2A THE DAILY ASTORIAN • MONDAY, APRIL 4, 2016 2%,T8A5,(6 Melvin ‘Dutch’ Kawasoe Betty (Planting) Munch Gearhart Nov. 8, 1925 — March 29, 2016 Portland May 8, 1940 — March 12, 2016 0elvin ³Dutch´ .aZasoe passed aZay on torship, throuJh football, Jolf and in the Tuesday, 0arch , , after a heroic ¿ Jht classroom. aJainst conJestive heart failure. +e Zas born Dutch Zas a man of faith, and a lonJtime on 1ov. , , in 1orth PoZder, 2reJon, member of 6t. 0attheZ¶s &hurch in Portland to *eorJe and 0asuNo .aZasoe, and 1orth &oast )amily )elloZship Japanese immiJrants. +e JreZ up in 6easide, 2reJon. in :eiser, ,daho, Zhere his father Dutch is survived by his Zife, Zas a chef and later oZned a larJe 0ary Ann, and his three children, farminJ operation. Dutch ZorNed 0arcia +ouston Jim, 0arianne on that farm and ran creZs. This is /eip]iJ Tim and John .aZasoe also Zhere he learned many of his four Jrandchildren, *retchen cooNinJ sNills. 6umner Jamie, Jonathan /eip]iJ +e loved ¿ shinJ, huntinJ, foot :hitney, and .aty and &arson ball and Jolf. Dutch attended the .aZasoe and four JreatJrandchil 8niversity of ,daho, earninJ a bach dren, /ucy and Dutch 6umner and elor¶s deJree from the &olleJe of Melvin “Dutch” )inley and 0aclane /eip]iJ. +e Kawasoe ,daho, and later his master¶s deJree Zas preceded in death by his father, from the 8niversity of 2reJon. mother and tZo sisters. &oach Dutch .aZasoe Zas one of 2re 0emorial services Zill be held at p.m. on Jon¶s alltime best hiJh school coaches. 6aturday, April , , at 1orth &oast )am DurinJ his career of more than years in ily )elloZship, 1. :ahanna 5oad, 6ea 9ale, 2reJon, and also in and around Portland, side, 2reJon and also in Portland at p.m. on 2reJon, he tauJht bioloJy, health and math 6unday, April , at 6t. 0attheZ¶s AnJlican and coached football as Zell as Jolf. 0any of &hurch, 6.(. th Ave. his teams Zere championship caliber. ,n lieu of À oZers, donations may be made +e Zas inducted into the 1ational &oaches to the Dutch .aZasoe 6cholarship )und, P.2. Association +all of )ame in , the &ol %o[ , Portland, 25 . leJe )ootball )oundation +all of )ame in 2cean 9ieZ )uneral &remation 6er , and the Portland ,nterscholastic /eaJue vices of Astoria is in charJe of the arranJe P,/ +all of )ame in . Dutch touched ments. An online Juest booN may be siJned at hundreds of lives Zith his Juidance and men ZZZ.2cean9ieZAstoria.com %etty 3lantinJ 0unch, a natiYe of Astoria, /ater in life she ZorNed for several years at 6il 2reJon, and a lonJtime resident of 1orthZest ver &loud ,nn, includinJ as head houseNeeper, 3ortland, passed aZay 0arch . 6he Zas . and Zas employed Zith 1orthZest Place, a %orn to 5udolph and 9elare 3lantinJ in , retirement facility, for more than years. she JreZ up in Astoria, 2reJon, and %etty Zas a biJ sports fan, and Jraduated from Astoria +iJh 6chool. could alZays be found listeninJ to 6he often talNed about her days as or ZatchinJ her favorite team, the a ³)ishermen´ and the fun times at Portland Trail %la]ers. 6he also had Astoria +iJh. a huJe love of animals, particularly cats, and at one time had four furry %etty came from a lonJ line of companions. As her health declined, Astorians. +er maternal Jrandparents, she had to leave her beloved n orth 3eter and (llen 3eterson %rach liYed Zest Portland and move to 5obison in Astoria their entire lives, and her +ome, Zhere she made many friends Jrandfather oZned a plumbinJ store. and enMoyed playinJ binJo, ZatchinJ +er father, 5udolph, oZnedoperated Betty Munch %la]ers¶ James Zith felloZ fans, and Thiel %ros. restaurantbar in doZn talNinJ sports Zith staff and residents. toZn Astoria for many years before A special moment for her Zas beinJ they moved to Portland in the late searly s. %etty often talNed about larJe named 5obison¶s ³5ose 4ueen´ last sprinJ. %etty Zas preceded in death by her parents JettoJethers Zith family and friends in Astoria, and she recalled Zonderful times JoinJ to 6ea and sister, %everly. 6he is survived by her dauJh side and visitinJ her aunt and uncle, Zho had a ter, Theresa 0c.inlay Tom, Jrandson 0attheZ, and son -ohn /amb, as Zell as many friends. At home alonJ the 1ecanicum 5iver. %etty ZorNed for 0ontJomery :ard in Port her reTuest, no service Zas held. 5emembrances land in the s, and later Zas a homemaNer. may be sent to the 2reJon +umane 6ociety. TraininJ for +aystacN volunteers The Daily Astorian CA1121 %(AC+ ² The +aystacN 5ocN AZare ness ProJram is hostinJ its ¿ rst v olunteer t raininJ of the season from a.m. to p.m. 6aturday in the City +all Council Chambers, (. *oZer 6t. To attend, an 569P is reTuested. The aZareness proJram aims to educate visitors at +aystacN 5ocN about the diverse Zildlife at and around the rocN. An environmen tal interpreter’s Mob is to pro tect, throuJh education, the intertidal and bird ecoloJy of the 0arine *arden and 2re Jon ,slands 1ational :ildlife 5efuJe at +aystacN 5ocN. The aZareness proJram Zants to ensure that all vol unteers, or interested volun teers, fully understand hoZ they can participate in the proJram. To 569P for the traininJ, or for information, call or email hrapvol unteer#ci.cannonbeach. or.us 6iJn up for early childhood health clinics The Daily Astorian The P (arly /earninJ &ouncil is taNinJ appoint ments for (arly &hildhood +ealth and (ducation &linics April in Astoria and April in 6easide. Appointments for the Astoria clinic must be made by :ednesday. Parents and Juardians of to yearolds Zill receive information about their child’s development as they approach NinderJarten. (arly childhood and med ical professionals conduct screeninJs on motor move ment, speech and coJnitive development, as Zell as hear inJ, vision, heiJht, ZeiJht and basic physical and dental e[aminations. Parents and Juardians Zill have an opportunity to talN about nutrition, behavior and revieZ their child’s immu ni]ations. They Zill learn about local resources and Jet referrals to specialists, Zhen appropriate. All children not enrolled in NinderJarten are encouraJed to attend the clinic, Zhich Zill also JauJe the proJress of children Zho attended a previ ous clinic. The ¿ rst clinic is April at John Jacob Astor (lementary 6chool. The second is April at the 6easide &ivic and &on vention Center. Appointments are reTuired by :ednesday for the Astoria clinic and by April for the 6easide event. Call any elementary school, +ead 6tart pre school center, the 1orthZest 5eJional (ducation 6ervice District or 1orthZest Parent inJ to maNe an appointment. ACCUWEATHER ® FORECAST FOR ASTORIA Astoria 5-Day Forecast Tonight Mainly cloudy 44° Tuesday Oregon Weather Shown is tomorrow’s weather. Temperatures are tonight’s lows and tomorrow’s highs Portland 45/61 Corvallis 41/66 Eugene 40/63 Pendleton 39/60 Salem 42/64 Albany 41/63 Wednesday Mostly cloudy 42° Klamath Falls 28/63 Partly sunny and milder Thursday 51° Friday Mostly sunny 73° 68° 48° Partly sunny and cooler but pleasant 61° 45° Almanac Sun and Moon Astoria through Sunday. Temperatures High ........................................... 62° Low ............................................ 39° Normal high ............................... 55° Normal low ................................. 40° Precipitation Yesterday ................................ 0.15" Month to date .......................... 0.15" Normal month to date ............. 0.63" Year to date ........................... 34.53" Normal year to date .............. 25.72" Sunset tonight .................. Sunrise Tuesday .............. Moonrise today ................ Moonset today ................. Regional Cities City Baker City Bend Brookings Eugene Ilwaco Klamath Falls Medford Newport North Bend Today Hi Lo W 52 26 pc 50 28 pc 57 44 sh 59 40 sh 52 47 c 55 28 pc 62 40 sh 54 43 sh 57 42 sh National Cities Today City Hi Lo W Atlanta 76 48 s Boston 33 24 sn Chicago 38 25 pc Denver 72 42 s Des Moines 55 36 pc Detroit 37 23 c El Paso 83 53 s Fairbanks 47 29 pc Honolulu 86 69 pc Indianapolis 47 27 c Kansas City 65 42 s Las Vegas 86 63 s Los Angeles 76 57 pc Memphis 76 45 s Miami 83 67 pc Nashville 77 38 s New Orleans 77 56 s New York 51 27 r Oklahoma City 81 51 s Philadelphia 66 30 r St. Louis 61 36 pc Salt Lake City 67 40 sh San Francisco 67 50 pc Seattle 56 45 sh Washington, DC 77 33 sh 7:48 p.m. 6:47 a.m. 5:21 a.m. 4:41 p.m. New First Full Last Apr 7 Apr 13 Apr 21 Apr 29 City Olympia Pendleton Portland Roseburg Salem Seaside Spokane Vancouver Yakima Today Hi Lo W 55 40 sh 57 39 pc 58 45 sh 60 41 sh 58 42 sh 53 47 sh 53 34 r 56 43 sh 63 38 pc Tues. Hi Lo W 58 36 c 60 40 pc 61 43 c 67 43 pc 64 42 pc 57 43 c 55 37 pc 59 40 c 66 40 pc Tonight's Sky: Auriga the Charioteer will drive across the western evening sky this month. Source: Jim Todd, OMSI Tomorrow’s Tides Astoria / Port Docks Time High 12:28 a.m. 8.3 ft. 12:31 p.m. 8.6 ft. Time 6:34 a.m. 6:56 p.m. Low 1.0 ft. 0.0 ft. Tomorrow’s National Weather Tues. Hi Lo W 70 45 s 39 22 pc 46 40 sh 60 34 pc 60 46 c 40 31 pc 88 56 pc 48 24 s 84 66 sh 51 40 s 72 49 pc 86 63 s 80 60 s 68 54 s 83 69 s 62 44 s 79 60 s 41 28 s 85 52 pc 46 28 s 59 52 s 56 35 pc 75 57 s 59 42 c 50 33 s The Daily Astorian *5A<6 +A5%25, :ash. ² A 8.6. Coast *uard Jay haZN helicopter hoisted a man off the north Metty of *rays +arbor 6unday after he suf fered a severe leJ inMury. The helicopter creZ brouJht the yearold to the %oZerman airport in +oTuiam, :ashinJton, Zhere he Zas transferred to Air lift 1orthZest for transport to 6eattle for further medical care. The initial report came into 6tation *rays +arbor via dispatch. The station relayed the report to Zatchstanders at 6ector Columbia 5iver, Zhich launched the helicopter. DEATHS March 31, 2016 6+2C./(<, Allen 5ay man Jr., , of ClatsNanie, died in ClatsNanie. Cald Zell’s /uce/ayton 0ortu ary in Astoria is in charJe of the arranJements. April 2, 2016 P