2A THE DAILY ASTORIAN • FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 2016 Mary Flower, blues, 7 p.m., Peninsula Arts Center, 504 Pacifi c Ave., Long Beach, Wash., $12. Hemlock St., Cannon Beach, $15 to $20, PG-13. Bart Budwig & Guests, folk, 8 p.m., Sou’Wester Lodge, 3728 J Place, Seaview, Wash., free. “Rumors,” comedy, 7 p.m., The Barn Community Playhouse, 1204 Ivy Ave., Tillamook, $10 to $15, PG-13. McDougall, Americana, 9 p.m., The Adrift Hotel, 409 Sid Snyder Drive, Long Beach, Wash., no cover. “Waiting for Godot,” comedy, 7 p.m., CCC Performing Arts Center, 588 16th St., Astoria, $15. “Dead Guilty,” suspense, 7:30 p.m., Coaster Theatre Playhouse, 108 N. Hemlock St., Cannon Beach, $15 to $20, PG-13. Saturday Friday * Pickle Ball Play & Demos, 10 a.m., Camp Rilea Gymnasium, 333168 Patri- ot Way, Warrenton, $5, 12 to 80. * Community Skate Night, 5 p.m., Armory, 1636 Exchange St., Astoria, $3, all ages. David Drury, jazz, 6 p.m., Bridgewater Bistro, 20 Basin St., Astoria, no cover. * Celebrate Chinese New Year, Noon, Sou’Wester Lodge, 3728 J Place, Seaview, Wash., free, all ages, RSVP. Tom Trudell, jazz, 6 p.m., Shelburne Inn Restaurant, 4415 Pacifi c Way, Seaview, Wash., no cover. First Saturday Art Walk, 5 p.m., downtown Seaside, look for the art walk signs at participating merchants. Maggie & the Cats, blues, 6:30 p.m., Sweet Basil’s Café, 271 N. Hemlock St., Cannon Beach, no cover, 21 and older. * Daddy Daughter Dance, 6 p.m., Seaside Civic & Convention Center, 415 First Ave., Seaside, $20 per couple, $5 each additional child. “Rumors,” comedy, 7 p.m., The Barn Community Playhouse, 1204 Ivy Ave., Tillamook, $10 to $15, PG-13. McDougall, Americana, 9 p.m., The Adrift Hotel, 409 Sid Snyder Drive, Long Beach, Wash., no cover. DJ Dance Party, 9:30 p.m., Twisted Fish, 311 Broadway, Seaside, 21 and older. Sunday Jennifer Goodenberger, contempo- rary, 11:30 a.m., Bridgewater Bistro, 20 Basin St., Astoria, no cover. George Coleman, jazz, 6 p.m., Shel- burne Inn Restaurant, 4415 Pacifi c Way, Seaview, Wash., no cover. “Waiting for Godot,” comedy, 7 p.m., CCC Performing Arts Center, 588 16th St., Astoria, $15. Kitchen Music Jam Session, 1 p.m., Long Beach Grange, 5715 Sandridge Road, Long Beach, Wash. Tom Trudell, jazz, 6 p.m., Bridgewater Bistro, 20 Basin St., Astoria, no cover. “Dead Guilty,” suspense, 7:30 p.m., Coaster Theatre Playhouse, 108 N. “Love x 3: A Celebration of Song,” 2 p.m., St. Catherine Episcopal Church, 36335 Hwy. 101, Nehalem, all ages. Barbie G, folk, 7 p.m., WineKraft, 80 10th St., Astoria, no cover, 21 and older. Oscar B ferry back in service The Daily Astorian The Oscar B ferry betZeen 3uJet Island, :ashinJton, and :estport returned to the river yesterday after beinJ out of service since midDe cember from debris cloJJinJ the coolinJ system. :ahNiaNum County 3ublic :orNs Director ChucN Beyer said the cloJJinJ Zas caused by debris from December storms alonJ Zith a desiJn À aZ. The cloJJed coolinJ line could have caused the Jenerator to overheat. :ithout the Jener ator, the ferry’s hydraulics and steerinJ Zould not ZorN. Repair plans had to be approved by the U.6. Coast Guard and materials had to be shipped in. The . million ferry Zent into service a year aJo. It is the last ferry on the /oZer Columbia River and the only Zay for vehicles to cross the river, besides the Astoria BridJe and the /eZis and ClarN BridJe in /onJvieZ, :ashinJton. (lNs host cancer research fundraiser 6(A6ID( ² 6easide (lNs /odJe , Avenue A, is holdinJ a fundraiser dinner for cancer research, in memory of -ohn BeneNe and 6hirley Cole, startinJ p.m. )eb. . The event is open to the community, and is a bene¿ t for the .niJht Cancer Institute at OreJon +ealth 6cience University. Dinner choices are fresh 1orth Coast crab for or Reed and +ertiJ prime rib for . /ive music by Bruce Thomas 6mith, solo acoustic, beJins at p.m. Reservations are required. To reserve a spot, call . 6easide (lNs is a fraternal orJani]ation dedi cated to the community. )or membership information, contact the lodJe at or seasideelNs#yahoo. com, or stop by and taNe a tour. ® ACCUWEATHER FORECAST FOR ASTORIA Astoria 5-Day Forecast Tonight Evening rain followed by a shower late 42° Saturday Oregon Weather Shown is tomorrow’s weather. Temperatures are tonight’s lows and tomorrow’s highs The Dalles 39/55 Astoria 42/54 Portland 41/52 Corvallis 42/52 Eugene 42/52 Pendleton 39/51 Salem 41/54 Albany 41/52 Ontario 28/45 Bend 26/46 Sunday A little morning rain; mostly cloudy Klamath Falls 28/44 Times of clouds and sun Forecasts and graphics provided by AccuWeather, Inc. ©2016 54° 41° Monday 46° Tuesday Mild with plenty of sunshine 61° 59° 46° Sun through high clouds 62° 47° Almanac Sun and Moon Astoria through Thursday. Temperatures High ........................................... 54° Low ............................................ 45° Normal high ............................... 51° Normal low ................................. 37° Precipitation Yesterday ................................ 0.60" Month to date .......................... 0.75" Normal month to date ............. 1.07" Year to date ........................... 14.50" Normal year to date ............... 11.27" Sunset tonight .................. Sunrise Saturday ............. Moonrise today ................ Moonset today ................. Regional Cities City Baker City Bend Brookings Eugene Ilwaco Klamath Falls Medford Newport North Bend Today Hi Lo W 38 27 pc 49 26 pc 55 43 r 56 42 r 52 44 r 45 28 pc 57 38 pc 56 43 r 60 45 r * “Singin’ in the Rain” Winter Film Screening, 2 p.m., Liberty Theater, 1203 Commercial St., Astoria, $5, PG-13. “Dead Guilty,” suspense, 3 p.m., Coaster Theatre Playhouse, 108 N. Hemlock St., Cannon Beach, $15 to $20, PG-13. Hi 41 46 57 52 51 44 57 54 59 Hi 51 38 40 48 39 42 56 9 82 47 48 60 77 55 75 53 59 44 55 47 53 39 62 52 47 Sat. Lo 33 30 29 24 31 27 30 -9 66 28 33 40 53 36 53 31 39 32 32 32 36 24 49 38 32 W c pc c pc r pc pc c c City Olympia Pendleton Portland Roseburg Salem Seaside Spokane Vancouver Yakima Today Hi Lo W 50 38 r 56 39 pc 54 41 r 59 41 r 55 41 r 54 44 r 43 33 c 52 40 r 46 33 r Hi 51 51 52 56 54 52 40 50 49 Sat. Lo 34 29 39 38 39 44 25 37 29 W r pc r pc pc r pc r pc 5:25 p.m. 7:33 a.m. 5:05 a.m. 2:45 p.m. New First Full Last Feb 8 Feb 14 Feb 22 Mar 1 :arrenton’s BobeN plans run for the OreJon +ouse EO Media Group Dr. Bruce BobeN, an Astoria physician and pres ident of &olumbia 0emo rial medical staff, Zill seeN the Republican nomination for OreJon +ouse District . The district includes Clatsop County and parts of TillamooN and :ashinJton counties. The term of of¿ ce, held by incumbent Deborah Boone, is tZo years. BobeN has liYed in Clatsop County for years and previously served as a commissioner for the City of :arrenton. DurinJ his time in of¿ ce, BobeN helped fund and build the :arrenton /ibrary, establish the :arrenton :etlands 3lan and develop the :arrenton Busi ness Association. ³I alZays had an interest in politics,´ BobeN, , said :ednesday. BobeN moved Zith his family to Astoria in . :hen his younJest dauJhter said the city¶s hills Zere ³too Tomorrow’s Tides Astoria / Port Docks Low 3.2 ft. -0.3 ft. Tomorrow’s National Weather W pc pc pc pc s c s pc pc pc s pc s pc r pc pc pc s pc pc pc pc r pc Fronts Cold Warm Stationary Showers T-Storms Rain Flurries Snow Ice hiJh and scary,´ the family, )rom a policy perspec includinJ Zife Beverly and tive, he said he focuse s on ¿ ve children, moved to improvinJ health care and education throuJhout the :arrenton. ³I Zas a city commissioner state. BobeN said he recoJ in the ¶s and then my prac ni]es a need for emerJency tice Jot so busy that betZeen preparedness, but “Zould try to stay Zithin my Nids and my budJet.´ practice, I didn’t “I’m all for ¿ rst have time for poli responders, Zhat tics,´ BobeN said. ever Ze can do to “I helped start the help them, maNe :arrenton schol it easier,´ he said. arship proJram in “But I Zould be a . I Zas pres biJ fan of maNinJ ident of that for sure Ze have the several years and money to do all noZ I’m on the Bruce Bobek these thinJs. I board.´:ith his Zould be ¿ scally children JroZn and career solidly estab responsible.´ +e said 6alem Zas in need lished, in -anuary BobeN decided to maNe a bid for the of chanJe. “I appreciate the ZorN and time Debbie Boone /eJislature. +e described his polit has put in. I’m not a neJative ical philosophy as “¿ scally person. I’m not JoinJ to say conservative, but pretty her performance is bad, but I thinN people Zould vote for open.´ +e said reJulations are an overall chanJe of policy.´ BobeN is unchallenJed “onerous for businesses in Jeneral, and for small busi Zithin his party. 3rimary day is 0ay . nesses throuJhout.´ MONDAY Cannon Beach Rural Fire Department, 6 p.m., Fire-Rescue Main Station, 188 Sunset Ave. Seaside City Council, 7 p.m., City Hall, 989 Broadway. TUESDAY, Feb. 9 Port of Astoria Commission, 8 a.m. goal-setting workshop, old Port offi ces, 422 Gateway Ave. Lewis & Clark Fire Department Board, 7 p.m., main fi re station, 34571 Highway 101 Business. Warrenton City Commission, City Hall, 6 p.m., 225 S. Main Ave. LOTTERIES OREGON Thursday’s Pick 4: 1 p.m.: 4-3-9-1 4 p.m.: 3-0-5-9 7 p.m.: 8-5-4-2 10 p.m.: 0-2-6-4 WASHINGTON Thursday’s Daily Game: 6-9-6 Thursday’s Keno: 01-04-06-07-08-14-15-19-26-27-28-33-35-45- 47-48-62-71-78-79 Thursday’s Match 4: 02-10-15-16 Jefta Norman Koljonen Astoria Dec. 23, 1946 — Feb. 2, 2016 Source: Jim Todd, OMSI Time 5:24 a.m. 6:19 p.m. Malachi Graham, indie folk, 7 p.m., The Adrift Hotel, 409 Sid Snyder Drive, Long Beach, Wash., no cover. OBITUARY Tonight's Sky: Saturday morning before sunrise, waning crescent moon near Venus and Mercury low in the east. Time High 12:03 a.m. 7.6 ft. 11:13 a.m. 9.3 ft. Bart Budwig & Guests, folk, 3:30 p.m., Albatross & Co., 225 14th St., Astoria, $5 in advance, $8 at the door, 21 and older. * Recommended for kids. Under the Sky Sat. Lo 20 29 44 39 45 28 35 44 44 National Cities Today City Hi Lo W Atlanta 50 30 s Boston 36 23 sn Chicago 33 24 c Denver 38 18 pc Des Moines 33 24 c Detroit 40 26 s El Paso 53 23 s Fairbanks 5 -7 pc Honolulu 83 70 s Indianapolis 41 22 s Kansas City 43 26 c Las Vegas 58 37 s Los Angeles 74 49 s Memphis 55 32 s Miami 68 64 pc Nashville 50 29 s New Orleans 56 39 s New York 43 30 sn Oklahoma City 54 31 c Philadelphia 46 28 sn St. Louis 42 30 s Salt Lake City 37 21 pc San Francisco 61 46 pc Seattle 54 42 r Washington, DC 45 31 pc Doreen Lindstedt Artist Reception, 2 p.m., Hoff man Center for the Arts, 594 Laneda Ave., Manzanita. PUBLIC MEETINGS Burns 21/40 Medford 38/57 Submitted Photo Scene from “Waiting for Godot” at the Performing Arts Center with a shows Friday and Saturday. -10s -0s 0s 10s 20s 30s 40s 50s 60s 70s 80s 90s 100s 110s Shown are noon positions of weather systems and precipitation. Temperature bands are highs for the day. Forecast high/low temperatures are given for selected cities. Weather (W): s-sunny, pc-partly cloudy, c-cloudy, sh-showers, t-thunderstorms, r-rain, sf-snow fl urries, sn-snow, i-ice. OBITUARY POLICY The Daily Astorian publishes paid obituaries. The obituary can include a small photo and, Ior Yeterans, a À aJ symbol at no charJe. The deadline Ior all obituaries is a.m. the business day prior. 2bituaries may be edited Ior spellinJ, proper punctuation and style. Death notices and upcominJ serYices Zill be published at no charJe. 1otices must be submitted by a.m. the day of publication. 2bituaries and notices may be submitted online at ZZZ.dailyastorian.comformsobits, by email at eZilson#dailyastorian.com, placed Yia the funeral home or in person at The Daily Astorian of¿ ce, ([chanJe 6t. in Astoria. )or more information, call , e[t. . ³1orman´ .olMonen passed aZay at his home sboro, 2reJon Donald of DenYer, &olorado in Astoria, 2reJon, on )eb. , , after an 6teYe %arb of /onJYieZ, :ashinJton *eorJe e[tended illness, at the aJe of . 1orman Zas 0arJaret of :estport, 2reJon %essie 5oJer born in Astoria on Dec. ,, to (phraim Tormanen of %attle *round, :ashinJton &hris tine %eery of 6prinJ¿ eld, 2reJon and Tillie 6chefÀ er .olMonen, and &hester -oanne of 9ancouYer, :ash remained an Astoria resident most of inJton and many nepheZs, nieces and his life. friends. +e married &harlotte ³%eth´ 6chull +e receiYed his education at )air in . %oth 1orman and %eth Zere YieZ TraininJ &enter of 6alem, Zhere employed throuJh, and under the care he also met his special friend of of &oast 5ehabilitation. They Zere years, 3aul &harles :ood, of 3ortland. members of the )irst %aptist &hurch. 9isitation Zill be on :ednesday, 1orman loYed to meet Zith rela )eb. , from to a.m. at &ald tiYes and friends. 0any Zill remember Zell¶s /uce/ayton 0ortuary in him endinJ his phone calls by sayinJ Jefta Norman Astoria, folloZed by a serYice at ³*od¶s peace to all of you there,´ Koljonen a.m. Zhich e[empli¿ ed his &hristian faith. ,nterment Zill be at p.m. at 1orman is surYiYed by his Zife, %eth, and his siblinJs (phraim -udy of 6teZart &reeN &emetery in 4uincy, 2reJon, &oYinJton, :ashinJton Tillie 5on )ra]ier Zhere his parents are buried. A potlucN Zill of (poufette %ay, 0ichiJan :esley of +ill folloZ at the &latsNanie 5iYer ,nn. The Daily Astorian Established July 1, 1873 (USPS 035-000) Published daily, except Saturday and Sunday, by EO Media Group, 949 Exchange St., PO Box 210, Astoria, OR 97103 Telephone 503- 325-3211, 800-781-3211 or Fax 503-325-6573. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Daily Astorian, PO Box 210, Astoria, OR 97103-0210 www.dailyastorian.com MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is entitled exclusively to the use for republication of all the local news printed in this newspaper. SUBSCRIBER TO THE NEW YORK TIMES NEWS SERVICE MEMBER CERTIFIED AUDIT OF CIRCULATIONS, INC. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Effective July 1, 2015 HOME DELIVERY MAIL EZpay (per month) ................$11.25 EZpay (per month) ............... $16.60 13 weeks in advance ........... $36.79 13 weeks in advance ........... $51.98 26 weeks in advance ........... $70.82 26 weeks in advance ......... $102.63 52 weeks in advance ......... $135.05 52 weeks in advance ......... $199.90 Circulation phone number: 503-325-3211 Periodicals postage paid at Astoria, OR ADVERTISING OWNERSHIP All advertising copy and illustrations prepared by The Daily Astorian become the property of The Daily Astorian and may not be reproduced for any use without explicit prior approval. COPYRIGHT © Entire contents © Copyright, 2016 by The Daily Astorian. Printed on recycled paper