The daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1961-current, April 20, 2016, Page 8A, Image 8

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Tomorrow’s horoscope
Woman incensed by friendship
Dear Annie: I’m 55 and have
been married to the same man for 27
years. Before we met, my husband
had been living with “Miranda” for
six years. Although Miranda has
had many relationships since, she
never married.
All these years, my mother-in-
law and two sisters-in-law have
maintained a relationship with this
woman, often meeting for lunch.
They support and attend all her
charity events. What really is gall-
ing is that they do all these things
behind my back. No one even had
the respect to tell me that Miranda
was invited to my sister-in-law’s
wedding. I was a bridesmaid and
was shocked to see her name on a
place card for the reception.
I have always been close to my
husband’s family. We all live in
the same town, while my family is
out of state. I am constantly host-
ing holiday and birthday dinners
for them, and helping their families
with whatever arises. I have tried
being the dutiful daughter and sis-
ter-in-law, but my patience is wear-
ing thin.
My husband doesn’t attend
these events, but he does email
Miranda occasionally. I found out
that my in-laws drove hours to get
to her brother’s funeral when my
en’t told you, but we think they
are sparing your feelings. They
obviously tell your husband, who
chooses not to transmit the infor-
mation to you, likely for the same
Syndicate Inc.
Your in-laws have been friends
with Miranda longer than they
Mitchell and
have known you. We suggest you
Marcy Sugar
tell them how hurt you are that
they feel they must hide their con-
husband mentioned in passing that tact with Miranda and, although
his sister’s car broke down on the you don’t need to know the details,
you’d prefer not to be kept in the
I am so hurt that this is going on dark. As long as they aren’t trying
after all these years. One day, my to undermine your marriage, you
sisters-in-law treat me like their have no cause for concern, and it
BFF, and the next day, they spend would be a shame to let this wreck
time with Miranda. Not only have I the good relationship you’ve built
become distrusting of them, I have over the years.
Dear Annie: You printed a sug-
taken a major step back from our
gestion from “Indiana,” saying that
previously close relationship.
Am I too sensitive and inse- it might be easier for “Confused
cure, or is the situation just weird? and Torn” to bear the loss of her
beloved Pomeranian if she has the
Dear Stressed: Actually, had dog cremated and states in her will
your in-laws stopped contact with that she wants the ashes put in her
Miranda and then picked it up FRI¿Q
While this is a lovely idea, it will
weird. But since they have been in not help to put it in her will. Wills
touch the entire time, we’d say you are read after the funeral. She needs
shouldn’t try to dictate their friend- to make arrangements in advance
ships — even with ex-girlfriends. with her family and friends, let-
You believe that your in-laws are ting everyone know her wishes.
untrustworthy because they hav- — Florida
By Holiday Mathis, Creators Syndicate Inc.
ARIES (March 21-April 19). You think you
know where you belong, but it turns out you
could belong in a lot of different places given
half the chance. Nurturing environments will
beckon to you through the channel of your
TAURUS (April 20-May 20). No, you’re not
imagining things. They are staring at you —
well, it’s only because they’re expecting you
to bring the fun. With your good mood today,
you won’t disappoint.
GEMINI (May 21-June 21). Even for you,
socializing has its challenges. The more you
overcome them, the luckier you are. Take a
risk. Get to know that person who doesn’t
open up easily. Listen and observe carefully
and you’ll find your perfect “in.”
CANCER (June 22-July 22). The seeds of
kindness and greed are within each person,
as is the potential to do good works or bad
deeds. No one is born with character. Char-
acter is born of choices.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). Ever since the
thing you thought would make you happy
didn’t do its job, you’ve wondered where all
the “happy” is kept. Are they hiding it from you
on purpose? Time to knock on some doors
and ask a few questions.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). The early stag-
es of a relationship matter! A tone is being
established; a rhythm is set. Add a dash of
intrigue and a sprinkle of surprise to the mix
and you’ve the start of something meaningful.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). Set your price.
You might like to work for free because it
takes the pressure off. Or perhaps you still
think of yourself as an amateur (you’re not).
Set your price anyway. People value what
they pay for even if they pay very little.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). You’ll find
things a lot more interesting because of the
person delivering the information. Info that
would have caused your eyes to glaze over
could become suddenly mesmerizing with a
change of cast.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). Usually
you have to try things until one of your efforts
brings the result. Today you’ll just stumble into
a good option. Sure you’re lucky, but it’s luck
you deserve — and how!
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). This is
an all-or-nothing kind of day. It’s not enough
to mean well. Doing well is the only option.
You put your best efforts in, and then you dig
deeper for more and better efforts to contrib-
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). Your em-
powered attitude is like a solvent for people
who are stuck in their ways. You don’t have
to do much to get things moving in the right
direction. The inspiration of your presence is
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). Like a fish
traveling with your “school,” you won’t have
to bother with too many decisions today. Your
natural instincts will have you sticking with
your group for all the strength and protection
you need.
bit of unpleasantness is all in the past now.
You’ve been made richer for it, which is why
you’ll have so much to give the next three
months. Your generosity will change a life.
July brings financial flexibility. Apply your ed-
ucation to September’s challenge. The addi-
tions to your family send smiles across the
globe. Aquarius and Cancer adore you. Your
lucky numbers are: 43, 5, 33, 2 and 9.