The daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1961-current, January 21, 2016, Page 2, Image 12

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    Attend La Fete fashion show in Astoria
Local designers craft new styles out of second-hand finds
ASTORIA — The Harbor
presents its second annual La
Fête fashion show fundraiser
from 7 to 11:30 p.m. Saturday,
Jan. 30 at the Astoria Mason-
ic Temple, located at 1572
Franklin Ave. Emcees Day-
light Cums and Ginger Vitus,
two of Astoria’s most fash-
ionable drag queen superstars,
will be hosting the event.
Twelve local designers
have been challenged to put
Submitted photo by Sebastiaan Petiet
Samantha Crain will perform at the Sou’Wester Lodge on Friday, Jan. 22.
Sou’Wester Lodge hosts
folk rocker Samantha Crain
SEAVIEW, Wash. — Saman-
tha Crain, an Oklahoma-born
songwriter with Choctaw her-
itage, will present her newest
collection of songs, “Under
Branch & Thorn & Tree,” at
the Sou’Wester Lodge at 8
p.m. Friday, Jan. 22.
Crain teamed up again with
producer John Vanderslice
(the Mountain Goats, Spoon)
for the album, released in July
2015. Vanderslice used syn-
thesizers and string arrange-
ments to embellish Crain’s
heartfelt stories of the working
Crain’s songs are full of
Musica Maestrale presents French Baroque
sacred vocal music at Astoria concert Jan. 31
ASTORIA — Early music en-
semble Musica Maestrale will
present the concert “Lessons
of the Dark: Sacred Vocal
expansive melodies that veer Works of François Couperin”
off in unpredictable directions, at 3 p.m. Sunday, Jan. 31 at
with lyrics that explore con- Grace Episcopal Church.
Admission is $15 at the
and compassion. Her work has door, and doors open at 2:30
been praised for dark lyrics p.m. A reception will follow
and emotional delivery.
the concert.
She has a jazz singer’s
Portland sopranos Arw-
phrasing, often breaking en Myers and Catherine van
words into rhythmic fragments der Salm will perform “Trois
that land before and after the Leçons de Ténèbres” by
beat, stretching syllables or Couperin, accompanied by
adding grace notes to uncover an intimate continuo of viola
nuances in her lyrics.
da gamba, played by Musica
The Sou’Wester Lodge is Maestrale veteran Max Full-
located at 3728 J Place. For er, and theorbo, a large lute,
more information, call 360- played by Musica Maestrale
artistic director and past Asto-
Partners for the PAC presents:
Samuel Beckett’s
Clatsop Community College
Performing Arts Center
16th Street and Franklin
Avenue, Astoria
7 p.m., Jan. 29 and 30
3 p.m., Jan. 31
7 p.m., Feb. 5 and 6
Tickets: $15, at the door
F u n d e d i n p a r t b y O r e g o n C u l t u r a l Tr u s t / C l a t s o p
County Cultural Coalition
2 | January 21, 2016 |
down the runway in a compe-
tition to crown Astoria’s next
top designer.
7 to 11:30 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 30
The two winners of last
year’s show, Becky Tonkin
Astoria Masonic Temple
and Ryan Saunders, will join
1572 Franklin Ave., Astoria
Jeanine Fairchild and Judith
21 and older
Stokes at the judging table. All
attendees will be able to vote
for their favorite styles for the
WRJHWKHUWZRRXW¿WVXVLQJRQO\ people’s choice winner.
Local restaurants have do-
items found at Déjà Vu thrift
store. Their models will stomp nated food and beverages for
La Fête
this event. There will also be a
hosted bar, auction, a live per-
formance by Jessamyn Grace
and an after party follow-
ing the fashion show. Come
dressed in your best and cel-
ebrate Astoria’s stylistic cre-
ativity, have fun and dance the
night away.
Admission is $7, and the
event is for ages 21 and older
only. All proceeds will go to
The Harbor, Inc. The mission
of The Harbor is to assist in
the intervention, recovery and
wellbeing of survivors of do-
mestic and sexual violence.
ria Music Festival performer
Hideki Yamaya.
“Leçons de ténèbres”
means “lessons of darkness”
and is a genre of French Ba-
roque music. Usually per-
formed in a private perfor-
mance of virtuoso chamber
music, leçons de ténèbres
developed from the music of
the tenebrae, a Christian reli-
gious service celebrated in the
week leading up to Easter. The
tenebrae service uses the text
of the Lamentations of Jere-
miah, allegorically applying
the siege and desolation of
Jerusalem to the three days of
mourning (Maundy Thursday,
Good Friday and Holy Satur-
day) for Christ between his
Submitted photo by Kelly Kruse Photography
Submitted photo
Lutenist and guitarist Hideki Yamaya is the
artistic director of Portland-based early
music ensemble Musica Maestrale.
During tenebrae, text from the
Lamentations of Jeremiah are
reciting tone, and the high Re-
naissance’s pholyphonic cho-
ral settings inspired the later
French Baroque genre, which
one or two vocalists with con-
tinuo instruments.
Couperin’s “Trois Leçons
de Ténèbres” were published
are for solo voice, followed by
the third for two equal voices.
Musica Maestrale, a Port-
land-based early music en-
semble, brings together local
musicians with national and
international reputations to
perform the exquisite, varied
repertoire from between the
16th and 18th centuries. Us-
ing only historically accurate
A native of Augusta, Georgia, Arwen Myers
is currently the music associate at Trinity
Episcopal Cathedral in Portland, and she is
an active freelance artist.
Submitted photo
Catherine van der Salm, soprano, is a na-
tive of the Northwest and lives in Vancou-
ver, Washington.
instruments, Musica Maestrale
explores the tone, depth and
character of the quieter, tem-
peramental Renaissance and
Baroque instruments, and aims
to provide a more intimate mu-
sical experience than that of the
modern orchestral concert.