5A THE DAILY ASTORIAN • TUESDAY, MARCH 29, 2016 EMERALD HEIGHTS APARTMENTS Affordable Place to Call Home EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY Astoria, OR Call 325-8221 for more information © 2016 by Vicki Whiting, Editor Jeff Schinkel, Graphics Vol. 32, No. 16 Ast o ri a Fo rest Pro d uct s , LLC Spring Sp S pring p r i n g is i s here! h e r e Birds are one of the most common sig g ns of o f spring’s sp prin arrival. In early spring they begin signs b bu ildi ng ilding ildin g ne sts laying eggs and hatching the next building nests, ge ene generation. A Th A: The simple answer is NO. As much _________ as it would be to raise a baby bird of your own, it’s best to let the young bird parents ________ the little peeper. In fact, it’s actually bird’s ______________ for you to do so, and you could get a fine from your local wildlife management agency! he main goal of every baby bird is to eat, eat and eat some more. Since they are growing, they need lots of protein to build new muscles and grow flight feathers. Some parent birds are known to bring food hundreds of times each day to the nest – something you definitely don’t have time to do. That’s why you need to leave feeding baby birds to their parents! Since you can’t raise a baby bird on your own, what should you do? Here are a few ideas: Call a local wildlife ___________ to help. They may take the bird and raise it properly. With your parent’s ________, put the bird back in its nest. (The old belief that mother birds won’t accept a baby covered with a human’s scent is false!) 10 Pier 1 • Su ite 301 Astoria , O regon 97103 Astoria, Warrenton, & Seaside 1100 Northwest Ridge Road Hammond OR 97121 reservations 800-562-8506 Info 503-861-2606 Northwest West Inc. Northwest West Inc. Northwest West West Inc. Inc. Northwest Northwest West West Inc. Inc. Northwest Northwest West West Inc. Inc. Northwest Northwest West West Inc. Inc. Northwest Northwest West Inc. Northwest West West Inc. Inc. Northwest Northwest West Inc. Northwest West West Inc. Inc. Northwest Northwest West Inc. Northwest West West Inc. Inc. Northwest Northwest West Inc. Northwest Northwest West Inc. West Inc. Northwest Northwest West Inc. West Inc. Northwest West Inc. Northwest West Inc. Northwest West Inc. Northwest West Inc. Income Tax Preparation 762 Avenue G, Seaside, OR 97138 503-738-3480 WARRENTON 861-3252 1167 S.E. MARLIN McCALL TIRE CENTER T C SEASIDE 738-9243 2155 S ROOSEVELT Home Furnishings 1033 Commercial Street Astoria, Oregon 97103 (503)325-5620 M orga n Civil Engineering P O B ox 358 • M a n za n ita If the bird is in an exposed area, coax it to move someplace that offers ____________, such as under a bush. Some birds, including killdeer and some waterfowl, actually lay their eggs on the ground, so don’t ___________ about them! 503-368-6186 MARITIME TEXACO 1701 Marine Dr Astoria, OR 97103 1-503-325-7812 Standards Link: Reading Comprehension: Follow simple, written directions. Bald Eagle Hummingbird American Goldfinch 11 + 5 = seeds 11 + 7 = insects and spiders 29 - 10 = fish, small animals 31 - 11 = earthworms Northern Cardinal American Robin 21 - 4 = flower nectar, bug slurry Perky-Pet®, the world’s top manufacturer of bird feeders, wants to help you celebrate spring by providing 10 lucky Kid Scoop readers with a free Perky-Pet® Hummingbird Feeder Kit, which includes a feeder, nectar packet, feeding guide and more! To enter to win, send a postcard with your name and address to: 503.325.0411 34747 Hwy 101 Bus. Astoria AN D TO W I N G Perky-Pet® Feeder Contest c/o Kid Scoop P.O. Box 1802 Sonoma, CA 95476 Which hungry baby bird will catch the worm? Look through the newspaper for pictures, words and illustrations that show it is Spring. Cut these out and make a poster all about Spring! T ERRY ’ S P LUMBING ( 503) 325-5180 2095 M a rin e D rive | Astoria ASTORIA | 503-556-0410 Standards Link: Research: Use the newspaper to locate information. CLATSOP POWER EQUIPMENT INC. Draw what comes next in each row to continue the spring pattern. Standards Link: Research: Use the newspaper to locate information. 34912 HWY. 101 BUSINESS ASTORIA | (503) 325-0792 GENERATION WILDLIFE HATCHING EXPOSED ADVICE SPRING EXPERT GROUND BIRDS NESTS RAISE ALONE LOTS LAY OWN N O I T A R E N E G H T R E P X E Y G L A I T B T C A A N L T E E F I L D L I W A s toria Pointe T he Ros eb ria r 263 W E xcha n ge • Astoria | ( 877) 435-7790 C S E V O R O P R E H I D N E E D T P O I A E N E S T S S W N R D E S O P X E N NORTHWEST READY MIX 950 O lney A ve • A storia 503-325-3562 G R O U N D P E R R Memorial 1410 CO M Day M ERCIA L STREET • A STO RIA 503-325-5511 What will you remember most about this past school year? Share your thoughts with other Kid Scoop readers. Stages of Life Deadline: April 24 Published: Week of May 22 Look through the newspaper to show animals and/or things in different stages of their lives. For example, you might find pictures of a seed, a young plant and an older plant. Try to find at least two pictures showing two stages. Send your story to: 11 W. Marine Dr. | Astoria | 503-325-3322 Great Ocean Standards Link: Research: Use the newspaper to locate information. Please include your school and grade. N EW SPAPER CARRIERS N EEDED Da Yang Seafoods LTD. The D a ily A storia n ha s severa l rou tes a va ila ble in the A storia a rea . Ca ll 503-325-3211 for m ore in form a tion . Tha nks to the follow ing bu sinesses for su pporting New spa pers In E du ca tion C olu m b ia P a c ific w w w .d a ilya sto ria n .co m /n ie • Appelo Archives Center • Sam’s Seaside Café • Hees Enterprises, Inc • Quackenbush Buliders Inc. • Bridgewater Bistro • Clatsop Truck & Equipment • Clatsop Behaviorial Healthcare S uns p ire Hea lth • Kuuma Saavi Works • Lazerquick Seaside/Astoria • Mark J. Lang, Attorney at Law • Premium Adjustable Beds • Suzanne Elise Assisted Living • Moberg and Rust Attorneys at Law • Lower Columbia Clinic L a w F irm L L C • Ship Inn • Video Horizons • Clean and Dry • Rock Bauer Landscapes • Chinook Marine Repair Shop • Hammond Kennels 1139 Exchange St. Astoria, OR 503-468-3100 Ebb Tide Oceanfront Resort 300 N . PRO M • SE ASID E 1-800-468-6232