3C THE DAILY ASTORIAN • FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 2016 ‘Somebody else’s miracle’ $IDPLO\¿QGVKRSHLQWKHPLGVWRIWUDJHG\ through organ and tissue donation Madison Jewell Baird By NATALIE ST. JOHN EO Media Group O n Valentine’s Day last year , my 20-year- old cousin, Madison Jewell Baird, gave her heart to a 13-year-old girl. It had noth- ing to do with romance, but it was an act of incred- ible generosity and love. Madison was hit by a truck on the evening of Feb. 10 , as she rode her bike on a country road outside Walla Walla, Washington. Her accident occurred just 15 days after my stepfather’s brother, Stanley Morrison, suffered a severe cerebral hem- orrhage. Both accidents caused brain death. Even though their bodies were mostly healthy, they had no chance of recovery. Stan and Maddy were both registered organ donors, and over the course of three terrible weeks, the members of my extended family got a crash course in the delicate, complex and high-stakes process of organ donation and placement — and we discovered that in the midst of tragedy, organ DQGWLVVXHGRQDWLRQPDNHVLWSRVVLEOHWR¿QGKRSH and create opportunity for others. After Stan’s death, I wanted to write a story about how the process works in Washington state. A spokeswoman at LifeCenter Northwest, the QRQSUR¿W WKDW PDWFKHV GRQRUV ZLWK UHFLSLHQWV LQ Alaska, Montana, n orthern Idaho and Washington, encouraged me to interview one of the advocates who work with donor families. Before I could set up the interview, Maddy had her accident. Through a surreal coincidence, I sud- denly found that I had become a character in my own news story. When Maddy was declared brain- dead in a Seattle trauma ward on Feb. 11, the man I was supposed to interview, grief counselor Jona- than Merker, was assigned to help our family nav- igate the donation process. Vital statistics LifeCenter Northwest serves 8.3 million people throughout Alaska, Montana, North Idaho and Washington, working collaboratively with more than 200 hospitals. Organ donors 142 ‘Somebody else’s miracle’ By the following morning, a huge crowd of Maddy’s supporters from Walla Walla’s tight-knit Adventist community had taken over the lobby of the trauma ward. I had spent the long drive to Seattle mentally preparing to see my cousin on her deathbed, but I hadn’t given any thought to how it would feel to see the living. I took one look at all of those exhausted and heartbroken students, and her little sister Josie, who was as poised and gra- cious as ever on the worst day of her life, and burst into tears. Maddy’s loved ones crowded around her bed at nearly all hours. They held her, talked to her, prayed over her. One afternoon, her friend played the old country hymn, “Wayfaring Stranger,” and group of at least 20 people sang to her. That Thurs- day evening, the Walla Walla choir arrived, and ¿OOHGWKHZDUGZLWKEHDXWLIXOVROHPQPXVLF “My belief is that she knew on a cellular level that I was there. She heard my voice and it had to calm her down. It had to give her peace,” Giebel said. Gradually, everyone began to accept that Maddy was not going to recover. When a nurse brought up organ donation, Giebel was immedi- ately supportive, because she knew it was what Maddy wanted. “My heart wanted a miracle,” Giebel said. “... But if not, then it should be somebody else’s miracle.” Long odds and high hopes It is now possible to transplant most major organs, as well as bone, corneas and skin, and transplant success rates are steadily improving. Washington has one of the country’s highest donor registry participation rates, but the need for organs is still huge, LifeCenter spokeswoman Cate Oli- ver said. Only a tiny percentage of people in the registry ultimately become donors, because a person gen- erally has to experience total brain death in a hos- FREE PUBLISHED THE FIRST FRIDAY OF EACH MONTH January 2015 ess Chronicling the Joy of Busin ’10 Taylor remain NEWS County makes a splash ’12 ’13 ’14 ’15 524 383 385 270 127 ABOVE: Madison’s friends from Walla Walla University gathered to pray and sing around her hospital bed on Feb. 11, 2015. From left, Eli Wart, Mindy Robinson, Mat- thew Cosaert (standing), and Urijah Saenz. LEFT: On Madison’s final day in Harborview Hospital, LifeCen- ter Northwest staff helped her friends and family place her handprint on a memorial quilt, T-shirts and sheets of paper. pital setting to be eligible, and quality standards for transplant organs are very high, Oliver said. Based in Bellevue, LifeCenter is one of 58 fed- erally-designated “organ procurement organiza- WLRQV´ /LIH&HQWHU 1RUWKZHVW ¿QGV PDWFKHV IRU organs and tissue, coordinates transplant surger- ies, supports donor and recipient families during the process and provides follow-up counseling and other after care services. Donors can only stay on life support for a few days, and most organs can only survive outside of the body for a few hours. So the moment a hospital LGHQWL¿HVDQHOLJLEOHGRQRU/LIH&HQWHUVWDIIEHJLQ racing to make a maddeningly complex process happen within a very short window of opportunity. 2QHWHDP¿QGVSRWHQWLDOUHFLSLHQWVDQGJHWVWKHP ready for transplant surgery. A team of grief coun- selors helps the donor’s family and friends through the donation process. Meanwhile, a team of med- ical experts evaluates and preserves the donor’s organs, helps to arrange the transplant surgery, and transports the organs to the receiving facilities. There are hundreds of variables, and the pro- cess is grueling for everyone involved, Oliver said. And yet, LifeCenter staff coordinated dona- tions from 200 organ donors in 2015. They esti- mate that those donations saved 640 lives. They also coordinated more than 500 tissue donations, and those gifts have the potential to improve thou- sands of lives. ÀXRUHVFHQWOLW URRP KH SDWLHQWO\ DQG KRQHVWO\ addressed each of our concerns: Had the hospital done everything possible to save her? Would the UHFRYHU\VXUJHU\KXUWKHU":RXOGZHJHWWR¿QG out if the transplants were successful? Could we meet the recipients? As we talked, I noticed that Merker had tears in his eyes. Later I wondered how anyone could do his job, and not be harmed by it. In a recent phone interview, Merker, who now works at a New Jersey organ procurement organi- zation called the NJ Sharing Network, said he real- ized during graduate school that he had a knack for counseling people confronting death. Volun- teer work, intensive therapy, and special train- ing helped him feel at ease serving as a source of strength and compassion during the worst of times. “I’ve never once had the same day at my job, and I have a vast amount of intimate experience with families,” Merker said. “I don’t know where HOVH,ZRXOG¿QGWKDWNLQGRIPHDQLQJIXOLQWLPDWH connection with people, and I love it.” Merker said was able to feel the powerful sense of loss surrounding Maddy without losing himself, because he knows himself extremely well, takes very good care of his health, and plays whenever he can. “There’s a lot of really beautiful and very raw feelings there. I can experience all that while simultaneously holding that this is not my loss, this is not my community,” Merker said. ’10 Up 13.2% from 2014 ’11 ’12 ’13 ’14 ’15 Lives saved 624 640 476 462 525 541 Up 2.6% from 2014 ’10 ’11 ’12 ’13 ’14 ’15 Source: LifeCenter Northwest Photos by Natalie St. John/ EO Media Group Alan Kenaga/EO Media Group and she sleeps on the wind This little bird that somebody sends ‘A complicated hope’ In the operating room, LifeCenter staff read a statement. “Sometimes the ( surgeons) will stop to bow. Sometimes they have a tear in their eye. They will honor the sacredness of what it means to give the gift of life to another person,” Merker said. When the surgery is over, staff call the donor’s family to let them know how it went. They also follow up periodically, to share news of how their loved one’s organs were used. There are no guarantees. Sometimes, doctors ¿QGWKDWDGRQRU¶VRUJDQVZHUHQ¶WDVKHDOWK\DVWKH\ thought. Sometimes, a transplant doesn’t take. Some recipients immediately want to start cor- responding with the donor’s family. Occasionally, both parties even want to meet, and after careful preparation, LifeCenter will facilitate a reunion. But other recipients struggle with intense guilt and pressure and never feel ready to write. Both families experience what Merker calls “a complicated hope.” One year later, we know that Stanley’s liver went to a 65-year-old man. His kidneys went to two recipients who no longer have to undergo dial- ysis. His heart and lungs went to research, and his corneas may someday help someone else see. 0DGLVRQZDVDSK\VLFDOO\¿WYHJDQZKRQHYHU The gift of time On Feb. 11, the preparations for organ recov- The last goodbye drank or did drugs, and had no piercings or tattoos, By the morning of Friday, Feb. 13, recipients and that made it possible for her to donate most ery began. In private, doctors put Maddy through a bat- had been lined up. In a few hours, Maddy would of her organs. Her right kidney went to a grandpa WHU\RIWHVWVWRFRQ¿UPWKDWWKHUHZDVQRDFWLYLW\RI be wheeled into an operating room. who is able to take long walks with his dog for the That wait was agonizing, but it was also pre- ¿UVWWLPHLQDJHV+HUOLYHUZHQWWRDIDWKHULQKLV any kind in her brain, and LifeCenter coordinators 50s who is grateful to be able to lead a more normal briefed her parents on how the search for matches cious, Giebel said. As the morning wore on, we each went in to life. Her pancreas went to a married, 30-something was going. Grief counselor Jonathan Merker arrived at the VD\D¿QDOJRRGE\H6RPHSHRSOHSUD\HGRWKHUV father of three. Her lungs and left kidney went to hospital, and stayed there for most of three days. recalled memories, some people said the long-held research, and her bone and soft tissue could even- tually help many sick and injured people. And as One afternoon, we watched as Merker presented secret things they wanted her to know. When my turn came, I rested my head next to far as we know, her heart is still beating in the chest a memorial quilt to Maddy’s immediate family, and helped them place her handprints on the quilt. hers and held her hand. It was still warm, and she of a teenage girl, who is thrilled that she was able Her friends decided they wanted prints, too, and was still beautiful to me, but I understood that it to return to school. I still struggle to reckon with last year’s trage- VRRQHYHU\ÀDWVXUIDFHLQWKHURRPZDVFRYHUHGLQ was time. I shared messages from my sister and cousins dies, but it’s incredible to think that another young papers bearing Maddy’s handprints. For Giebel, the opportunity to share her sense who couldn’t be there. I used my last moment with woman’s mother can put her ear to her daughter’s Maddy to sing an a cappella lullaby I remembered chest, and hear Madison’s vitality creating new of loss with the others was “priceless”. hope. “Choosing ( donation) gave us time to say singing to her when she was a little girl. “She has touched people’s hearts because she There’s a little bird goodbye,” Giebel said. was a lover of people. She loved people, she loved somebody sends ‘Really beautiful and very raw feelings’ God. She lived an amazing life,” Giebel said. “That down to the earth Merker spends a lot of time educating grieving was contagious and it was something that we all to live on the wind families about organ and tissue donation. In a tiny, have the ability to do, just by being more loving.” Born on the wind in the Columbia-Pacific Region striverbusinessjournal crbizjournal.com • facebook.com/coa Volume 10 • Issue 1 Now inserted into The Daily Astorian and Chinook Observer For more information call 503-325-3211 NEWS Seaside Muffler and Off-Road 21 revs up its reputation page The Sadie out of South Bend, Wash. page 24 ’11 463 PacifIc in the pot biz page 10 BOAT OF THE MONTH 197 200 162 Tissue donors stry spo allenges Inside: Indu copes with ch Shellfish farm an conditions oce nging s optimistic despite cha tlight: 176 Up 1.5% from 2014 ‘Everything was perfect’ On the day of her accident, Maddy was a soph- omore at Walla Walla University. She was a spir- ited goofball, a heartbreaker, an avid outdoors enthusiast and a devout Seventh-d ay Adventist. She had her father’s quick wit and energy, and her mother’s kindness and poise. “I believe in h eaven, so I know that in my belief, I will see her again,” Maddy’s mother, Lisa Giebel, said this month . “But this morning, I couldn’t help remembering that last year at this time, everything was perfect as far as my kids and life.” 7KDWDIWHUQRRQWKHVXQFDPHRXWIRUWKH¿UVW time in a while, and Madison decided to go for a bike ride. After the accident, medics put her on life-sup- port, and she was air lifted to the trauma critical care ward at Seattle’s Harborview Hospital. She never made it home. 163 crbizjou rn a l.com