The daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1961-current, February 24, 2016, Page 6A, Image 6

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Tomorrow’s horoscope
Lady bothered by stockings
Dear Annie: I’ve been seeing
a very nice man for more than a
year. We are both in our late 50s
and divorced. He is affectionate
and kind, and I love him quite a
lot. He doesn’t have any of the
obvious problems — money,
drugs or alcohol, but one thing
bothers me a lot. He likes to wear
women’s thigh-high stockings.
He started wearing the stock-
ings near the end of his previ-
ous marriage. His ex wouldn’t
wear them, so he decided to try
them himself and ended up liking
them a lot. He says they give him
a lot of pleasure and make him
feel sexy. He was upfront about
it early in our relationship, and I
said I didn’t think it would be a
problem. He likes wearing them
around the house and in pub-
lic under his pants. He doesn’t
want his friends and co-workers
to know. He’s not a cross-dresser
or anything like that. It’s just the
The problem is, I haven’t
been able to accept it as well
as I thought I could. I wear the
stockings for him, which pleases
him a lot, but he still wants to
wear them, too. He agreed to put
them on only once a week until
I adjusted, but now he says he’s
Syndicate Inc.
Kathy Mitch-
ell and
Marcy Sugar
getting frustrated. I’m resisting.
I’ve told him I don’t see this as
very manly behavior. He says he
feels a need to express his fem-
inine side. I don’t want to lose
him, but I’m not sure how to deal
with this. Can you help me? —
Thigh High in Confusion
Dear Confusion: If your boy-
friend derives sexual satisfaction
from wearing women’s stockings,
he is a cross-dresser, even though
he may not wear the whole ensem-
ble. We are glad he was upfront
about it, but you need to edu-
cate yourself on the subject, so
you can decide how tolerant you
can be. Cross-dressing does not
mean that your boyfriend is gay
(most cross-dressers are not) or
that he plans to change his sexual
identity (not likely). The stock-
ings may be as far as it ever goes.
Check out for infor-
mation and support — and please
don’t judge the book by its cover.
He’s still the man you fell for.
Dear Annie: I’d like to weigh
in on the letter from “Wondering
in Pennsylvania,” who asked how
to have a surprise wedding as part
of a picnic.
My husband and I had a sur-
prise wedding in the large back-
yard of a home we had just pur-
chased. We sent invitations
inviting everyone to a picnic,
claiming that we were recently
married. The invitations were art-
the recipients’ presence was all
that was required, which took
everyone off the hook of bringing
gifts or food. We hired a caterer,
parking attendants, a cleanup
of the decorating ourselves.
It was a huge hit, and peo-
ple still mention how lovely it
was. Even my mother didn’t
know there was going to be an
actual wedding until the last min-
ute. That was 29 years ago. Tell
“Wondering” that it can be done.
— A.
Dear A.: We like that you han-
dled all of the details on your own
and didn’t expect the guests to
bring their own food. Bravo.
By Holiday Mathis, Creators Syndicate Inc.
ARIES (March 21-April 19). What was your
original intention? What you’re following now
is the echo of that, dissipated to the degree
that you can hardly hear the words anymore.
It’s important to remember what you set out to
do in the first place.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20). You notice
what people like, produce what they want and
predict what they’ll need. You’re in touch with
the trends, and for this reason you’ll make
money and re-invest it where it will multiply.
GEMINI (May 21-June 21). You may worry
that if you are too present in someone’s life
that person will eventually tire of you. It’s not
a legitimate thing to worry about, because
your continued presence only builds the bond
CANCER (June 22-July 22). You know
what you’re doing — you are strong and ca-
pable and more than a match for the task at
hand. You could do it alone without a problem.
All the more reason to invite teamwork.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). Social adoration
can be addicting. Knowing this, you keep your
head about you. You accept people’s interest
in you as a compliment, and you try not to let
their attention or opinion of you change how
you think of yourself.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). Narrow your
focus: Choose one goal for the meeting; in-
vite fewer people to the gathering; attach less
meaning to the interaction, etc. By thinking
small you will accomplish big.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). When a situation
doesn’t feel right, it’s best to disengage early
on. What will happen if you go against your
inner wisdom, fly in the face of red flags and
decline the impulse to run in the opposite di-
rection? Regret.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). There’s
someone you want to know better. Allow this
relationship to build slowly and steadily. You
still need to take risks in order to escalate the
action, but they are small risks. This isn’t a day
for leaping.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). The old
saying suggests, “If you can’t beat ‘em, join
‘em.” The wisdom of this depends on how
bad the fight was in which you were trying to
“beat ‘em.” There will be some tension to work
through, for sure.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). The au-
thorities don’t always know, often get it wrong
and are not always protecting your best inter-
ests. You offer your respect without giving over
your power to someone just because that per-
son happens to have a title.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). It happens
in many classic stories — the “village idiot”
turns out to be the wisest person in town. In
your case today, the true message will reso-
nate with you regardless of where it originates.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). You cannot
haunt a person’s dreams unless you first
haunt that person’s waking life. You’re starting
to realize the good that could come from get-
ting a little more deliberate with the impression
you make on a certain someone.
cosmic gift is a windfall — use it to pay a debt.
March’s alliance will hold you in good stead
in an organization you’ll be climbing through
for most of the year. Your confidence is so at-
tractive! Benevolent forces will be with you as
you embark on a September mission that will
take several years to complete. Aries and Leo
adore you. Your lucky numbers are: 7, 20, 22,
3 and 16.