143RD YEAR, NO. 167 FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 2016 ONE DOLLAR WEEKEND EDITION INTRODUCING THE SCANDINAVIAN MIDSUMMER FESTIVAL COURT DEATH AND THE OCEAN PAGE 2B FRIDAY EXTRA 1C Nygaards wrongly i lled wetlands, EPA says 5estoUation ¿ ne XnGeU neJotiation By EDWARD STRATTON The Daily Astorian NyJaaUG /anG //C owneG Ey a SUoPinent tiPEeU haUYestinJ faPily YiolateG the feGeUal Clean WateU Act Ey ¿ llinJ aEoXt acUes of wetlanGs soXth of the AstoUia 5eJional AiUSoUt last yeaU withoXt a SeUPit accoUGinJ to the 86 EnYiUonPental 3Uotection AJency 7he coPSany leYeleG anG ¿ lleG the wetlanGs foU SastXUe while the neaUEy /ewis anG ClaUN BUiGJe was closeG foU UeSaiUs NyJaaUG /anG is in neJotiations with the E3A to UestoUe the wetlanGs anG Say a ¿ ne foU the Yiolation ³We’Ue hoSinJ foU UestoUation of the site at least enoXJh UestoUation to Jet it EacN on tUacN to what it XseG to Ee´ saiG <Yonne 9allette a wetlanGs cooUGinatoU foU the E3A in 3oUtlanG NyJaaUG /anG saiG it is cooSeU atinJ with the feGeUal aJency ³7his SUoSeUty has Eeen a faUP foU alPost yeaUs anG we aUe cooSeUatinJ fXlly with E3A to UesolYe the PatteU´ the coPSany saiG an ePaileG state Pent 7hXUsGay niJht 7he woUN occXUUeG on SUoSeUty NyJaaUG /anG owns Eetween AiUSoUt /ane anG 86 HiJhway while the E UiGJe was closeG foU SaUtial UeSlace Pent 9allette saiG the coPSany haG an aSSlication with the state 'eSaUt They’ve got a ticket to ride Pent of )oUestUy to loJ the lanG which it GiG in anG last yeaU ³7he OUeJon )oUest 3Uactices Act allows loJJinJ to occXU on wet lanGs as lonJ as nothinJ else haS Sens to the lanG´ saiG -Xlie CXUtis a sSoNeswoPan with the 'eSaUtPent of 6tate /anGs ³,f the Xse of the lanG See NYGAARDS, Page 10A 0aUTXis says too much sSotliJht ClatsoS 'A ¿ les ethics chaUJe aJainst BXnGy lawyeUs By MAXINE BERNSTEIN The Oregonian An AP Member Exchange Joshua Bessex/The Daily Astorian Astoria High School students Sarah Miller, left, and Beth Mathre, right, sing as they record a music video on the John Lennon Ed- ucational Tour Bus at Astoria High School on Tuesday. /ennon EXs helSs stXGents iPaJine PXsic SUoGXction By EDWARD STRATTON The Daily Astorian T oS Hat city’s newest EanG was EoUn in a EXs SaUNeG oXtsiGe AstoUia HiJh 6chool Joshua Bessex/The Daily Astorian 7he -ohn /ennon EGXcational 7oXU BXs a sNy ElXe Pillion PoEile UecoUGinJ stXGio PaUNeG Ey a UoXJh sNetch of the late Beatles fUontPan stoSSeG Ey 7XesGay on a toXU of hiJh schools on the West Coast 7he e[SeUience JaYe stXGents a chance at SUo fessional SUoGXction anG <oX7 XEe JloUy 7he nonSUo¿ t that UXns the /ennon EXs was staUteG Ey <oNo Ono in to honoU heU hXsEanG’s leJacy anG to helS stXGents e[SUess thePselYes thUoXJh PXsic at a tiPe when PXsical SUoJUaPs face fXnGinJ cUXnches 7he EXs Yisits aEoXt schools a yeaU with helS fUoP coUSoUate sSonsoUs Jared Rivera records in the sound booth at the John Lennon Educational Tour Bus. See LENNON BUS, Page 11A ClatsoS CoXnty 'istUict AttoUney -osh 0aUTXis has ¿ leG a coPSlaint with the state EaU aJainst APPon BXnGy’s lawyeUs con tenGinJ theiU SUetUial statePents oXtsiGe feG eUal coXUt anG UeleaseG UecoUGinJs of theiU client will XnfaiUly SUeMXGice fXtXUe MXUoUs 0aUTXis who infoUPeG the OUeJon 6tate BaU that he’s lectXUeG on the ³ethical liPits of PaNinJ coPPents on SenGinJ cases’’ saiG he is not SeUsonally acTXainteG with the EXJeneEaseG attoU neys 0iNe AUnolG oU /issa Casey EXt has watcheG thUee lenJthy YiGeos SosteG on <oX7XEe Ey AUnolG’s ¿ UP ³0U AUnolG’s conGXct anG that of his PePEeUs of his ¿ UP caXses JUeat conceUn Josh foU those of Xs who stUonJly Marquis EelieYe in the aSSUoSUiate Gis cXssion of cases SenGinJ in the tUiEXnals of feGeUal oU state coXUts’’ 0aUTXis wUote ,n 0aUTXis’ coPSlaint which was ePaileG to the OUeJon 6tate BaU on )eE anG ¿ Ust UeSoUteG Ey 7he 5eJisteU*XaUG in EXJene 7hXUsGay the ClatsoS CoXnty Gis tUict attoUney GescUiEeG the OUeJon 86 AttoUney’s Of¿ ce’s hanGlinJ of the feGeUal consSiUacy case SenGinJ aJainst BXnGy anG otheUs as ³PeasXUeG’’ ³<et 0U AUnolG has seen ¿ t to constantly holG news confeUences to conYey his clients oSinions Gefenses attacNs on the feGeUal JoYeUnPent in a PanneU that cannot Ee foU any otheU SXUSose than UeachinJ anG inÀ X ence SossiEle MXUoUs who if this PatteU Joes to tUial woXlG Ee the tUieUs of fact’’ 0aUTXis wUote 7wenty¿ Ye GefenGants haYe Eeen inGicteG on a sinJle feGeUal chaUJe of con sSiUinJ to iPSeGe feGeUal of¿ ceUs fUoP woUNinJ at the 0alheXU National WilGlife See MARQUIS, Page 10A One PoUe chance foU Nicholson UeYeUsal" Cannon Beach foes say it’s not ‘the Cannon Beach way’ By LYRA FONTAINE EO Media Group CANNON BEACH — Will this Ee the ¿ nal woUG " AfteU a City CoXncil aSSUoYal anG a /anG 8se BoaUG of ASSeals G ecision oSSonents of a foXU hoPe SUoMect on /aXUel 6tUeet hoSe coXnciloUs will UeYeUse thePselYes 7XesGay niJht 7he City C oXncil will holG a SXElic heaUinJ anG consiGeU ¿ nal aSSUoYal foU the UesiGen sion´ he saiG ³,’P MXst MXPS tial GeYeloSPent inJ thUoXJh hooSs anG , fXlly 7he PeetinJ Pay Ee the e[Sect City CoXncil to JiYe last tiPe oSSonents haYe to ¿ nal aSSUoYal´ PaNe theiU case aJainst 7he city aSSUoYeG the SUoMect Ey Cannon SUeliPinaUy Slans foU Beach anG 3oUtlanG the SUoMect in 0aUch UesiGent -eff Nichol 7he Gecision was son 7he aSSlication XShelG Ey the state’s was UetXUneG to the /anG 8se BoaUG of coXncil afteU the city’s ASSeals 3lanninJ CoPPission BXt afteU oXt Jeff foXnG À aws with the cUy fUoP neiJhEoUs Nicholson anG )UienGs of Can SUoSosal ³,’P MXst SlXJJinJ non Beach a nonSUo¿ t alonJ anG we’Ye Eeen oYeU JUoXS foUPeG to ¿ Jht the SUoM this foU a yeaU anG a half´ ect the 3lanninJ CoPPission Nicholson saiG ³,’Ye Gone UeYieweG anG foXnG À aws with so PXch EeyonG what was the aSSlication asNeG foU in oUGeU to Sac ify the 3 lanninJ C oPPis See NICHOLSON, Page 10A Erick Bengel /The Daily Astorian A home located on the 0.57-acre property owned by Jeff Nicholson.