143rd YEAR, No. 115 TUESDAY, DECEMBER 8, 2015 ONE DOLLAR Photos by Joshua Bessex/The Daily Astorian Pearl Harbor survivor Bill Thomas, right, tosses the wreath into the Necanicum River during the Pearl Harbor Day of Remembrance ceremony. At left is Clatsop County Veterans Service Officer Luke Thomas. ‘A shout out to all those heroes’ Seaside honors survivors of ‘day which will live in infamy’ By KATHERINE LACAZE EO Media Group S EASIDE — A day that will “live in in- famy.” An event that served to “awak- en a sleeping giant.” These things were solemnly remembered and tribute was paid to those who served during World War II at the annual Pearl Harbor Day of Remem- brance in Seaside. Residents gathered at the Seaside Civic and Convention Center Monday morning for a ceremony highlighted by the atten- dance of two Pearl Harbor survivors Bill Thomas, who served aboard the USS Me- dusa, and Spurgeon Keeth Sr., a member of the U.S. Army’s 35th Infantry stationed at Scho¿ eld Barracks on Oahu. “You are my heroes,” said guest speaker Steve Gibson, a retired U.S. Navy captain. Strength and resolve In his speech, Gibson focused on two memorable quotes inspired by the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor more than 70 years ago. The ¿ rst was delivered by then presi- dent Franklin D. Roosevelt, who, when ask- ing Congress for a declaration of war against Japan, described Dec. 7 as “a date which See CEREMONY, Page 10A Retired U.S. Navy Capt. Steve Gibson gives a speech on the history of Pearl Harbor during the Day of Remembrance ceremony at the Seaside Civic and Convention Center Monday. Sticker shock, second thoughts Fees going up at on library and housing project Astoria Column, City Council struggles over the future of Heritage Square timates. Councilor Zetty Nem- lowill wanted more information, so councilors opted to table the question for now rather than let the issue possibly die with the tie vote. “It’s been very dif¿ cult be- cause staff would like to know how to move forward,” LaMear said afterward. “We really don’t know how to tell them to move forward because we can’t agree.” By DERRICK DePLEDGE The Daily Astorian A new library with housing and a plaza to ¿ ll the hole at Heritage Square could cost be- tween $29.7 million and $38.7 million, a price tag that has cre- ated doubts about the wisdom of an expensive redevelopment project. The Astoria City Council could not agree Monday night whether a new library should go at Heritage Square after a ¿ tful debate and tentative votes to ¿ ll Mixed-use project The Daily Astorian/File Photo The Astoria Public Library is outdated and in need of renovation. the hole at the former Safeway and explore housing as a poten- tial option. Mayor Arline LaMear and City Councilor Drew Herzig voted to consider a new library at Heritage Square, while Coun- cilor Cindy Price and Council- or Russ Warr voted against the concept, citing the high cost es- The City Council turned to Heritage Square as a potential site for a new library and hous- ing after walking away from a $4.6 million renovation of the existing public library at 10th Street into the vacant Waldorf See COUNCIL, Page 7A Aquatic Center City Council also approves Neighborhood Greenway By DERRICK DePLEDGE The Daily Astorian Parking at the Astoria Col- umn will jump to $5 — up from $2 — starting in January. The fee increase for the annual pass, approved unan- imously by the Astoria City Council Monday night, will go toward restoration of the land- mark and park improvements. The city’s Parks and Recre- ation Department will also get a share that is expected to gen- erate an estimated $10,000 in additional revenue for the city a year. An estimated 40,000 to 45,000 annual passes are sold at the Column each year, al- though many visitors only use the pass once. According to the city, 98.5 percent of visi- tors to the Column are from out of town. The Column reopened in October after a $1 million renovation ¿ nanced by the Friends of the Astoria Column. The renovation was the most extensive repair work done to the Column in two decades. See FEES, Page 3A Students celebrate local author with Oregon Coast Literary Award Folklorist Lindsey shares anecdotes of early life in Cannon Beach By KATHERINE LACAZE EO Media Group CANNON BEACH — Making connections. That was the message local author Peter Lindsey deliv- ered as he received the Oregon Coast Literary Award from Seaside High School students. The annual event celebrates Oregon’s offering of diverse, talented authors and lit- erature. “Stories link us to the past and prepare us for the future,” Lindsey said. “In this transitory, ephemeral world, stories alone endure. What are each of us in our lives but a sto- ry?” The wards were held Dec. 2, at the Coaster Theatre Playhouse . Seaside students presented Lindsey with the award for his anecdotal his- tory of Cannon Beach, “Comin’ in Over the Rock.” They also read ex- cerpts written by two books chosen as ¿ nalists Laini Taylor’s “Daugh- ter of Smoke and Bone” and Storm Large’s “Crazy Enough.” The Oregon Coast Literary Awards, started in 2012 by teach- er Adrian Anderson, used to be a project of the senior honors En- glish class. This year, the class started as an elective with seven students. New English teacher LeeAnn Schmelzenbach led the class. Making ‘a connection’ The class encourages students not only to read, but to read locally, and it promotes “a connection” with people across communities and the state, Schmelzenbach said. Lind- sey echoed that sentiment during a speech at the ceremony. The selection of ¿ nalists alone — whose work included a memoir, a fantasy novel and an anecdotal history — shows the breadth and See AWARD, Page 10A Katherine Lacaze/EO Media Group Seaside High School student Jesse Trott pres- ents Oregon author Peter Lindsey with awards and gifts for being selected the recipient of the 2015 Oregon Coast Literary Award.