Liberty Theater presents Art a la cARTe fundraiser Take home an original artwork at event Art a la cARTe 2 to 3:30 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 16 Barbey Maritime Center ASTORIA — If you’re looking for a new art piece to grace a wall in your home, look no further than Art a la cARTe, a IXQGUDLVHUWREHQH¿WWKH/LEHU- ty Theater taking place Satur- GD\ -DQ 7KLV ¿UVWFRPH ¿UVWVHUYHGHYHQWZLOOEHVKRUW and sweet, taking place from 2 to 3:30 p.m. at the Colum- ELD5LYHU0DULWLPH0XVHXP¶V %DUEH\ 0DULWLPH &HQWHU DQG patrons are encouraged to ar- ULYHRQWLPH 7KHHYHQWIHDWXUHVRULJLQDO works of art by local artists, Northwest artists, and art- ists from across the country. Each piece of art is the same size, offered at the same $99 price, and signed on the back. Patrons will not know who created each piece — whether established or emerging art- LVW ² RQO\ WKDW WKH\ ORYH WKH artwork. The artist will be re- YHDOHG XSRQ SXUFKDVH DQG D table will be set up so that art- ists who are present can meet their patron and re-sign their art on the front. New this year, Art a la F$57H KDV LQYLWHG DOO DUWLVWV who donated work to attend and will open its doors 30 min- XWHV EHIRUH WKH HYHQW EHJLQV to let the contributing artists YLHZDOORIWKHVXEPLVVLRQV /RFDO HVWDEOLVKHG DUWLVWV who donated work include Noel Thomas, Eric Wiegardt, &DURO 5LOH\ *LQ /DXJKHU\ Don Nisbett and some yet- WREHGLVFRYHUHG QHZFRPHUV /LEHUW\ 7KHDWHU %RDUG RI 'L- rectors member and artist Dar- ren Orange has donated a few of his own pieces to the fund- raiser and encouraged emerg- ing artists from Astoria Visual Arts’ Artist-in-Residence Pro- gram to donate works as well. ³:H UHDOO\ YLHZ $UW D OD cARTe as a springboard to educate people about the art- ist-in-residence program,” VDLG /LEHUW\ 7KHDWHU %RDUG of Directors member Betty Smith. 7KH HYHQW ZLOO DOVR IHD- WXUH VHYHUDO VSHFLDO DUW SLHFHV brought directly from Cuba. 2042 Marine Drive, Astoria $15 Submitted photo /LEHUW\ 7KHDWHU %RDUG RI 'L- rectors Vice President Chris- WLQH /ROLFK YLVLWHG &XED LQ December and brought back artwork from Cuban artists. The afternoon will include OLYHPXVLFE\$F~VWLFD:RUOG 0XVLF DV ZHOO DV IRRG DQG Northwest wine for patrons to enjoy. There will also be a drawing for three gift baskets: “The Distilled Artist” featur- ing a Pilot House Distillery tasting for a group of eight DQG VSLULWV DQG GULQNLQJ YLQH- JDUVIRUDKRPHSDUW\³0XGG\ 5LYHU´ZLWKWZRWLFNHWVWRWKH )HE 7D\OD /\QQ FRQFHUW DWWKH/LEHUW\7KHDWHUSOXVDQ RYHUQLJKW VWD\ DW :LQGZDWHU Bed & Breakfast; and a Cu- ba-themed basket with good- ies direct from Cuba. Tickets are $15 and are John Stevenson to speak at Listening to the Land lecture shoreline and damage to coast- al structures. The impacts are being felt upstream, too, in the ZDWHUVKHGVWKDWVXSSRUW¿VKHU- ies and across the mountains ZKHUHPDQ\2UHJRQLDQVOLYH But the news isn’t all GRRP DQG JORRP 6WHYHQVRQ says. It’s his job to ask what Oregonians need to do to en- sure that the things they care DERXWZLOOUHPDLQYLDEOH6WH- YHQVRQ ZLOO H[SODLQ KRZ WKH choices people make today about the management of nat- XUDO UHVRXUFHV ZLOO KDYH MXVW as profound an impact as will climate change itself. 6WHYHQVRQ LV D UHJLRQDO extension climate special- ist with Oregon Sea Grant and the Climate Impacts Re- Photo by Jon Lingel The Art a la cARTe fundraiser for the Liberty Theater allows art lovers to enjoy wine, hors d’oeuvres, live music and lovely art. Submitted photo This artwork called “Plums” is one piece that will be at this year’s Art a la cARTe. DYDLODEOH DW WKH /LEHUW\ 7KH- DWHUER[RI¿FHRUWKURXJKWLFN- 7KH HYHQW LV VSRQVRUHG E\ U.S. Bank, The Daily Asto- Photo by Hugh McKenna ULDQ 7KH %DQN RI WKH 3DFL¿F Local band Acustica World Music will entertain the art lovers at Art a la cARTe at the Bar- bey Maritime Center on Saturday, Jan. 16. and Columbia Bank. GLVWXUEDQFH 3UHYLRXVO\ KH worked with Portland-based (FRWUXVW WR PDS FULWLFDO ¿VK- ing grounds off the Oregon Coast in a process to site re- newable ocean energy. Before PRYLQJWR2UHJRQ6WHYHQVRQ ZRUNHGRQ¿VKHULHVDQGRFHDQ planning issues for NOAA in 6LOYHU6SULQJV0DU\ODQG+H has a master’s degree in ma- rine resource management IURP2UHJRQ6WDWH8QLYHUVLW\ /LVWHQLQJ WR WKH /DQG LV D monthly winter speaker series RIIHUHG-DQXDU\WKURXJK0D\ and presented by North Coast /DQG &RQVHUYDQF\ DQG WKH Submitted photo Climatologist John Stevenson will talk Necanicum Watershed Coun- about climate change and the coast Jan. cil in partnership with the 20 at the Seaside Public Library. 6HDVLGH3XEOLF/LEUDU\/HDUQ search Consortium, where more at 7KH6HDVLGH3XEOLF/LEUDU\ he facilitates community ad- DSWDWLRQ WR FOLPDWHGULYHQ is located at 1131 Broadway. changes in coastal hazards, For library information, call water resources and forest 503-738-6742. How will climate change impact the coast? SEASIDE — 0DQ\ SHRSOH OLYLQJ LQ WKH 3DFL¿F 1RUWK- west are aware that rising seas will cause coastal erosion. But in what other ways will climate change impact life in Oregon — on the coast in particular? Join climatologist -RKQ 6WHYHQVRQ DV KH NLFNV RII WKH VHDVRQ RI /LV- WHQLQJ WR WKH /DQG SUHVHQWD- tions, focused on the theme of water. “Climate Change and the Coast” begins at 6 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 20 at the 6HDVLGH 3XEOLF /LEUDU\ $G- mission is free, and refresh- PHQWVZLOOEHVHUYHG A warming climate is al- ready affecting life in Ore- JRQ 6WHYHQVRQ VD\V +LJKHU seas will mean changes to the This fall scene is one piece that will be at this year’s Art a la cARTe. Go birding at Sunset Beach WARRENTON —'R\RXKDYH an appreciation for birds and want some experience on how best to see them? Or are you an experienced birder want- LQJWRKHOSZLWKELUGVXUYH\V" +HUH¶V D FKDQFH WR MRLQ /HW¶V Go Birding! %LUGLQJ DFWLYLWLHV DUH IUHH and birders 8 years old and older are welcome; children 8 to 14 must be accompanied by D SDUHQW RU JXDUGLDQ /RDQHU ELQRFXODUVDUHDYDLODEOHIRUXS to 10 birders. Bring your own ELQRFXODUVLIDYDLODEOH In 2016, Sunset Beach State Recreation Site and the Fort to Sea Trail will be the VLWH RI ZHHNO\ ELUG VXUYH\V 7KH VXUYH\V ZLOO PRQLWRU WKH bird species that use the park from season to season and will be conducted weekly for an HQWLUH\HDU(DFKVXUYH\WDNHV DERXWWZRKRXUVDQGZLOOFRYHU VHYHUDOKDELWDWVRQWKHWUDLOV 6XQVHW %HDFK VXUYH\V ZLOO meet from 9 to 11 a.m. Sat- urday, Jan. 16; Thursday, Jan. 21; Saturday, Jan. 30; Wednes- day, Feb. 3; Wednesday, Feb. 10; and Friday, Feb. 19. Par- ticipants will meet at the Fort to Sea Trailhead at the Sunset Beach State Recreation Area. There will also be a Fort 6WHYHQV PRQWKO\ ELUG VXUYH\ from 9 to 11 a.m. Saturday, Feb. 20. Participants will meet at Battery Russell in Fort Ste- YHQV6WDWH3DUN For questions, contact Park Ranger Dane Osis 503-861- 3170, ext. 41, or email dane. RVLV#RUHJRQJRY January 14, 2016 | | 9