NATIONAL AG DAY: FARMERS FACE MORE SCRUTINY » PAGE 10A // TUESDAY, MARCH 15, 2016 143RD YEAR, NO. 179 ONE DOLLAR Life on the half shell $TXDFXOtXre GRmiQDteV IDrmiQJ RQ :iOODSD BDy Joshua Bessex/The Daily Astorian Defense attorney Conor Huseby looks up while talking to Randy Roden after a hearing at Clatsop County Courthouse in February 2015. Roden’s lawyer to attack Goodding’s investigative work &ODimV the ODte RI¿Fer ZDV EiDVeG DQG rXVheG tR MXGJmeQt Photos by Edward Stratton/The Daily Astorian Tim Ritchey, who works for Elkhorn Oyster Co., hauls in a cage full of oysters lifted from the company’s beds just north of Goose Point in Willapa Bay, Wash., watched by co-owner Steve Shotwell. By EDWARD STRATTON The Daily Astorian $< &(17(5, :DVh. ² 2Q D EOXV- tery 7hXrVGDy DIterQRRQ, SteYe ShRtZeOO DQG 7im 5itFhey heDGeG RXt tR the IDrm. BXt iQVteDG RI D hDr- YeVter rXQQiQJ thrRXJh D ¿eOG, ShRtZeOO mRtRreG hiV FXVtRm-EXiOt, VhDOORZ-GrDIt RyVter ERDt RXt RI the BDy &eQter 0DriQD iQtR the ÀDtV RI :iOODSD BDy Dt hiJh tiGe. ³, GiG thiV VtXII iQ BDy &eQter DV D FhiOG,´ ShRtZeOO VDiG, QRtiQJ hiV mRther ZDV SrREDEOy ZDtFhiQJ him OeDYe IrRm hiV FhiOGhRRG hRme DERYe the mDriQD. ShRtZeOO DQG hiV ZiIe, $QGi, FR-RZQ (ONhRrQ 2yVter &R., RQe RI DERXt RyV- ter IDrmV DrRXQG :iOODSD BDy. 7he EDy eQFRmSDVVeV mRre thDQ VTXDre miOeV RI IDirOy SriVtiQe eVtXDry SrRGXFiQJ Dt OeDVt D Vi[th RI the RyVterV FRQVXmeG iQ the 8QiteG StDteV. ³*reDt GDy tR Ee DQ RyVtermDQ,´ 5itFhey VDiG, riGiQJ the ViGe RI ShRtZeOO¶V ERDt iQ D rDiQ VOiFNer DQG rXEEer ERRtV. $ IRrmer 8.S. 1DYy reVFXe VZimmer DQG QXrVe, 5itFhey mRYeG tR the reJiRQ tR yeDrV DJR IrRm &DOiIRrQiD DQG VDiG he IRXQG RyVterV DQ DYDiODEOe MRE thDt ZRXOG NeeS him RQ the ZDter. .eeSiQJ DQ eye RXt IRr miON MXJV RQ SROeV VtiFNiQJ RXt RI the hiJh tiGe ² EOXe meDQV VRXth, DQG Zhite QRrth ² ShRt- ZeOO mRtRreG RXt tR the reFtDQJXODr SORt RI tiGeODQGV hiV IDmiOy RZQV QRrth RI *RRVe 3RiQt, e[SertOy mDQeXYeriQJ DrRXQG EXRyV mDrNiQJ GXQNeG FDJeV IXOO RI riS- eQiQJ RyVterV, VRme RI ZhiFh hDYe EeeQ JrRZiQJ IRr DV ORQJ DV IRXr yeDrV. 5itFhey hRRNeG the rRSe XQGerQeDth the EXRy, EeIRre ShRtZeOO rDiVeG the Drm RI D FrDQe, EriQJiQJ XS hXQGreGV RI SRXQGV RI RyVterV iQ D FDJe, ZhiFh 5itFhey hDXOeG RQtR the GeFN. 7hey ErRXJht DERXt RyVterV EDFN tR the GRFNV 7hXrVGDy DIter- QRRQ, ZhiFh Zere iQ D reIriJerDteG trDiOer heDGeG IRr GiVtriEXtiRQ Ey )riGDy. B See OYSTERS, Page 12A Elkhorn Oyster Co. co-owners Andi and Steve Shotwell, left and right re- spectively, work alongside employee Kelli Erickson cleaning, counting and bagging their Willapa Bay Oysters for wholesale distribution in-shell. OYSTER DOCUMENTARY For a deep look into the Willapa Bay oyster industry, the Shotwells of Elkhorn Oyster Co. recommend a seven-part documentary, “Willapa Bay Oysters,” created by Keith Cox, online at Vimeo at or through By KYLE SPURR The Daily Astorian 7he ODZyer IRr 5DQGy /ee 5RGeQ, the OiYe-iQ ERyIrieQG DFFXVeG RI tRrtXriQJ DQG mXr- GeriQJ hiV JirOIrieQG¶V -yeDr- ROG GDXJhter, SODQV Dt triDO tR DttDFN the SROiFe iQYeVtiJDtiRQ OeG Ey the ODte SeDViGe 3ROiFe SJt. -DVRQ *RRGGiQJ. *RRGGiQJ ZDV VhRt DQG NiOOeG iQ )eErXDry ZhiOe mDN- iQJ D IeORQy ZDrrDQt DrreVt. ,Q FRXrt ¿OiQJV, &RQRr +XVeEy, 5RGeQ¶V ODZyer, DGmitV hiV DrJXmeQt ZiOO Ee hDrG tR mDNe tR SRteQtiDO MXrRrV ZhR Vee *RRGGiQJ DV D herR DQG e[DmSOe RI eYery- thiQJ VRmeRQe ZRXOG ZDQt iQ D SROiFe RI¿Fer, hXVEDQG, IDther DQG FRmmXQity mem- Eer. 0RreRYer, +XVeEy ZRr- rieV, mDQy MXrRrV mDy YieZ the FDVe DV DQ RSSRrtXQity tR YDO- iGDte *RRGGiQJ¶V ODVt mDMRr iQYeVtiJDtiRQ Zith D JXiOty Yer- GiFt DJDiQVt 5RGeQ. -XrRrV ZiOO OiNeOy reMeFt the QRtiRQ thDt *RRGGiQJ e[SreVVeG EiDV, rXVheG tR MXGJ- meQt DQG IDiOeG tR SrRSerOy DQG thRrRXJhOy iQYeVtiJDte, he VDiG. ³7he GeIeQVe, Ey QeFeVVity DQG EeFDXVe RI the eYiGeQFe iQ thiV FDVe, ZiOO Ee DttDFNiQJ the iQteJrity RI the iQYeVtiJD- tiRQ OeG Ey SJt. *RRGGiQJ DQG DrJXiQJ thDt FrXFiDO miVtDNeV mDGe GXriQJ the iQYeVtiJDtiRQ hDYe reVXOteG iQ DQ iQQRFeQt mDQ EeiQJ FhDrJeG Zith the mRVt heiQRXV FrimeV,´ +XVeEy ZrRte iQ D FRXrt ¿OiQJ. &KDQJHRIYHQXH BeFDXVe RI the imSDFt 5RGeQ¶V FDVe DQG *RRGGiQJ¶V GeDth hDG RQ the &ODtVRS &RXQty FRmmXQity, +XVeEy iV reTXeVtiQJ D FhDQJe RI YeQXe IRr the SeStemEer triDO. ,Q DGGitiRQ, +XVeEy FiteV the e[teQViYe meGiD FRYer- DJe DV D reDVRQ IRr D FhDQJe RI YeQXe. ³,t iV DOmRVt iQFRQFeiY- DEOe thDt iQGiYiGXDO MXrRrV iQ &ODtVRS &RXQty hDYe QRt EeeQ e[SRVeG tR meGiD DERXt thiV FDVe,´ he ZrRte. )rRm the Yery EeJiQQiQJ RI the FDVe iQ 'eFemEer , +XVeEy VDiG, *RRGGiQJ IRFXVeG Zith VtXQ- QiQJ tXQQeO YiViRQ RQ 5RGeQ. +e FODimV *RRGGiQJ iJQRreG 5RGeQ¶V VXJJeVtiRQV tR iQYeV- tiJDte Rther VXVSeFtV, DQG ZeQt tR ³EDIÀiQJ OeQJthV´ tR mDNe eYiGeQFe ¿t the QDrrDtiYe thDt 5RGeQ iV JXiOty RI the FrimeV. See LAWYER, Page 12A 'DyOiJht VDYiQJ EDQ VXSSRrterV IDOO EDFN By PARIS ACHEN Capital Bureau Every oyster sold by Elkhorn Oyster Co. can be tracked back to the compa- ny. Co-owner Andi Shotwell said the company sometimes gets calls from restaurants across the U.S. wanting to know where the oyster came from. &ROOHJHQDUURZV¿HOGIRUSUHVLGHQW Breitmeyer, 6mitK ¿QDOiVtV IRr tRS VSRt The Daily Astorian 7Ke &ODtVRS &RmmXQity &ROOeJe BRDrG KDV QDrrRZeG tKe ¿QDOiVtV IRr SreViGeQt tR &KriV- tRSKer Breitmeyer DQG *OeQQ Smith. Breitmeyer, , hDV EeeQ the YiFe SreViGeQt IRr DFDGemiF DQG VtXGeQt DIIDirV Dt St. &hDrOeV &RmmXQity &ROOeJe QRrthZeVt RI St. /RXiV ViQFe , DQG the FROOeJe¶V GeDQ RI mDth, VFieQFe DQG heDOth ViQFe . )Rr the SDVt yeDrV, Smith, , hDV heOG YDriRXV DGmiQiVtrD- tiYe SRVitiRQV Dt &RQFRr- VeOeFtV the SreViGeQt. She GiD 8QiYerVity, D SriYDte VDiG the FROOeJe hRSeV tR &hriVtiDQ XQiYerVity iQ hDYe D QeZ SreViGeQt Ey QRrtheDVt 3RrtODQG. +e iV -XOy , the EeJiQQiQJ RI the XQiYerVity¶V e[eFXtiYe the QeZ ¿VFDO yeDr. YiFe SrRYRVt IRr VtXGeQt 7he Rther ¿QDOiVtV VerYiFeV DQG eQrROOmeQt Zere &hriVtRSher 'yer, Christopher the SreViGeQt DQG &(2 mDQDJemeQt. ³7ZR ERDrG memEerV Breitmeyer RI the 8QiYerVity RI 1eZ ZiOO Ee JRiQJ tR GR Vite 0e[iFR-*DOOXS, DQG 5RQ YiVitV Dt their FROOeJeV Dt /iVV, D IRrmer SreViGeQt the eQG RI 0DrFh,´ VDiG RI &XyDhRJD &RmmX- -XOie +rXEeV, D VSRNeV- Qity &ROOeJe iQ 2hiR. ZRmDQ IRr &ODtVRS 7he QeZ SreViGeQt &RmmXQity &ROOeJe. ZiOO reSODFe /DZreQFe 7he ERDrG memEerV *DOi]iR, ZhR reViJQeG ZiOO DVN TXeVtiRQV DQG ODVt yeDr IRr D SRVt DV Glenn Vee hRZ SeRSOe Dt the FRO- SreViGeQt DQG &(2 RI Smith OeJeV reJDrG Smith DQG the &RmmXQity &RO- Breitmeyer. +rXEeV VDiG OeJe /eDJXe RI &DOiIRr- the tZR FDQGiGDteV ZiOO theQ YiVit QiD. *DOi]iR hDG VerYeG DV FROOeJe $VtRriD DJDiQ EeIRre the ERDrG SreViGeQt ViQFe . S$/(0 ² $ EDOORt iQi- tiDtiYe tR eQG GDyOiJht VDY- iQJ time iQ 2reJRQ iV RQ hROG XQtiO . 0eGIRrG reViGeQt 'DYiG 0iOeV ODXQFheG D SetitiRQ GriYe iQ 1RYemEer tR DEROiVh the trDGitiRQ Ey . 0iOeV VDiG hiV IRrFe RI DERXt YROXQteerV ZDV iQVXI¿FieQt tR JDther the reTXireG , ViJQDtXreV tR SODFe the meDVXre RQ the EDOORt iQ 1RYemEer. $V RI SXQGDy, the JrRXS hDG FRO- OeFteG DERXt , ViJQD- tXreV, 0iOeV VDiG. ³:e hDYe RXr ViJhtV Vet RQ Qe[t yeDr,´ 0iOeV VDiG. ³, hDG tR ORRN Dt it reDOiV- tiFDOOy, DV mXFh DV , ZRXOG hDYe ORYeG tR hDYe it RQ the EDOORt thiV yeDr,´ he DGGeG. 0iOeV VDiG he SODQV tR VtDrt D *R)XQG0e SDJe tR rDiVe mRQey tR hire SDiG Seti- tiRQerV Qe[t yeDr. 7he FRmmXQity Ver- YiFe RI¿Fer Zith -DFNVRQ &RXQty SheriII¶V 2I¿Fe VDiG he VtDrteG the iQitiDtiYe DIter IeeOiQJ tireG RI FRmSODiQiQJ eYery yeDr DERXt ORViQJ VOeeS DQG DGMXVtiQJ FORFNV DQG GeFiGiQJ he VhRXOG GR VRme- thiQJ DERXt it. Submitted Photo Medford resident David Miles launched a petition drive in November to abol- ish the tradition by 2018. Miles said his force of about 20 volunteers was insufficient to gather the required 117,578 signa- tures to place the measure on the ballot in November. $GMXVtiQJ the FORFN IRr- ZDrG iQ the VSriQJ mDy FDXVe VSiNeV iQ ZRrNSODFe DFFi- GeQtV DQG trDI¿F FrDVheV, DFFRrGiQJ tR mXOtiSOe ERGieV RI reVeDrFh, iQFOXGiQJ RQe Ey the 8QiYerVity RI &RORrDGR. $ 8QiYerVity RI &DOiIRrQiD BerNeOey VtXGy IRXQG thDt D tZR-mRQth e[teQViRQ RI GDy- OiJht VDYiQJ time iQ $XVtrDOiD GXriQJ the SyGQey 2OymSiF *DmeV iQ IDiOeG tR FXr- tDiO eOeFtriFity GemDQG. See BAN, Page 12A