north coast a n na b i s nna C PHD - Typhoon Yolanda Special Feel Good Relief Strain Strain- Indica D om inate H igh C D B Strain H ighlights- A Cross of Harlequin and White Lotus, this high CBD strain is excellent for full body relief and is a natural anti-inflammatory. Excellent balanced effectiveness for desired results & alternative to standard RXs. Just enough THC to provide immediate relief without high Euphoria results. Solid amount of CBD cannabinoid to aid your body in addressing your physical issues to be resolved 2870 Ocean Ave., Raymond, WA TH C : 4 .82% C BD : 12.89% 360.875.8016 TO TA L C A N N A BIN O ID S: 17.71% Te ste d by: Te sting Te c hno lo g ie s 1444 Commerical Street Astoria, OR 97103 (503) 468-0881 The budtenders at Sweet Relief Dispensary welcome you into our store, and want to show you around. Our goal is your comfort and we'll treat you like family! We stay up-to-date on the medicinal, spiritual, recreational and natural benefits of our products. We want to introduce you to this quiet plant that has been hiding in the counterculture and is now blooming into life as an option for many. We love our customers and will give you one-on- one individualized attention to meet your needs! We are also keeping up with recent policies, regulations and scientific studies. We take great pride in our products and our expertise and we want to touch the hearts of our community! BLUE BOY - Green Freedom Strain- Sativa D om inate H ybrid Strain H ighlights- Blue Bo y is a cro ss o f po pula r Blue D re a m a nd N o rthe rn L ig hts tha t w ill g ive yo u a nything but the blue s. O rig ina lly fro m W a shing to n sta te , this sa tiva -d o m ina nt hybrid pro vid e s fo cus e d , ce re bra l e ffe cts tha t m a k e it a g re a t cho ice fo r d a ytim e use . This stra in is k no w n fo r pro vid ing full fo c us o f yo ur m ind & tho ug hts. E xc e lle nt to a c hie ve tho se m und a ne ta sk s o r tho se re q uiring lo ng d ura tio n to c o m ple te . C la rity & e nha nc e m e nt o f C re a tivity is pro vid e d , a a ppre c ia te d tra it o f this w o nd e rful stra in c o m bin a tio n - L o ve d by Artists to Ac c o unta nts 2870 Ocean Ave., Raymond, WA 360.875.8016 TH C : 0.4 5% TH C A : 18.22% C BD : 0.04 % 299 W. Marine Dr #C Astoria, OR 97103 (503) 325-8570 Meet Kenny. Born and raised in Astoria, he has been a local rockstar behind the counter at Nature's Choice for the last four years. Most evenings he can be found sharing his wealth of knowledge at the shop. Stop in and say hello! February 18, 2016 | | 23