Develop your drawing skills at Astoria Art Loft four-week class ASTORIA — Astoria Art Loft will offer a four-week Devel- oping Your Drawing Skills class taught by Astoria artist Sheila Brown. Class takes place from 1 to 4 p.m. Saturdays, April 16, 23, 30 and May 7. Cost for the four sessions is $80. Supplies will include a No. 2 and other assorted graphite pencils, an art eraser, and an 8-by-10-inch or larger draw- ing tablet. Students will learn to see the areas around an object to portray it more easily. To register for the class, call Astoria Art Loft at 503- 325-4442 or email astoriaart- The loft is located above Dots ’N Doo- dles Art Supplies at 106 Third St. For more information, visit Known for her black-and- white linoleum block prints, Brown also ventures into other mediums like pen and ink and watercolor. Art has always been “the thing” for Brown; it makes KHU KDSS\ VDWLV¿HG IXO¿OOHG After receiving much adora- tion for painting Christmas VFHQHV RQ KHU IDWKHU¶V RI¿FH window and posters for the local rodeo parade, she moved on to enjoy all manner of art adventures. Brown loves the challenge of learning to work with a new “toy.” This has included clay, acrylic, linoleum block prints, colored pencil, pen and ink, graphite and watercolor — not to mention basketry, painted bowls, and barn-door murals. This award-winning art- LVWZDVMXULHGLQWRWKH%HQH¿W Show and Sale at the Port- land Art Museum in 2009 and 2010. Brown has taught class- es in linoleum block printing and drawing and donates art- ZRUNWRVHYHUDOORFDOQRQSUR¿W organizations each year. As a member of three local art groups, Brown shows her work at a variety of venues. Submitted photo Opera and art-song musician Christopher Corbell will perform at the Voodoo Room. Polish detail in April 22 writing workshop Heather Christie, Christopher Corbell play Voodoo Room Trail’s End Art Association hosts author Deb Vanasse GEARHART — Author Anton Chekhov famously advised, “Don’t tell me the moon is shining: show me the glint of light on broken glass.” Trail’s End Art Association brings author Deb Vanasse for the three-hour writing workshop “Description and Detail: The Glint and the Squint” from 1 to 4 p.m. Friday, April 22. Vanasse brings proven suc- cess and years of experience to share and advises writers to come prepared to write. The workshop cost for Trail’s End members is $30 and for non-members is $35. Whether you are an emerg- ing or an established writer, writers know the adage “show, don’t tell.” But how do you decide which details to in- clude and which to leave out? How do you make sure your descriptions enhance, not dis- tract? In this upcoming writ- ing workshop, local writers will practice crafting power- ful and evocative descriptions that reveal character, encour- age emotional engagement, heighten tension and expand meaning. Vanasse is an engaging and enthusiastic instructor who consistently earns praise for her evocative prose and nar- rative skill. “Vanasse is talent- ed,” says Foreword Reviews. “She can turn ordinary words into the sublime.” Booklist Astoria-Warrenton ƌĂď͕^ĞĂĨŽŽĚΘtŝŶĞ&ĞƐƟǀĂů Sponsored by ƉƌŝůϮϮ͕ϮϯΘϮϰ͕ϮϬϭϲ HOURS + ADMISSION Friday: 4-9pm - $10 Saturday: 10-8pm - $10 Sunday: 11-4pm - $5 LOCATION Clatsop Co. Fairgrounds Astoria, Oregon LIMITED PARKING ^ŚƵƩůĞƐĂǀĂŝůĂďůĞĨƌŽŵ lodging or park & ride ůŽĐĂƟŽŶƐ͘ΨϯͬƉĞƌƐŽŶ Astoria-Warrenton Area Chamber of Commerce ͽ (503) 325-6311 20 | April 14, 2016 | praises her use of description and detail saying, “Vanasse’s novel captures the harsh beau- ty of the terrain as well as the strain of self-doubt and com- plicated family bonds.” She has authored 17 books, including the recent “Write Your Best Book.” Her books also include the novel “Cold Spell” and the biography “Wealth Woman.” Trail’s End Art Association is located at 656 A St. Seating is limited. Register in advance by visiting www.coastwriting. org or send an email to Jane Portland songwriters share Astoria roots Submitted photo Deb Vanasse will lead a writing workshop focusing on detail and description. McGeehan at jsmcgeehan3@ Crossword Answer C L A S S I C H A V E A G O E T E R N A L E R N I E O L G E E O R S O H I C S I D A O I L T A R A B N O T A S N O R S R S N E W Y A V A T H A R D R U P I N E J G E R A O S I N R U N E R A F T R A D O R E V E R E S E N R O O R O B W A C O A N K E R I A N S E S T E C T S T B A I F E R R Y O R K H A A R A G L Y N O A U T O S I T A S C A A H E M R E W L A M O D A E A L A N T U B C O A A L E R V E R G R A S S T T S M A T A S P E N H A N T R A E S A P P P A A I T R R U T B O R O N E A Y P E I C O A N N G N E I S S W E R E H E R E O D E T S V L A D V E X A S T R L A I N O C E A T U S B O N T A N D O L C A N A L M I L E N A B E I A S K E R S A E R K E B A O B C R O S H O T E E L I N E L E C P O S E Y E N P A L L E T S Y E S L E T S ASTORIA — Two expressive songwriters return to Astoria in a double bill: Cult of Orpheus presents Songcraft at the Voo- doo Room, a performance with Heather Christie and Christopher Corbell. The music will be new, but the room is bound to evoke the community of the 1990s when both artists were Astoria resi- dents active in the North Coast music scene. Christie and Corbell will per- form at 9 p.m. Saturday, April 16 at the Voodoo Room, located at 1114 Marine Drive. The show is open to ages 21 and older, and there is no cover charge. Christie brings the chiaroscu- ro energy of her lyrical and poi- gnant voice, woven into original tapestries of acoustic guitar and harmony, supported by multi-in- strumentalist Philip Pelletier. Well-known as a Northwest singer-songwriter and perform- er, Christie relocated to Portland and became the voice of the mul- timedia family musical “Frog- town,” recording and touring with the successful production. With nuances of Joni Mitchell, Ricki Lee Jones and Ani Difran- co, Christie has written and pro- duced three albums. Corbell was formerly active in Astoria poetry and roots-mu- Submitted photo Singer-songwriter Heather Christie will perform with Philip Pelletier. sic circles. He went on to engage in the Portland indie classical scene, serving as a director of Classical Revolution PDX and composing and producing a successful one-act opera, “Vi- va’s Holiday.” Cult of Orpheus is Corbell’s opera and art-song vehicle . Corbell brings to the Voodoo Room song settings of original sonnets, a fusion of poetry, sing- er-songwriter performance, and classical art-song composition. Local cellist Andrew Emlen will join Corbell for several songs. Christie and Corbell will col- laborate on a few numbers as well. The show promises to be rich and buoyed by community reunion.