10A THE DAILY ASTORIAN • THURSDAY, APRIL 14, 2016 ReFording: &rRsE\ reIused tR shRZ the RI¿cer his Oicense Continued from Page 1A The neZ OaZ Zas signed E\ *Rv .ate %rRZn Oast -une amid a natiRnZide deEate Rver Zhether there is a )irst $mendment right tR reFRrd SROiFe The 8S SuSreme &Rurt has nRt issued a de¿n- itive ruOing, Eut sRme Ied- eraO FRurts ² and the 8S 'eSartment RI -ustiFe ² have endRrsed the SuEOiF¶s ³right tR reFRrd´ as a Iree- sSeeFh SrRteFtiRn (ven under the ROd state OaZ, hRZever, &rRsE\¶s reFRrding Zas OegaO EeFause the &annRn %eaFh SROiFe RI¿- Fer annRunFed IrRm the start that he Zas using his ERd\ Famera tR dRFument the traI- ¿F stRS The 2regRn &Rurt RI $SSeaOs, in State RI 2regRn v 1eII in , sided Zith a man ZhR seFretO\ used his FeOOShRne tR reFRrd a traI¿F stRS in (ugene EeFause the SROiFe RI¿Fer had annRunFed that the RI¿Fer Zas reFRrding ³The\ REviRusO\ dis- cussed the matter and decided that it Zas Eene¿ciaO IRr them tR Zear these devices ERth in their vehicOes and Rn their Ser- sRn,´ &rRsE\ said :ednesda\ at the &OatsRS &Runt\ &Rurt- hRuse aIter SrRsecutRrs dis- missed the iOOegaO recRrding charge and a IaiOure tR Sresent his driver¶s Oicense charge +e ZiOO stiOO Iace a traI¿c citatiRn IRr a deIective headOight ³SR, \es, citi]ens shRuOd nRt RnO\ Ee aIIRrded that right, Eut shRuOd e[Sress thRse rights Zhen the time is in that mRment tR dR sR´ 'eSut\ 'istrict $ttRrne\ 'avid *ROdthRrSe ErRught the iOOegaO recRrding case against &rRsE\ even thRugh &annRn %each 3ROice did nRt recRmmend the charge The SrRsecutRr had said he Zas nRt aZare at the time that the state OaZ Rn recRrding SROice Zas aERut tR change %ut ERth *ROdthRrSe and .irN :intermute, &rRsE\¶s attRrne\, cited the aSSeaOs cRurt ruOing as the main rea- sRn IRr the dismissaO *ROdthRrSe said the aSSeaOs cRurt ruOing ³hROds that that ZRuOd have Eeen chaOOengeaEOe at triaO $nd then Zith the change RI the OaZ at the Eeginning RI the \ear, it Must didn¶t maNe sense tR gR IRrZard Zith that charge´ 7raf¿F stoS &rRsE\ Zas disaSSRinted that the IuOO stRr\ RI the traI- ¿c stRS, detaiOed E\ The 'aiO\ $stRrian in -anuar\, ZiOO OiNeO\ never Ee heard in a cRurtrRRm 3uOOed Rver IRr a deIec- tive headOight Rn 8S +igh- Za\ , &rRsE\, ZhR is $Irican $merican and has a IeORn\ criminaO histRr\ in &aOiIRrnia, stuEERrnO\ reIused tR shRZ the &annRn %each 3ROice RI¿cer his driv- er¶s Oicense and argued Zith the RI¿cer Rver his cRnstitu- tiRnaO rights $Iter the &annRn %each RI¿cer caOOed IRr EacNuS, RI¿- cers IrRm *earhart, Seaside and the &OatsRS &Runt\ Sher- iII¶s 2I¿ce arrived Rn the side RI the highZa\ TZent\-¿ve minutes aIter &rRsE\ Zas stRSSed, he started his ignitiRn tR Oeave ZithRut giving SROice his driver¶s Oicense Rr acceSting a traI¿c citatiRn The Sea- side 3ROice RI¿cer, ZhR had SOaced a sSiNe striS in IrRnt RI &rRsE\¶s car, dreZ his gun &rRsE\ Zas nRt recRrd- ing at that SRint Eut Seaside 3ROice Oater cRn¿rmed tR The 'aiO\ $stRrian that the RI¿cer dreZ his ZeaSRn ³The\ shRuOdn¶t have SuOOed the ¿rearm Rn me, Zhich the\ haven¶t ErRught uS at aOO,´ &rRsE\ said :ednesda\ +e EeOieves SROice and SrRsecutRrs are ³attemSting tR cRver that uS Rr hRSe that it gRes aZa\ ZithRut having tR e[SOain Zh\ the\ dreZ their ser- vice ZeaSRn and trained it directO\ Rn me´ *ROdthRrSe, the SrRsecu- tRr, Sraised the &annRn %each 3ROice RI¿cer IRr de-esca- Oating a SRtentiaOO\ vROatiOe situatiRn The &annRn %each RI¿- cer, accRrding tR a SROice reSRrt and ERd\ camera IRRt- age, Zas cRn¿dent in &rRs- E\¶s identit\ aIter a Oicense SOate search and aIter &rRsE\ SOaced his driver¶s Oicense Rn his Oeg sR the RI¿cer cRuOd ORRN The RI¿cer tROd the Rth- ers at the scene that he did nRt Zant tR turn the encRunter intR a ³use RI IRrce´ incident and caOmed the Seaside RI¿- cer ZhR dreZ his gun ³(ach RI them Zere maN- ing individuaO decisiRns The\ Zeren¶t aOO cRmmunicating directO\ Zith each Rther the ZhROe time, Eecause sRme Zere Rn Rther sides RI the car,´ *ROdthRrSe said ³SR , can¶t secRnd-guess their actiRns $nd, REviRusO\, that¶s a training thing that thRse deSartments have tR deaO Zith iI the\ thinN RI¿cers shRuOd handOe a stRS OiNe that diIIer- entO\ Rr in a certain Za\, then the\ address that deSartment E\ deSartment ³SSeci¿caOO\, the &an- nRn %each RI¿cer, , thinN, handOed it the Eest Za\ he SRssiEO\ cRuOd and Zas ver\ Satient Zith Mr &rRsE\ and tried tR de-escaOate and NeeS the situatiRn under cRntrRO as Eest he cRuOd´ CliniF: ,t¶s aOsR aERut giving Sarents IeedEacN Continued from Page 1A Extra attention The -\ear-ROd ² ZhR didn¶t sSeaN Eut sREEed ORudO\ Zhen his Iather carried him IrRm the SOa\ area ² ZiOO Ee reIerred IRr Iurther evaOuatiRn and ma\ need SrRIessiRnaO care tR imSrRve his cRmmunicatiRn sNiOOs, said +eather /eader, a sSeciaO educatiRn teacher Zith 1RrthZest 5egiRnaO (duca- tiRn Service 'istrict, ZhR sSent time REserving his EehaviRr ³:e Zant tR ORRN at his nRt taONing,´ she said ³T\SicaOO\, Nids Zith sRciaO deOa\s ZiOO avRid Rther Nids and sa\, µThis is tRR much IRr me, sR ,¶m nRt even gRing tR gR there,´ she added 'uring the cOinic¶s ¿rst \ear, heOd at the &OatsRS &Runt\ )air- grRunds, a si]aEOe Sercentage RI chiOdren needed a IROORZ-uS e[am in at Oeast Rne area RI deveORSment The secRnd \ear, heOd at the $stRria $rmRr\, the Ser- centages drRSSed nearO\ acrRss the ERard The numEer RI chiO- dren needing mRre attentiRn in sSeech, IRr e[amSOe, decreased IrRm Sercent tR Sercent %ut the cOinic is aERut mRre than catching SRtentiaO SrREOems ³:e aOsR Zant tR Ee aEOe tR give Sarents IeedEacN aERut, µ+e\, \Rur chiOd is dRing great´ *aIIne\, a retired Sea- side +eights (Oementar\ SchRRO SrinciSaO, said ³%ut, iI there¶s a need IRr Rr cRncern IRr an e[am, then Ze heOS them maNe that aSSRintment´ (ach \ear, the cOinic Rrgani]- ers hRSe tR reach Rut tR Sarents ZhR haven¶t \et cRnnected Zith medicaO SractitiRners Zhere their chiOdren are cRncerned ³SR man\ Nids have nRt Eeen tR the dentist,´ *aIIne\ said ³SR, iI Ze Must get them in a chair and have sRmeERd\ Nind RI ORRN in their mRuth, it gives them that ¿rst e[SRsure Zhich is SRsitive´ ThRugh the cOinic is designed IRr aOO IamiOies, *aIIne\ said he Zishes mRre ORZ-incRme Iam- iOies shRZed uS ³:e Zant tR engage them in the RSSRrtunities, the resRurces, that are avaiOaEOe´ Early intervention Tara +anR, RI $stRria, made an aSSRintment Eecause her -\ear-ROd sRn, &amerRn, has Eeen acting Rut in schRRO and having trRuEOe hearing %ased Rn the screening resuOts and inIRrmatiRn she SrRvided in a questiRnnaire, memEers RI the cOinic team rec- Rmmended earO\ interventiRn measures IRr &amerRn 2veraOO, thRugh, he and his tZin sister, 5av\n, seem tR Ee hitting mRst RI the deveORSmen- taO EenchmarNs 'uring a test RI the tZins¶ ¿ne mRtRr sNiOOs, hRZever, +anR discRvered the\ needed immediate attentiRn Zith Rne invaOuaEOe OiIe sNiOO ³, Oearned tRda\ that the\ dRn¶t NnRZ hRZ tR EuttRn a Eut- tRn,´ +anR, their usuaO gR-tR EuttRner, said, Oaughing ³SR Ze¶OO Ee Sracticing EuttRns´ Smith: TriaO is set IRr -une Continued from Page 1A That evening, Smith used heU ¿ngeUnaiOs tR UiS RSen the veins RI Rne RI heU ZUists -aiO staII UeSRUtedO\ IRund heU in a SRRO RI heU RZn EORRd and she Zas taNen tR a hRsSitaO IRU tUeatment 0aUTuis nRtes that TiOOa- mRRN &Runt\ -aiO, unOiNe &Oat- sRS &Runt\ -aiO, has nR med- iFaO staII sR aOO tUeatment is SURvided E\ the hRsSitaO +eU inMuUies, aFFRUding tR the SURs- eFutRU, UeTuiUed thUee stitFhes, nR suUgiFaO SURFeduUes and nR EORRd tUansIusiRns /ast ZeeN, she Zas tUansSRUted EaFN tR &OatsRS &Runt\ -aiO, ZheUe she is Rn suiFide ZatFh 'eIense OaZ\eUs /\nne 0RUgan and 'avid )aOOs UeSRUted the suiFide attemSt in a FRuUt ¿Oing Tuesda\ 0aU- Tuis FaOOed the FOaims meORdUa- matiF and aFFused the deIense RI e[aggeUating and distRUting Smith¶s FRnditiRn ³The deIense attemSts tR maNe muFh RI Zhat the\ FaOO heU µsuiFide attemSt,¶´ 0aU- Tuis ZURte ³0s Smith undeU- stands ZhR the SaUties aUe, Zhat theiU inteUests aUe, Zhat is heU UROe in the Fase, and the FRuUse the Fase is taNing´ Requested hearing Marquis is requesting a hearing Zithin a ZeeN tR have FRurt-aSSRinted Ss\FhRORgist %rRRNe +RZard testiI\ aERut Smith +RZard reFentO\ e[am- ined Smith and IRund she suI- Iers IrRm SRst-traumatiF stress disRrder, Eut FRuOd nRt deter- mine iI she is mentaOO\ un¿t tR stand triaO She reFRmmended Smith Ee sent tR the 2regRn State +RsSitaO, Eut RnO\ tR Ee REserved and mRnitRred +er reSRrt FRuOd nRt FRnFOude Zhether Smith is unaEOe Rr unZiOOing tR aid and assist in her deIense The deIense OaZ\ers EeOieve Smith suIIers IrRm a mentaO disease, ZhiOe SrRseFu- tRrs thinN she is IaNing $Iter reFentO\ sSeaNing Zith +RZard, Marquis FOaims, she made it FOear that e[isting tests she and state-hired Ss\- FhRORgist 3auO *uastadisegni administered aOread\ shRZ Smith is maOingering and e[aggerating s\mStRms The deIense¶s FOaims that Smith is un¿t are Eased Rn their RZn RSiniRn and reSRrts IrRm their hired e[Sert that FOaim she has severe mRRd Fhanges, aEstraFt thinNing and untreated mentaO heaOth issues +RZard e[SOained tR Mar- quis that FriminaO deIendants ZhR ma\ Ee IaNing EeFRme ³test savv\´ She indiFated the Photos by Joshua Bessex/The Daily Astorian ABOVE: Scarlett Kicks, 4, steps on a scale and gets her height measured during the Ear- ly Childhood Health and Education Clinic at Astor Elementary School on Wednesday. BELOW: From left: Victoria Lindgren, Molly Savage-Kost and Alexandra Hanson, all nursing students at Clatsop Community College, fill out charts at the body measurements station. ³vaOidit\´ sFaOes Rn the tests have aOread\ shRZn Smith is OiNeO\ e[aggerating her s\mS- tRms at a minimum ³The state FannRt FRnFede that the deIendant is inFRm- Setent Zhen that is nRt Zhat the FRurt-aSSRinted e[aminer IRund,´ Marquis ZrRte The deIense OaZ\ers are demanding the FRurt send Smith tR the state hRsSitaO IRr treatment and susSend aOO Iuture FRurt hearings Mar- quis is asNing IRr +RZard tR re-evaOuate Smith at the state hRsSitaO X330 Select Series™ Starting at $ 2,999 § • 20 hp* (14.9 kW, 724 cc) • NEW 42-in. Accel Deep™ Deck • 4-year/300-hour limited warranty** RIGHT CUT. RIGHT PRICE. RIGHT NOW. Z335E ZTRAK™ MOWER D105 LAWN TRACTOR • 17.5 hp* (13.0 kW, 500 cc) • 42-in. mower deck • 2-year/120-hour bumper-to-bumper warranty** STARTING AT $ 1,499 § • • • • 20 hp* (14.9 kW, 656 cc) NEW 42-in. Accel Deep Deck 7.0-mph mowing speed 2-year/120-hour bumper-to- bumper warranty** STARTING AT $ 2,499 § Memory of events The triaO is set IRr -une , nearO\ three \ears aIter the Frimes Smith SreviRusO\ tROd the state-hired Ss\FhRORgist she had OittOe tR nR memRr\ RI the events RI -uO\ , , Zhen she is aFFused RI drugging and drRZning her -\ear-ROd daughter, ,saEeOOa Smith, and attemSting tR NiOO her -\ear- ROd daughter, $Oana Smith Marquis SOans tR suEmit testimRn\ IrRm TiOOamRRN &Runt\ -aiO staII that sa\s Smith tROd Rther inmates she rememEers the inFident, that she ZiOO Zrite a ERRN aERut her e[SerienFe and that /iIetime teOevisiRn netZRrN ZiOO maNe a mRvie aERut her &ODWVRS3RZHU(TXLSPHQW 34912 Highway 101 Business Astoria, OR 97103 (503) 325-0792 - or - (800) 220-0792 Sunday &ORVHG Monday - Friday DPSP Saturday DPSP § Prices and models may vary by dealer. Manufacturer suggested list price at $2,999 on X330 Select Series, $1,499 on D105 and $2,499 on Z335E. Prices are suggested retail prices only and are subject to change without notice at any time. Dealer may sell for less. Shown with optional equipment not included in the price. Attachments and implements sold separately. Available at participating dealers.*The engine horsepower and torque information for non-Deere engines are provided by the engine manufacturer to be used for comparison purposes only. Actual operating horsepower and torque will be less. Refer to the engine manufacturer’s website for additional information. 7HUPOLPLWHGWR\HDUVRUKRXUVXVHGZKLFKHYHUFRPHV÷UVWDQGYDULHVE\PRGHO6HHWKH/,0,7(':$55$17<)251(:-2+1'((5(785) $1'87,/,7<(48,30(17DW-RKQ'HHUHFRP:DUUDQW\RU-RKQ'HHUHFD78:DUUDQW\IRUGHWDLOV%HIRUHRSHUDWLQJRUULGLQJDOZD\VUHIHUWRWKH VDIHW\DQGRSHUDWLQJLQIRUPDWLRQRQWKHYHKLFOHDQGLQWKHRSHUDWRUÚVPDQXDO-RKQ'HHUHÚVJUHHQDQG\HOORZFRORUVFKHPHWKHOHDSLQJGHHU V\PERODQG-2+1'((5(DUHWUDGHPDUNVRI'HHUH&RPSDQ\ $&6..&8$&3(;'$%: