‘Fish-Work’ chronicles commercial fishing lifestyle Imogen Gallery hosts reception, exhibition by photographer Corey Arnold ASTORIA — Imogen Gal- lery presents “Fish-Work,” an exhibition by profession- al artist and fisherman Co- rey Arnold of Portland. This is Arnold’s second exhibition at Imogen, held in conjunction with the 2016 FisherPoets Gathering, an annual celebration of the fishing community that of- fers a glimpse into one of the oldest industries through stories and poetry written and recited by fisher folk. Kick off a full weekend of scheduled events and learn more about Arnold’s work, both photographing and fishing the waters of Alas- ka and Northern Europe. All are invited to attend a recep- tion for Arnold and the Fish- erPoets Gathering from 4 to 7 p.m. Friday, Feb. 26. Light bites and beverages will be provided by Astoria Coffee- house & Bistro. The exhibi- tion will remain on display through March 8. This year there’ll be an added dimen- sion to the weekend’s events with Arnold projecting his images onto exterior walls of downtown buildings, near established venues for the event. Arnold began fishing as a boy, about the same time he first picked up the cam- era. What began as weekend adventures with the family quickly became a permanent part of life, culminating into a successful dual career, one mutually supporting the oth- er. This exhibition will in- clude photographs from the ongoing series “Fish-Work,” a lifelong project that chron- icles the commercial fish- ing lifestyle throughout the world. Arnold began fishing commercially in 1995 as a deckhand aboard various vessels and skiffs in Alaska. His career as a photographer has taken him from the wa- ters of Alaska to Europe. The images included in this show are from more recent trips working aboard pollock and factory trawlers in the Bering Sea, a multi-month tour of European fisheries, images from his seven years spent on the deck of the crab- ber F/V Rollo on the Bering Sea, and Graveyard Point Submitted photo “Octopus” by Corey Arnold. a seasonal salmon fishing community in Bristol Bay, Alaska, where Arnold cap- tains a skiff every summer. Arnold’s work is without doubt a celebration of the lifestyle of the fisherman. He also hopes to convey a broader message, raising awareness to the challeng- es that coastal communities and the oceans are facing in the 21st century. Through his lens he captures the raw J EFFERS G ARDENS ASOC PLAYHOUSE Best Burgers & Tacos and rugged reality of hard work, with brutal and honest images that depict both dan- ger and beauty, sometimes in the same moment. Arnold is not one, how- ever, to overly romanticize; he is critically aware of the struggle of a rapidly chang- ing global fishing industry. “Serious threats to small- scale fishing communities include fleet consolidation due to catch shares, poorly managed fisheries abroad, ocean acidification, fish farming, and watershed de- struction due to urban de- velopment, mining and pol- lution,” he says. “Closest to home for me is the proposed 129 W. BOND ST. • ASTORIA OPENS FEB 26TH INN RES TAURANT Tick ets $11 for a d u lts a n d $7 for k id s, m ilita ry a n d sen iors T ickets ca n be purch a sed a t th e door on e h our before sh ow tim e, but reserva tion s a re recom m en ded by ca llin g 503-325-6104 or on lin e a t w w w .a sto rstreeto p ryco m p a n y.co m Runs two weekends Fridays and Saturdays at 7pm Sunday Matinee Feb 28th & March 6th at 2pm Sponsored by 94.9 The Bridge and Hipfish GRAF’S AUTOMOTIVE IMPORTS & DOMESTICS Pick-Up and Delivery Available GAS & DIESEL Computer Diagnostic Equip. Tune-Ups | Brakes | Clutches Electrical | Exhaust Custom Pipe Bending Transmissions and Complete Engine Work FLEET SERVICE AVAILABLE OPEN MON-SAT 11AM - 7PM 34635 HWY 105 (old HWY 101) 503.325.4352 12 | February 25, 2016 | coastweekend.com Submitted photo “Bound” by Corey Arnold. SD SENIOR ™ DISCOUNTS “Serving Clatsop County since 1989” 34707 Production Ln- Astoria 325-68 3 1 Pebble Mine in the headwa- ters of Bristol Bay, Alaska. Backed by billions of dol- lars of foreign corporate in- vestment, the Pebble Mine could be one of the largest open-pit copper mines in the world placed in the richest sockeye salmon watershed on earth.” Regardless of present challenges and demands on a struggling industry, Ar- nold states: “Although it’s important to be aware of the challenges facing those who work at sea, the most essen- tial message of all comes from the spirit of this way of life. Whether we are land- locked in the mountains, or out on a boat at sea, the hard work, passion, blood and guts of this profession speak to a vitality that I hope will inspire the viewer on his/her own personal journey.” Arnold, who graduated from the University of Art Academy in San Francisco has enjoyed a diverse and exciting career. His series “Fish-Work” was launched after receiving a commission from the PEW Charitable Foundation, taking him to Europe and photographing from aboard fishing vessels in eight European countries. He has also been awarded an American Scandinavian Foundation grant, which Submitted photo “Billie and Seabird” by Corey Arnold. lead to the documentation of the work of fishermen in northern Norway. His work has been ex- hibited in Portland, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Chicago and New York, and published in Harpers, The New Yorker, Rolling Stone, Time, Outside, Na- tional Geographic and The Paris Review among oth- ers. Arnold has published two books of photography: “Fish-Work: The Bering Sea” and “Fishing with My Dad.” He is represented by Charles A. Hartman Fine Art in Portland. Imogen Gallery is locat- ed at 240 11th St. For more information, call 503-468- 0620 or visit www.imogen- gallery.com