‘THE SALT OF THE EARTH’ THE 19TH ANNUAL FISHERPOETS GATHERING BRINGS COMMERCIAL FISHING POETRY, MUSIC, PHOTOGRAPHY, FILMS, WORKSHOPS AND MORE TO DOWNTOWN ASTORIA FEB. 26, 27 & 28 Story by DWIGHT CASWELL “ I’ve made my living as a carpenter and a merchant seaman,” says Clem Starck. “It’s physical work. It’s what I know, and so it’s the subject matter of my poetry. Not exclusively, but it’s what comes to me.” Starck writes what academics call “occupational folk poetry” — that is, poetry about the hazards and rewards, the tragedy and comedy of often physically challenging work. Starck simply says, “My poetry is down to earth and accessible. It’s not esoteric. It’s plain and simple. I use direct language.” In other ZRUGVKLVSRHWU\UHÀHFWVWKHQDWXUH of his work, and he has done both the work and the words about the work for more than 50 years. Starck comes to Astoria to read his poetry at almost every Fisher- Poets Gathering, and he’ll be there again this year. “For me it is one of the highlights of the year. There’s nothing like it,” he says. “It’s quite authentic, not a lot of showman- ship. It’s the salt of the earth, with an interesting variety of voices.” “I always try to read a few new poems,” Starck adds, “but ,¶P QRW YHU\ SUROL¿F It takes me a long Check time to write a out the offi cial poem.” No mat- ter. Starck has guide to this SXEOLVKHG ¿YH year’s FisherPo books of poet- ets Gathering star ry, and he has ting a repertoire of on page 13 about 150 poems to draw upon. One of the people Submitted photo who will be listening at- The FisherPoets Gathering came about from some Photo by Joshua Bessex tentively is Jon Broderick. It Jay Speakman will lead a story circle at the Astoria Event Center from 1:30 to 3 p.m. Saturday, where phone calls fi sherman Jon Broderick made back in 1998. ZDVDWDUHDGLQJDW/LQ¿HOG&ROOHJH commercial fi shing veterans will tell tales of adventure or tedium working on the water. when Starck was an Oregon Book $ZDUG ¿QDOLVW WKDW %URGHULFN ¿UVW WKH ¿UVW )LVKHU3RHWV *DWKHULQJ heard Starck’s poetry. It came as Starcks’ “work poetry,” Broderick a revelation to Broderick that you says, “was the inspiration for the could write poetry about work, FisherPoets Gathering.” 7KDW ¿UVW JDWKHULQJ ZDV KHOG and a few years later he began making the last weekend of February 1998, FLDO ¿VKLQJ FRPPXQLWLHV RQ ERWK cated longtime commercial salmon the phone and it has been held on that week- coasts will participate. Deckhands, ¿VKHUDQWKURSRORJLVWDQG¿VKHUSRHW calls that end every year since. Originally skippers, cannery workers, ship- When she’s not reciting, she’ll be at led to a small, unpretentious reunion of ZULJKWVDQ\RQHLQWKH¿VKLQJFRP Baked Alaska’s new annex provid- GLVWDQW IULHQGV LQ FRPPHUFLDO ¿VK munity with a taste for poesy will ing activities for kids that will in- eries, the gathering today remains declaim or sing their work for the clude storytelling and oral histories. Corey Arnold is a commercial unpretentious, but every year it has fans gathering in bars, restaurants, grown. My, how it has grown. This art galleries, the Columbian The- ¿VKHU LQ$ODVNDZKR XQWLOUHFHQWO\ year songwriters, storytellers and ater, Clatsop Community College was a deckhand on the f/v Rollo even photographers from commer- and the Columbia River Maritime crabbing in the Bering Sea. Now he Museum. This year there will be runs a sockeye salmon setnet opera- over 95 poets, including 26 tion out of Bristol Bay, but don’t ex- new voices to add to the pect to hear him reading any poems familiar ones. There will DERXW FKDVLQJ ¿VK RU FUDE$UQROG be new bands, comedy and is a widely published and exhibit- ed photographer who is chronicling “FisherKids.” “We’ve got every- WKH FRPPHUFLDO ¿VKLQJ OLIHVW\OH throughout the world. His exhibit thing,” says Broderick. FisherKids is overseen by at Imogen Gallery coincides with Emilie Springer, a native of Ho- FisherPoets, but his unique contri- mer, Alaska, and a Stanford-edu- bution to the Gathering will be large projections of his images on the walls of downtown buildings. Photo by Joshua Bessex There will be a second photography Renee Ruscoe, left, gives a tour of the Cold Stream, a fi shing boat owned by fi sherpoet Dave exhibit at the Gathering: “Lost at Sea: Densmore, during the 2015 festival. Tours of the Remembering the Victims of the F/V This year there will be over 95 poets, including 26 new voices to add to the familiar ones. boat, docked on Pier 39, are available to the pub- lic again this year from 9 a.m. to noon Saturday morning. 10 | February 25, 2016 | coastweekend.com Continued on Pg. 11