespassing and taking
your dog without permission. You
could call the police. But try this
instead: Let them walk the dog and
take him back to their house. Then
leave him there. You know the dog
is being well cared for, and your
husband can pick him up when he
gets home. That way, you get to
relax, you don’t have to visit your
critical neighbor, and your hus-
band becomes more responsible
for the dog — which is what can
happen when one person in a rela-
tionship makes a unilateral deci-
sion that negatively affects the
Dear Annie: I’m a 74-year-old
happily married man. I read the let-
ter from “Confused,” the 51-year-
old lady who asked whether she
should stay in a relationship with
Each of them is twice divorced.
He’s had four DUIs and likes to
watch porn. They met online and
hit it off quickly. The guy moved
in with her and took control. She
said that her only problem is his
sexual demands, including bring-
ing in another woman to join them.
She wanted your advice.
Annie, is this woman so inse-
cure that she can’t see the whole
picture? She must like the way
she’s living or she would have
dumped this fast-talking bozo a
long time ago. I may not have been
the perfect husband, but I still pray
that we’ll stay married for many
more years to come. I know a
good thing when I see it. Glad to
say, I’ve only been married once.
— Life is Good
Dear Life: A lot of people can-
not see the whole picture when
they are in the middle of a relation-
ship. And there are usually some
good aspects, which muddies the
view. But the guy who is great in
bed does not make up for the same
guy who won’t get a job and yells
at you all day. This is especially
true for those, like “Confused,”
who were previously in abusive
relationships. They don’t know
what a healthy one looks like.
We’re glad you do.
By Holiday Mathis, Creators Syndicate Inc.
ARIES (March 21-April 19). You know the
“where” and the “what,” you just don’t know
the “who” yet. Your job now is to put offerings
in front of as many candidates as possible.
The right “who” will show up soon.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20). Are you the
impulsive child who can’t move forward
without the resources or permission of your
guardian? Either way, the dynamic is get-
ting old. Maybe someone should break the
rules. Maybe that someone is you.
GEMINI (May 21-June 21). What makes
the job hard and what makes it easy is the
same thing: attitude. Attitude adjustment
seems to be a headspace matter, but phys-
ical exertion can be just as important to set-
ting your energy in a positive way.
CANCER (June 22-July 22). Old-fash-
ioned thinking could be the cause of con-
flict, especially with senior family members
or colleagues who have been doing a job
in a particular way for a very long time. Ap-
proach change gently. It’s hard for some!
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). There are those
who act without thinking about the risk in-
volved. As impressed as you may be with
them, you’re braver. To assess the risk and
move forward anyway takes real courage.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). There will be
argument over what is a privilege and what
is a right. But to the grateful heart, does it
really matter? Gratitude inspires more of
what’s given, regardless of what’s deserved.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). If only you
could know the inner lives of others. You’ll
get a glimpse today though. In fact, you’ll
be so surprised by a one you thought you
knew well, you may reconsider your whole
relationship with this person.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). How did you
sleep with the moon glowing in your sign
last night? Today has a reflective sheen to
it as you ponder and assign meaning to the
happenings of yesterday.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). A little
bit of pretending may be in order. Don’t think
of this as lying; rather, consider yourself get-
ting into the spirit of an activity — acting “as
if” and hoping that the requisite feelings and
interest will catch up with you.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). Apply
what you know to the puzzle at hand but
do not try to solve anything today. You still
don’t know enough. Even if only one piece
is missing, it’s a significant piece that could
change everything.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). You feel
funny for asking for things you don’t really
need when there are so many in the world
who have so much less than you do. On the
other hand, you can only live your own life.
Why shouldn’t it be as rich as possible?
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). There’s no
reason to be jealous, but if you do find your-
self turning green just know that this can be
a positive emotion. It teaches you what you
really want and what you could work on.
FRIDAY’S BIRTHDAY (April 22). There’s
one area of your personal life (a problem
you’ve dealt with for a long time now)
you’ll finally fix up, bringing new zest to
your whole scene. Successful results will
require you to take an action that doesn’t
come naturally for you, but you’ll master
it nonetheless. What eluded you will be in
your grasp in September. Leo and Aries
adore you. Your lucky numbers are: 10, 3,
30, 45 and 16.