B UD featuring Mr. Doobees of the month Q What are terpenes? A. Terpenes are fragrant oils that give cannabis its aromatic diversity. They’re what give Blueberry its signature berry smell, Sour Diesel its funky fuel flavor, and Lavender its sweet floral aroma. These oils are secreted in the flower’s sticky resin glands, the same ones that produce THC, CBD, and other cannabinoids. Terpenes are by no means unique to cannabis; they can be found in many other herbs, fruits, and plants as well. Bruce Banner Cherry Pie Strain- H ybrid Bruc e Ba nne r m ig ht be be st k no w n a s the a lte r-e g o o f c o m ic bo o k he ro The Inc re d ible H ulk , but m a ybe he w o uld n’t be suc h a stre sse d o ut ba ll o f a ng e r if he just ha d so m e o f his na m e sa k e stra in. This g re e n m o nste r a lso ha s hid d e n stre ng th a nd fe a ture s d e nse nug s tha t pa c k the po w e r o f ve ry hig h TH C c o nte nt. It’s a po w e rful stra i n w ho se e ffe c ts c o m e o n q uic k ly a nd stro ng a nd the n te nd to se ttle into a e upho ric a nd c re a tive buzz. The sa tiva e ff e c ts o f this stra in a re e vid e nt a nd ling e r m o stly in the he a d , but it d o e s a lso pro vid e bo d y re la xa tio n a nd pa in re lie f tha t m a k e it a n a ppro pria te d a ytim e m e d ic a tio n fo r so m e . D e lta 9 L a bs bre d this stra in fro m O G K ush a nd Stra w be rry D i e se l, a nd its he rita g e c a n be fo und in its d ie se l a ro m a w ith sw e e t und e rto ne s. 1444 Commercial Street, Astoria 503-468-0881 TH C - 29.4 7% C BD - .69% Te ste d by: M R X L a bs P D 151020-039 Strain- H ybrid C he rry P ie is a c ro ss be tw e e n P urple Afg ha ni a nd O G K ush c re a ting tric ho m e -fro ste d purple a nd g re e n bud s, sho w c a sing thic k o ra ng e pistils. The m o st no tic e a ble fe e ling fro m this stra in is a n uplifting ha ppy o ne . She te nd s to d e live r a stro ng bo d y hig h w ith fe e ling s o f la zine ss, tha t c a n be e a sily o ve rc o m e by m o re e xpe rie nc e d use rs. R e c o m m e nd e d fo r nig ht-tim e use , this stra in is use ful fo r pe o ple suffe ring fro m inso m nia . Its re la xing pro pe rtie s a re he lpful to pe o ple d e a ling w ith stre ss a nd a nxie ty. It c a n a lso pro vid e m ino r pa in re l ie f a nd he lp w ith c hro nic m ig ra ine s. C he rry P ie is o fte n re c o m m e nd e d to stim ula te a ppe tite a nd c o m ba t na use a . 1444 Commercial Street, Astoria 503-468-0881 ACDC 229 W. Marine Dr. #C Astoria 503-325-8570 www.natureschoice420.com Mango Strain- Sativa D om inate H ybrid Strain- Indica Strain H ighlights- N o psyc ho a c tive e ffe c ts. This stra in is g o o d fo r pa in, a nxie ty, e pile psy, m ultiple sc le ro sis a nd m o re ! Strain H ighlights- Aw a rd -w inning stra in — g re a t fo r nig httim e . It’s sle e py a nd ha ppy w ith a sw e e t ta ste . TH C - 0.93% C BD - 18.75% M M D #- 96316 Te ste d by: M R X L a bs 229 W. Marine Dr. #C Astoria 503-325-8570 www.natureschoice420.com THC: 25.61% CBD: 0.74% Tested by: MRX Labs:151214-057 Purple Diamond Strain: Hybrid 868 8 Laneda L Ave M Manzanita, Oregon 503-368-4200 Strain Highlights: This locally bred gem is a cross between Grandaddy G Purple and Heavy Duty Fruity to produce a genetic jackpot of flavors and effects. Purple Diamond produces an excellent green and purple bud that is masked by white due to the crystal production. You will enter into a mental wonderland as this psychedelic strain will leave you satisfied in mind and body. A delectable hybrid, best suited for pain relief, relaxation, and unwinding from a long day. THC: 26.7% CBD: 0.75% Tested by: MRX Labs:151214-053 Te ste d by: M R X L a bs Strain: Hybrid Strain: Hybrid Strain Highlights: This LA High Times Cannabis Cup winning strain is a hybrid with a pungent terpene profile. Do not let the hybrid fool you, as this packs a sativa leaning punch. Large res- inous buds with the perfect density will impart their sticky scent onto your fingers if you attempt to break up by hand -- grinders recommended. Consumers have reported increased appetite and a creative effect from this strong flower which will make a lasting impression with smell, taste and effect. TH C - 23.4 9% C BD - 0.05% M M D #- 96316 Royal Highness Gorilla Glue #4 8688 Laneda L neda Ave La Av Manzanita, Oregon 503-368-4200 TH C - 19.26% C BD - .06% Te ste d by: 3B Ana lytic a l 11302 11/ 6/ 15 868 Laneda Ave Manzanita, Manzanitaa , O Oregon regon 503-368-4200 Strain Highlights: This wonderfully medicinal strain boasts an aroma of berries with deep purple hues that shimmer in a crystal coating. This is the perfect strain for less experienced consumers that are looking to try cannabis; users can expect a cerebral uplifting effect while providing relief for any aches and pains that may linger. Connoisseurs will enjoy this strain for it’s rich terpene profile. THC: 3.83% CBD: 15.94% Tested by: MRX Labs:151222-040 Advertise your product here! For m ore inform ation call your sales rep today! As toria / W a rrenton / H a m m ond ( 503) 325 - 3211 Gea rha rt / S ea s ide / Ca nnon Bea c h ( 503) 738 - 5561 January 7, 2016 | coastweekend.com | 19