10A )LOPUHPLQGVRIHYHU\GD\ULVNV Lifesaving technology has drastically improved since daring 1952 rescue By BERIT BOYLE Special to The Daily Astorian WARRENTON — Upon earning my commission in the 8 6 &RDVW *XDUG WKH ¿UVW search and rescue mission I experienced was as a deck ZDWFKRI¿FHUDERDUGDIRRW FXWWHU SDWUROOLQJ LQ WKH &DULE EHDQ :KLOH FRQGXFWLQJ FRXQ ternarcotics operations, we were diverted to aid a vessel in distress. As we made our DSSURDFK,UHPHPEHUWKLQNLQJ “Yes! This is what I want to do. This is why we are here — to help people.” 7KH FUHZ RQERDUG WKDW cutter and the Coast Guard crews around the country are committed to performing their GXWLHVWRWKHEHVWRIWKHLUDELOLW\ This summer, I reported to the Incident Management Divi VLRQ DW 6HFWRU &ROXPELD 5LYHU LQ:DUUHQWRQ6HFWRU&ROXPELD River’s personnel ensure mari time safety, security, and envi ronmental protection from the ³*UDYH\DUG RI WKH 3DFL¿F´ WR inland waters throughout the &ROXPELD 6QDNH DQG :LOOD mette river systems. The sector DQG LWV HLJKW VXERUGLQDWH XQLWV FRQGXFWRIWKH&RDVW*XDUG¶V 11 statutory missions, including maritime law enforcement, aids to navigation maintenance, pollution response, and search and rescue coordination. Coast Guard men and women work hard; they study DQG WUDLQ VR WKH\ FDQ EH TXDOL ¿HGWRKDYHDSRVLWLYHLPSDFWRQ someone’s life. It is an oath we take when we join the service. ,W LV WKH UHVSRQVLELOLW\ %HUQDUG :HEEHU DQG KLV FUHZ KRQRUHG ZKHQ WKH\ EUDYHG IRRW seas during a 1952 nor’easter WR UHVFXH FUHZ PHPEHUV RQERDUG WKH 66 3HQGOHWRQ DQ oil tanker that was ripped in half off the coast of Massachusetts during one of the worst storms to ever hit the East Coast. As GHSLFWHGLQWKH¿OP³7KH)LQHVW +RXUV´ :HEEHU GH¿HG JUHDW odds to reach the Pendleton and save 32 men from the storm that threatened to take them all. )RU KLV LPPHQVH EUDYHU\ DQG DGPLUDEOH OHDGHUVKLS :HEEHU was memorialized as the name VDNH RI WKH &RDVW *XDUG¶V ¿UVW IRRW 6HQWLQHO FODVV SDWURO ERDW ZKLFK EHDUV KLV QDPH RQ its stern. A surf station Coast Guard Station &KDWKDP ZKHUH :HEEHU ZDV assigned at the time of the rescue, is a surf station. However, fully half of the &RDVW *XDUG¶V FDSDEOH VXUI KRXUVWRFRPSOHWHLVVLPSO\ astounding,” said Lt. Tom &RQGLWWKHFRPPDQGLQJRI¿FHU at Station Cape Disappointment, which features some of the most experienced “surfmen” in the entire Coast Guard. Condit and some of his crew recently took LQ D VFUHHQLQJ RI ³7KH )LQHVW Hours,” and for many of them, WKH WDOH RI :HEEHU¶V UHVFXH reminds them of the risks they take day in and day out. In the past week alone, Coast *XDUG OLIHERDW DQG KHOLFRSWHU FUHZV LQ WKH 3DFL¿F 1RUWKZHVW pulled eight mariners from the 3DFL¿F 2FHDQ¶V FROG FOXWFKHV when their vessels capsized near FRDVWDOEDUV If you thank a Coastie for their service, they will likely respond, “You’re welcome,” or “Anytime,” and they will mean it. When help is needed, the men and women of the Coast Guard will respond, and they will continue to evaluate and improve those responses to HQVXUH WKH\ DUH GRLQJ WKH EHVW they can to serve and protect the maritime community. Lt. j.g. Berit Boyle is a Coast Guard Academy grad- Honor hero’s legacy The men and women of the uate assigned to the Incident &RDVW *XDUG KRQRU :HEEHU¶V Management Division at Sector legacy as they conduct missions &ROXPELD 5LYHU 6KH TXDOL¿HG WRGD\³7KHZRUNWKDWRXUERDW DV D GHFN ZDWFK RI¿FHU RQ WKH FUHZV LQ WKH 3DFL¿F 1RUWK cutter Valiant before reporting west are doing day in and day to Sector Columbia River in her out, from intensive training, to second tour in the Coast Guard. exhausting rescue and assistance She has begun working on a surf missions, some taking more than VWDWLRQERDWFUHZTXDOL¿FDWLRQ stations are located right here in the 3DFL¿F 1RUWK west. Three DUH VXEXQLWV of Sector & R O X P E L D Berit Boyle River, which is KHDGTXDUWHUHGDWWKH:DUUHQWRQ DLUSRUW 7KH WKUHH VXEXQLW VXUI VWDWLRQV QHDUE\ DUH ORFDWHG LQ 7LOODPRRN %D\ &DSH 'LVDS pointment, Washington, and *UD\V+DUERU:DVKLQJWRQ6XUI VWDWLRQV DUH UHTXLUHG LQ DUHDV where surf conditions greater WKDQ IHHW RFFXU GD\V RU more each year. Designation as a “surfman” LV WKH KLJKHVW TXDOL¿FDWLRQ D coxswain can achieve in the Coast Guard, and takes years to earn. While the mission remains WKHVDPHLQWKH\HDUVVLQFH :HEEHU¶V GDULQJ UHVFXH OLIH saving technology has drasti cally improved. Surf stations are QRZHTXLSSHGZLWKWKHIRRW PRWRUOLIHERDWZKLFKFDQULJKW LWVHOI LQ VHFRQGV LI NQRFNHG RYHUE\VXUI Movie: ‘Certainly was entertaining’ Continued from Page 1A “It’s good to see our heri WDJH´VDLG&KLHI:DUUDQW2I¿FHU Jeremiah Wolf, a surfman trainer at the National Motor /LIHERDW 6FKRRO LQ ,OZDFR WKH only such school in the U.S. “It PDGHPHSURXGWREHDVXUIPDQ DQG SURXG WR EH GRLQJ ZKDW I’m doing today at the motor OLIHERDW VFKRRO WUDLQLQJ IXWXUH surfmen, training people to do ZKDW%HUQLH:HEEHUGLG´ Elite coxswains Surfmen, the elite coxswains ZKRFUHZOLIHERDWVDQGSURYLGH rescues and other assistance on the water, originated with the U.S. Life Saving Service, which merged with the Revenue Cutter 6HUYLFHLQWREHFRPHWKH Coast Guard. Today’s surfmen can go through up to six years of training to earn their insignia. The school at Cape Disap pointment teaches them how WR KDQGOH WKH IRRW PRWRU OLIHERDW LQ URXJK ZHDWKHU 7KH VFKRRO¶V ¿UVW DQG OLNHO\ RQO\ class of the year includes nine RSHUDWRUV IURP WURXEOHVRPH EDUV DURXQG WKH FRXQWU\ ZKR ZLOOVRRQ¿QLVKXSWKHLUPRQWK long training. Lt. Tom Condit recently replaced Lt. Scott McGrew as commander of Station Cape Disappointment, the largest search and rescue station on WKH 3DFL¿F 1RUWKZHVW FRDVW FRYHULQJQDXWLFDOPLOHVIURP WKH HQWUDQFH WR WKH &ROXPELD River. “It certainly was enter taining,” Condit said of the movie, which he said depicted an extraordinary situation, with WZRWDQNHUVEUHDNLQJLQWZRRQ the same night and the Coast *XDUGUHVFXLQJSHRSOH Condit said the rescue, made DPLG IRRW VHDV DQG NQRW PSK ZLQGV SUREDEO\ ZRXOG KDYH EHHQ PDGH ZLWK D helicopter today. 7KH XQRI¿FLDO &RDVW *XDUG motto, uttered in the movie, is, ³<RX KDYH WR JR RXW EXW \RX GRQ¶WKDYHWRFRPHEDFN´7KH PRWWR VWUHWFKHV EDFN WR WKH regulations of the Life Saving 6HUYLFH EXW &RQGLW VDLG WKH pervasive attitude has changed to one of risk mitigation as tech nology has advanced. “You have to keep the crew together, you have to keep our ERDW WRJHWKHU EHIRUH ZH¶UH DEOH WR UHVFXH DQ\ERG\ HOVH´ Wolf said. “We take great care, EHFDXVH ZH ZDQW WR EH DEOH WR effect rescues, and not have to EHUHVFXHGRXUVHOYHV´ Rosecrans 0RUH WKDQ \HDUV DJR UHVFXHUV IURP WZR OLIHERDW crews on either side of the &ROXPELD 5LYHU ZHUH DZDUGHG the Gold Lifesaving Medal after EDWWOLQJ JDOHIRUFH ZLQGV DQG monstrous seas and losing their vessels during a daring rescue of the crew of the grounded steamer Rosecrans. The Rosecrans grounded on Peacock Spit, a shoal at the HQWUDQFH WR WKH &ROXPELD RQ -DQ $IWHU JURXQGLQJ the ship made three or four 626 FDOOV EHIRUH WKH FDSWDLQ ordered them halted, fearful VSDUNV ZRXOG VWDUW D ¿UH RQ ERDUG 7KH 5RVHFUDQV GLG QRW EORZ LWV ZKLVWOH HLWKHU DQG LW took several hours for rescuers WR ¿QG WKH VKLS LQ WKH EDG weather. 2I WKH FUHZ PHPEHUV RQ ERDUG GLHG 7ZR ZHUH rescued from the steamer’s ULJJLQJ E\ WKH OLIHERDW 'UHDG naught from the Point Adams Lifesaving crew several hours DIWHU WKH VWUDQGLQJ 7KH ¿QDO survivor drifted ashore on a plank. Oscar S. Wicklund, one of the rescuers from Point Adams, said most of the crew FRXOGKDYHEHHQVDYHGKDGWKH 5RVHFUDQVEHHQIRXQGHDUOLHU 7KH OLIHERDWV 'UHDGQDXJKW and the Tenacious from Cape Disappointment, with help from WXJV EDWWOHG WKH VWURQJ ZLQGV and high waves trying to locate and rescue the remaining crew from the Rosecrans. The Tenacious was eventu ally capsized, its hull cracked DQG VWHHULQJ GLVDEOHG 7KH Dreadnaught towed the Tena FLRXV WR WKH QHDUE\ WXJERDW )HDUOHVV EHIRUH UHWXUQLQJ WR the wreck of the Rosecrans to UHVFXHWZRFUHZPHPEHUVVWLOO clinging to the rigging. The crew rescued a third, who later died from a severe concussion. %RWK WKH 7HQDFLRXV EHLQJ WRZHG DFURVV WKH EDU E\ WKH WXJ )HDUOHVV DQG WKH 'UHDG naught, tethered to the light VKLS &ROXPELD DIWHU LWV FUHZ ZDV EURXJKW RQ ERDUG ZHUH destroyed in the Graveyard of WKH3DFL¿F Buehler: +RVWLQJDORYHWKHPHGUHFLWDO Continued from Page 1A John was a singer, she was his accompanist. “We had what was called a ‘practice room romance’; we met in the practice room,” she said, chuckling. The couple later taught together in the music department DW %DNHU 8QLYHUVLW\ D SULYDWH OLEHUDODUWVVFKRROLQ.DQVDV,Q WKH\WRRNHDUO\UHWLUHPHQW DQGPRYHGWR&DQQRQ%HDFKWR EHFORVHUWRWKHLUJUDQGFKLOGUHQ LQ)RUHVW*URYH “Given the world today, WKDW¶V QRW D EDG WKLQJ WR EH focusing on,” Schwend said. Cary Lewis, the director of FKDPEHU PXVLF DW WKH$VWRULD 0XVLF )HVWLYDO LV VODWHG to accompany the singers on piano. Repertoire 7KH VHW OLVW VSDQV WKH WK DQGWKFHQWXULHVIURPFODV VLFDO WR PRGHUQ %UDKPV WR %HUQVWHLQ6FKXPDQQWRVKRZ WXQHV 7KH EXON ZLOO EH ³DUW songs,” pieces composed VSHFL¿FDOO\ IRU YRLFH DQG piano, and consisting of clas sical music set to classic poetry. “We’re all singing such a variety of repertoire that it gives you a whole new perspec WLYHDQGSHUKDSVPD\EHHYHQ DEHWWHULQWURGXFWLRQLQWRFODV sical music for those who think classical singing is just opera,” Guidi said. +H DQG %XHKOHU ZLOO VLQJ the comedic duet “Carried Away” from the musical “On the Town.” ³,W EDVLFDOO\ LV WKHVH WZR SHRSOH ODPHQWLQJ DERXW WKH fact that they can’t just do anything normally. Everything that they do, they are so impas sioned that they just kind of go crazy every time they do something,” she said. $QG IRU WKH ¿QDOH WKH singers will perform a trio Play on Erick Bengel/The Daily Astorian Susan Buehler, a piano and voice teacher living in Can- non Beach, plays her baby grand in her home studio. from a Verdi opera. ³,W¶V EHDXWLIXO PXVLF ,W¶V fun music. And I think there ZLOOEHVRPHWKLQJVSHUIRUPHG that people have not heard EHIRUH´ VDLG %XHKOHU ZKR will hand out program notes she wrote herself. “We’re just eager to do it ... and then get the heck outta there so that we FDQJRVHHWKH%URQFRVZLQWKH 6XSHU %RZO´ VKH DGGHG ZLWK a laugh. away in the corner. “I really do think music speaks to the inner self,” she said. “More than anything, music kind of feeds the soul.” %RUQDQGUDLVHGLQ.DQVDV %XHKOHU EHJDQ OHDUQLQJ SLDQR DW DURXQG \HDUV ROG DQG played in three to four piano recitals a year. She discovered in high school that “saxophone SOD\LQJZDVQRWP\WKLQJ´EXW joined the school choir, earned KHU EDFKHORU RI PXVLF GHJUHH ‘Practice room DW)RUW+D\V6WDWH8QLYHUVLW\ romance’ %XHKOHU¶V KRPH VWXGLR LV and received her master’s and OLQHG ZLWK ERRNFDVHV VWRFNHG doctorate degrees at Univer with vocalist literature, all of it VLW\ RI 0LVVRXUL.DQVDV &LW\ written for solo performance. Conservatory of Music. ,WZDVDW)RUW+D\VWKDWVKH 1HDUWKHZDOOVLWVDEDE\JUDQG piano covered with sheet PHW KHU KXVEDQG -RKQ ZKLOH music. A pump organ is tucked they were undergraduates. %XW HYHQ LQ UHWLUHPHQW PXVLF LV DQG DOZD\V ZLOO EH ZKHUHLW¶VDWIRUWKH%XHKOHUV 7KH\ERWKSDUWLFLSDWHLQWKH &DQQRQ %HDFK &KRUXV 6XVDQ as the pianist, John as the director. Meanwhile, Susan plays the organ at the Cannon %HDFK &RPPXQLW\ &KXUFK and Seaside Calvary Episcopal Church. “I feel very fortunate that P\ KXVEDQG DQG , ERWK KDYH EHHQDEOHWRGRPXVLFIRUOLWHU ally all our lives,” she said. As for her private lessons, %XHKOHUQRZKDVQLQHVWXGHQWV DQG EHKLQG WKHP LV D ZDLWLQJ list, she said. Her youngest, a piano student, is 9 years old, and her oldest, a voice student, LVDOPRVW ³,W¶VDPXFKEURDGHUUDQJH than what I had at the univer sity,” she said. “And I don’t have to give grades anymore; that’s kind of out the window.” — Erick Bengel THE DAILY ASTORIAN • MONDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 2016 Chief: %DO]HUFODLPV wrongful discharge reviewing the contents of this UHYLHZ , EHOLHYH LW¶V EHVW WR FULWLFDO FRPPHQWV PDGH E\ not comment on how things his wife, Colleen, on social were said and written.” $VL[PRQWKUHYLHZZDVWR PHGLD 7KH ¿ULQJ ZDV PRWL YDWHG E\ ³SHUVRQDO DQLPXV´ EHKHOGLQ1RYHPEHU³)DLOXUH the amended complaint WR DFKLHYH WKH VL[PRQWK states, and “did not consti goals may result in termina WXWH WKH JRRG IDLWK VXI¿FLHQW tion,” directors wrote. cause under the employment agreement.” Board recall sought According to the amended %DO]HU ZDV WHUPLQDWHG FRPSODLQW %DO]HU ZDV three weeks prior to the ³XQZLOOLQJ DQG XQDEOH WR VL[PRQWKUHYLHZSHULRG restrict his wife from speaking Since that time, many her mind, despite the threat &DQQRQ%HDFKUHVLGHQWVKDYH WKDWKHFRXOGEHGLVFKDUJHGLI defended the former chief she continued to express her and sought his reinstatement. opinions.” Resident Susan Neuwirth The complaint states it launched a petition to remove LV DJDLQVW SXEOLF SROLF\ IRU D WKUHHRIWKHERDUG¶V¿YHGLUHF SXEOLFERG\OLNHWKH¿UHGLVWULFW tors, President Sharon Clyde, ERDUGWR¿UHDQHPSOR\HH³IRU *DUU\6PLWKDQG/LQGD%HFN KLV LQDELOLW\ WR UHVWUDLQ KLV Sweeney, in a recall election. spouse’s speech, particularly Neuwirth accused the when the expressions are crit ERDUGRIODFNLQJWUDQVSDUHQF\ LFLVPVRISXEOLFRI¿FLDOV´ DQG EHLQJ ³XQSURIHVVLRQDOO\ run.” Recall proponents need Performance review 125 signatures to force a vote shows warnings %RDUG GLUHFWRUV GHVFULEHG E\ $SULO D QXPEHU GHWHU WKH¿ULQJDV³VWULFWO\EXVLQHVV PLQHG E\ WDNLQJ SHUFHQW of the votes the district cast in not personal.” Documents provided the last election. $V RI )ULGD\ 1HXZLUWK E\ WKH ¿UH GLVWULFW DIWHU DQ RSHQ UHFRUGV UHTXHVW VDLG VKH KDG WKH UHTXLUHG LQFOXGH D HYDOXD QXPEHU EXW ZDV VHHNLQJ DW WLRQRI%DO]HU¶VSHUIRUPDQFH OHDVWDGGLWLRQDOQDPHVLQ %DO]HUZKRHDUQHGPRUHWKDQ the event some signatures are LQDQQXDOVDODU\DQG dismissed on technicalities. “We’re well within the compensation as chief, was said to demonstrate “poor time period,” Neuwirth said. leadership,” “poor communi “We’re just gleaning people FDWLRQ´DQG³OLHG´WRWKHERDUG who were out of town and when he agreed to leave the were missed. People are chief’s truck on district prop seeking me out.” erty and failed to do so, direc ,I DQ LQVXI¿FLHQW QXPEHU tors said. RIVLJQDWXUHVDUHVXEPLWWHGLW “This continues to seri proceeds no further, Clatsop RXVO\HURGHWKHWUXVWWKHERDUG County Clerk Valerie Crafard has for the chief,” they wrote. VDLG ³,I D VXI¿FLHQW QXPEHU ,Q DGGLWLRQ UHPDUNV E\ RIVLJQDWXUHVDUHVXEPLWWHG, %DO]HU¶VZLIHRQVRFLDOPHGLD LQIRUPWKHSXEOLFRI¿FHUWKDW H[KLELWHG ³SRRU MXGJPHQW´ WKH\ PD\ VXEPLW WKHLU UHVLJ E\ %DO]HU ³LQ DOORZLQJ KLV nation or a statement of justi spouse to continue to interact ¿FDWLRQ´ VKH VDLG ³,I WKH inappropriately online via SXEOLFRI¿FHUGRHVQRWUHVLJQ VRFLDOPHGLDFULWLFL]LQJERDUG ZLWKLQ¿YHGD\VWKHHOHFWLRQ PHPEHUVDQGVWDII´GLUHFWRUV PXVWEHKHOGQRODWHUWKDQWKH wrote in their evaluation. 35 th day after the last day for ,QIRXURXWRI¿YHFDWHJR WKHSXEOLFRI¿FHUWRUHVLJQ´ ULHV ² DFFXUDF\ MRE NQRZO If the three commissioners edge, productivity and time named in the recall petition OLQHVV ² %DO]HU¶V ZRUN FKRRVH WR ¿JKW WKH RXVWHU D “needed improvement,” VSHFLDOHOHFWLRQZRXOGEHKHOG according to the directors. DW D FRVW RI DERXW WR ,QWKH¿IWKFDWHJRU\WKRU the taxpayers, Neuwirth said. RXJKQHVV %DO]HU UHFHLYHG D “If they step down, there’s “satisfactory” rating. no cost,” she said. “There’s %DO]HUZKRVLJQHGRIIRQ that to factor in. Do they the evaluation in March, told want to cost the district more WKH ERDUG DW WKH WLPH ³$IWHU money?” Continued from Page 1A Pot: 3 percent local tax EULQJVOHY\WRSHUFHQW Continued from Page 1A Under state law, cities — with voter approval — can add a 3 percent local tax on WRS RI WKH SHUFHQW OHY\ from the state once recre ational marijuana retail outlets are licensed. Since January, consumers KDYH EHHQ SD\LQJ D WHPSR rary 25 percent tax on recre ational pot at medical mari juana dispensaries that are allowed to sell the drug to recreational users through the end of the year. Johnston, after talking with the four medical mari juana dispensaries in Astoria that are selling recreational pot, estimates that a local WD[ FRXOG EULQJ LQ URXJKO\ LQDQQXDOUHYHQXH 6WDWH ODZ SUHVFULEHV WKDW state tax revenue from mari MXDQD EH GLVWULEXWHG E\ IRUPXOD ZLWK SHUFHQW JRLQJ WR SXEOLF VFKRROV percent to mental health, alco holism and drug services, and smaller shares directed to the state police, city and county enforcement, and alcohol and GUXJDEXVHSUHYHQWLRQ The state has estimated PLOOLRQ LQ QHZ WD[ revenue over two years. /RFDO WD[ UHYHQXH E\ FRQWUDVWFDQEHVSHQWDWFLW\ discretion. “I think the city should do it,” Johnston said. “I think it’s a revenue source DYDLODEOH´ 0DQ\ LQ WKH EXUJHRQLQJ marijuana industry antici pated that cities would likely take advantage of the local tax option. ³/LNH , WROG %UDG -RKQ VWRQKH¶GEHIRROLVKQRWWRJR after that,” said Oscar Nelson, WKH FRIRXQGHU RI 6ZHHW Relief Natural Medicine in Astoria. “It’s expected. It’s logical. It’s nothing that’s JRLQJWREHDSDLQLQRXUDVV´ The retail price of mari MXDQD ZLOO OLNHO\ ÀXFWXDWH for a few years as outlets compete for customers, perfect growing, supply and GLVWULEXWLRQ WHFKQLTXHV DQG adjust to tax and regulatory EXUGHQV Marijuana’s transition from a widely used illegal GUXJVROGRQWKHEODFNPDUNHW WRDOHJDOJRYHUQPHQWWD[HG SURGXFW ZLOO OLNHO\ EH FKDO lenging. The Oregon Depart PHQWRI5HYHQXHVDLG)ULGD\ IRU H[DPSOH WKDW RI WKH PHGLFDO PDULMXDQD dispensaries selling recre ational pot had not registered with the department. Just ¿YHDFFRUGLQJWRWKHGHSDUW ment, had scheduled appoint ments to pay the taxes owed on January sales. Raja Afrika, a shift manager at Hi in Astoria, worries that if prices get too high, some consumers might return to “Joe on the couch” ² WKH EODFN PDUNHW ² IRU their supply. He said he has seen a decline in customers since the temporary 25 percent tax was imposed in January. Afrika also cautioned that KLJKHUSULFHVFRXOGEHDKDUG ship on people who use mari MXDQDIRUPHGLFDOUHDVRQVEXW do not have medical mari MXDQDFDUGVWKDWHQDEOHWKHP to purchase the drug tax free. “I think I would ask them to consider the patients,” he said of the City Council. “Consider the people who are WKHPRVWYXOQHUDEOHEHFDXVH WKH\¶UH IUHTXHQWO\ WKH RQHV WKDW DUH KDUGHVW KLW E\ DOO RI these changes.”