The daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1961-current, March 28, 2016, Page 6A, Image 6

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Tomorrow’s horoscope
Grandma worries about girls
Dear Annie: I adopted two older
children from different orphanages
and now they are grown adults. They
both suffered deprivation and abuse in
their early childhood years, but over-
all seem to be achieving more than
My older child, “Rose,” married
a man with a gambling addiction and
an attraction for young children. Rose
has a new baby and apparently wants
to keep the baby’s father in the pic-
ture at all costs. She goes along with
whatever he says and rationalizes their
behavior as acceptable and normal. I
strongly suspect they deal in child por-
nography to supplement their income,
as this has been a problem in the past.
My youngest daughter, “Meg,”
has a 10-year-old daughter who was
molested by these two when she
was 5 years old. The family decided
never to allow the child to be alone
with Rose and her husband, and told
them why. Meg reported the incident
to the police and someone contacted
child protective services. Unfortu-
nately, the facts of the case got mixed
up and Meg was found guilty of fail-
ing to protect her daughter, while the
perpetrators were never even inter-
viewed. Rose and her husband moved
out of state.
Meg went back to school and is
protective services. You can do so
anonymously. They will investigate
the home and determine what’s going
on. And if there is any chance they
may be abusing the baby, call child
Syndicate Inc.
protective services immediately.
Dear Annie: You’re good about
passing along wisdom from read-
Mitchell and
ers. Several weeks ago, my husband
Marcy Sugar
and I participated in a bike ride that
included 8,000 other people. It didn’t
EXW VKH LV SDQLFNHG DERXW ¿QGLQJ D take long for us to get separated. Near
job. She is talking about moving near the end of the ride, someone ran into
Rose. My granddaughter doesn’t me and down I went. Numerous vol-
remember the earlier abuse and seems unteers helped me get up, checked my
excited to be with her new cousin. bike and bandaged my wounds. But
Meg says she wants to be closer to her then one asked if I had a cellphone. I
sister, and promises never to leave her said yes, and that it was in the back-
pack — the one my husband carried.
daughter unsupervised.
I worry constantly about the new In fact, every necessary item was in
baby’s safety and what could hap- his backpack.
It occurred to me that my husband
pen to Meg’s daughter. Meg is plan-
ning a visit soon, and I’m sure they’ll always carried our backpack. We’d
be staying with Rose while she looks never been separated before, so there
for nearby housing. How can I protect had never been a need to change the
my granddaughter if she moves out of arrangement. I now make sure to have
the basics in my own fanny pack, just
state? — Frightened Grandma
Dear Grandma: This situation is in case. — Oregon
Dear Oregon: Thank goodness
a job in another city just as easily as for the wonderful volunteers, and
she can in Rose’s area. We wonder thank you for the reminder. When
why she is so determined to go there, cycling, one should always have a
knowing the risks. If Meg moves to cellphone, ID, a bit of cash, a list of
Rose’s town and stays in her home, medications and allergies and bottled
report the situation to their local child water.
By Holiday Mathis, Creators Syndicate Inc.
ARIES (March 21-April 19). Brilliance
in any area of life usually comes off as ef-
fortless to those who don’t know any better
— but you’re not fooled. You know the work
that goes into navigating complexities, and
you’re willing to do it.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20). There are
planners, and then there are “pantsers,”
who prefer to throw themselves in and sort
things out as they go. Such people will
frighten you today until you join them in
their moment-to-moment approach.
GEMINI (May 21-June 21). Mental pur-
suits ignite your energy, though you usually
don’t seek them out directly. Today these
pursuits will be byproducts of your social
agenda, which will center on getting the
undivided attention of a certain someone.
CANCER (June 22-July 22). Even the
most exciting, jet-fueled relationships must
touch down to earth once in a while to refu-
el. Don’t take the slowed pace as a person-
al slight, because it’s actually necessary to
the overall momentum of the relationship.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). You will simulta-
neously succeed at more than one import-
ant endeavor, making you the envy of your
friends and colleagues. In fact, to avoid un-
wanted complication, you may want to keep
your successes to yourself.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). You will pri-
vately send your respect, affection and
admiration to perfect strangers and this will
boomerang back to you, as usual. The way
you think about others is the way you think
about yourself.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). Of course
you prefer to deal with the trustworthy, but
sometimes that’s not an option and you
have to go forward anyhow. Not today. To-
day you can’t afford to bother with those
who inspire doubt in you.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). Usually you
naturally connect with like-minded people,
but because your interests and values are
shifting, you will have to take a more delib-
erate, conscious approach to finding the
people you wish to circulate among.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21).
Grudges harm most the one who holds
them. For this reason you’ll let your griev-
ances go. Another good reason is that
you’re way too busy today to waste time
remembering what you’re supposed to be
bothered about.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). You’ll be
asked to speak for the group, so be sure
you know what the group wants to say.
You’ll be given full access to a public forum
in which to communicate your ideas and
start a ball rolling.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). You find
your path to happiness by following the
spark of curiosity that ignites in you this
morning. Given that pursuit, and your keen
awareness of everyday beauty, this day will
bring smiles by the dozens.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). The friend
who helps you see yourself the way others
do is a treasure. If this person also possess-
es a kind, gentle way of delivering informa-
tion, cherish this relationship, which is more
valuable than gold.
begin this solar journey with a big goal in
mind, though you’ll wind up at a very dif-
ferent (and much better for you) destination
than the one you had planned.