BlueFlags & BlackGrass plays Sou’Wester Sou’Wester Lodge screens ‘Sometimes a Great Notion’ SEAVIEW, Wash. — The Sou’wester Lodge will host a public screening of “Some- times a Great Notion” at 7 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 30. The movie, adapted from Ken Kesey’s epic novel about a defiant family of loggers, starred Paul New- man and was filmed on the Central Oregon Coast during the summer of 1970. The film was released in 1971 to an indifferent nationwide audience but remains a cult classic in the Pacific North- west. Astoria writer Matt Love, author of “Sometimes a Great Movie: Paul Newman, Ken Kesey and the Filming of the Great Oregon Nov- el,” will introduce the movie and take questions after the screening. He will also dis- cuss new revelations about the legend of whether New- man cut the legs off a tavern pool table with a chainsaw during the production. The screening will also feature home movie footage of the production as well as Portland ragtime, bluegrass band brings twang to Seaview Submitted photo courtesy Nestucca Spit Press Submitted photo “Sometimes a Great Notion,” adapted from Ken Kesey’s novel, starred Paul Newman and was filmed on the Central Oregon Coast during the summer of 1970. Matt Love will talk at the screening. Submitted photo BlueFlags & BlackGrass will perform at 8 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 26 at the Sou’Wester Lodge. “Sometimes a Great Notion” trivia and prizes. Love lives in Astoria on the Oregon Coast and is the publisher of Nestucca Spit Press. He’s the author/editor of 14 books about Oregon. In 2009, Love won the Or- egon Literary Arts’ Stewart H. Holbrook Literary Leg- acy Award for his contribu- tions to Oregon history and literature. His latest books are “A Nice Piece of Asto- ria: A Narrative Guide” and his debut novel, “The Great Birthright.” His website is Crossword Answer T O T O Submitted photo O A H U A S I S E A L E P E I E A T ”Sometimes a Great Movie” by Matt Love. The Sou’Wester Lodge is located at 3728 J Place. For more information, call 360- 642-2542 or email souwest- B E B O P L E G A L A V O W S D E L U X E C E L L I O T E L L O S I N T A X F J O R D S B U G G L E S T S K D A R T E I T V R E O S N Y B M O W P E O D B T O O Y D D T A M I S H O V I N E A J F O Y S T A H L L E V D Y E E N M E S W F L O R A M E Y E R M S T W A F T Y E O W S R E O R E R E W E S W A G S T A Y L S A A T S L I K P L A I E N A E L L A I E G G D U H A E L M A A R N I E P I T C H P O L K A R J O I E G B E R R E E S S Y E N C D A B M C D E O C O H H V E A E C T R K S Eat + Drink + be Happy at S T Y V A N E S S A A W A S H I N S E X E S S A L U T E S T R A V E L T H E N H L A S A N A S N O H I T J E T L I L A T E N O T O E S O R I G I L N I A T F L O E A L Y M I A A N K N E D O O U O R A L D A S K E D SEAVIEW, Wash. — The Sou’Wester Lodge will host Portland band BlueFlags & BlackGrass for a perfor- mance at 8 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 26. The show is free and open to the public. BlueFlags & BlackGrass’ sound can be summed up as modern American skiffle. It combines jug band and rag- time of the 1920s and 1930s with bluegrass, viper jazz and a hint of Irish/gypsy twang. The band was born in the spring of 2011 in Port- land. The usual suspects of band members is more than a dozen people jamming on different instruments, but a typical gig features Flip McGuire — on vox guitar, banjo and resophonic guitar — and whoever else is avail- able at the time. The band is influenced by Baby Gramps, Mississippi Sheiks, Memphis JugBand, Tom Waits, CrowQuill NightOwls, Gallus Brothers, Conjugal Visitors, Bessie Smith, Django Reinhardt, Holy Modal Rounders, Pogues, Leon Redbone and Rollin’ Joe Jordan. The Sou’Wester Lodge is located at 3728 J Place. For more information, call 360- 642-2542. BlueFlags & BlackGrass 3tŝŶƚĞƌ3,ĂƉƉLJ3,ŽƵƌ3;^ƵŶ3Ͳ3dŚƵƌƐͿ333ϮƉŵ3Ͳ3ϰƉŵ333ϴƉŵ3Ͳ3ϭϬƉŵ 8 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 26 ϭ 3 Ϭ % 3 ĨŽŽĚ3ĚŝƐĐŽƵŶƚ3ĨŽƌ3ůŽĐĂůƐ 3728 J Place, Seaview, Wash. 3'Ğƚ3ĐĂƐŚ3ďĂĐŬ3ǁŝƚŚ3WŝĐŬůĞĚ3&ŝƐŚ3>ŽLJĂůƚLJ3WƌŽŐƌĂŵ3ƐŝŐŶ3ƵƉ3ĂƚƐǁŝƉĞůLJ͘ĐŽŵͬƉŝĐŬůĞĚĨŝƐŚ3 360-642-2542 Ă 3 ƚ34ĚƌŝĨƚ3,ŽƚĞů 3 Ϭϵ3^ŝĚ3^ŶLJĚĞƌ3ƌ3^t͕3>ŽŶŐ3ĞĂĐŚ͕3t4 ϰ ; 3 ϯϲϬͿ3ϲϰϮͲϮϯϰϰ3ͻ3ƉŝĐŬůĞĚĨŝƐŚƌĞƐƚĂƵƌĂŶƚ͘ĐŽŵ 3KƉĞŶ3ϳ3ĚĂLJƐ3Ă3ǁĞĞŬ͘3ƌƵŶĐŚ͕3,ĂƉƉLJ3,ŽƵƌ͕3ŝŶŶĞƌ3ĂŶĚ3>ĂƚĞ3ŝŶŝŶŐ3 16 | December 24, 2015 | Pla ying toda y’s hit country