FEATURES 8A Tomorrow’s horoscope Teen has troubled friendships Dear Annie: I have three best friends. We are juniors in high school and like sisters. Two weeks ago, “Jessica” and “Lucy” got LQWRD¿JKWEHFDXVH-HVVLFDGLGQ¶W OLNH /XF\¶V GULYLQJ :KHQ , VXJ- JHVWHGWKDWPRVWSHRSOHGRQ¶WWDNH well to criticism, Jessica refused to talk to me. The next day, she sent a long text message to Lucy and me, saying we are “always mean and heartless” to her. She sent me a separate text listing all the little things I do that bother her. I apologized to Jessica, saying it was not intentional and that I would try to be more aware of my responses to her. We are in a lot of classes together and eventually, she started being sugary sweet to PH 0HDQZKLOH /XF\ FRQ¿GHG that her parents are having horri- ble problems and then she swore me to secrecy. I felt loyal to Lucy, DQGGLGQ¶WUHDOO\ZDUPXSWR-HVVL- FD¶VRYHUWXUHV Today, a classmate informed me that Lucy is dating my ex-boy- IULHQG/XF\FODLPVVKHGLGQ¶WWHOO PH EHFDXVH VKH WKRXJKW ,¶G EH DQJU\ $QQLH , GRQ¶W FDUH DERXW P\H[DQGLWGRHVQ¶WERWKHUPHLI they date. What bothers me is that Lucy hid it instead of telling me and asking if it was OK. After the broadening your circle of friends. Dear Annie: I thought you offered good advice to “Just Won- dering,” who came home after a Creators ZHHN DZD\ WR ¿QG WKDW KHU KRXVH Syndicate Inc. sitters had used all her stuff, including food, laundry supplies, Kathy shampoo and hand lotion. Mitchell and I have need of a house/pet sitter Marcy Sugar from time to time and here is how I adjust my attitude: When someone ZD\ ,¶YH WULHG WR EH OR\DO WR KHU stays in your home and takes care this is like a stab in the back. Are of your pet, your pet does not have these friendships over? — Kylie to cope with the stress of being Dear Kylie: Maybe. You sound moved to an unfamiliar location. like a sensible person with some