10A THE DAILY ASTORIAN • MONDAY, DECEMBER 7, 2015 Courtesy of the City of Seaside A fire Sunday morning destroyed three homes and burned another. Blaze:µ,WKLQNWKH\KDGHYHU\¿UHWUXFNLQWKHFRXQW\¶ Continued from Page 1A GDPDJH LQFOXGLQJ EURNHQ ZLQGRZV SDLQW DQG VPRNH GDPDJH'XJDQVDLG $OO KRPHRZQHUV DQG SURSHUW\ RZQHUV KDYH EHHQ QRWL¿HG'XJDQVDLG³,GRQ¶W WKLQN ZH PLVVHG DQ\ERG\ ,QVXUDQFH FRPSDQLHV KDYH EHHQ QRWL¿HG DQG WKH\¶OO JR WKURXJK WKH SURFHVV RI GRF- XPHQWDWLRQ)LUVWZHKDYHWR GHWHUPLQHWKHFDXVHRQFHZH do that, then we release that WR WKH LQVXUDQFH FRPSDQLHV :HJHWWKH¿UVWORRNDQGWKHQ ZHKDQGLWRYHUWRWKHP´ 2QH ¿UH¿JKWHU ZDV WUHDW- ed for a knee injury suffered GXULQJWKHUHVSRQVH ³,WDONHGWRKLPODVWQLJKW DQG KH VHHPV WR EH GRLQJ well,” Dugan said Surveying the damage Behind a cordoned off area Sunday, Neighbor David Do- ney said he was awakened by VPRNHDQGVLUHQV³:HFDPH down here when we saw this, DERXW WKLV PRUQLQJ´ Doney said. “There was a big JDV¿UHJRLQJRQ,WKLQNWKH\ KDG HYHU\ ¿UH WUXFN LQ WKH county.” Seaside residents Carl and Shirley Yates arrived at the scene overnight. Their relatives, Chuck and Carole LaDeRoute, own one of the KRPHVGHVWUR\HG ³:HKDG)RXUWKRI-XO\EDU- becues in the back with all the neighbors,” Shirley Yates said. “It was an old house, but it was VRKRPH\LWZDVVRLQYLWLQJ´ The LaDeRoutes arrived in 6HDVLGHHDUO\6XQGD\PRUQLQJ IURP WKHLU KRPH LQ +LOOVERUR ³, MXVW VSHQW XS- R.J. Marx/The Daily Astorian R.J. Marx/The Daily Astorian JUDGLQJ WKH SURSHUW\´ &KXFN LaDeRoute said as he sur- The fire on 11th Avenue in Seaside continued to burn Family members survey the scene in the aftermath of Sunday’s early morning blaze in Seaside. YH\HGWKHVWLOOVPROGHULQJ¿UH through Sunday morning. 7KH /D'H5RXWHV SXU- FKDVHG WKH KRXVH LQ ³:H MXVW SXW . LQWR LW last year,” Chuck LaDeRoute said. “New air-conditioning, QHZ ¿UHSODFH QHZ FDUSHW :HOOORRNVOLNHWKH¿UHSODFH is still working. ³:H DOPRVW FDPH GRZQ this weekend,” he added. ³,¶PJODGZHGLGQ¶W´ “God gave us a house and ZH¶YH HQMR\HG LW IRU PDQ\ PDQ\\HDUV´&DUROH/D'H5- oute said. “We have lots of KDSS\ PHPRULHV :H KDG David Doney/For The Daily Astorian Thanksgiving in that house a Firefighters respond to a blaze in Seaside that destroyed three homes. year ago.” Seaside:µ+DYLQJPD\EHMXVWDWULÀHOHVV Steidel: He dedicated his book to those XQFHUWDLQW\PDNHVPRUHVHQVHWRPH¶ Continued from Page 1A GHWHUPLQHG WKDW DUHD DORQH FRXOG SURYLGH HQRXJK GH- YHORSDEOH ODQG WR PHHW WKH FLW\¶V \HDU ODQG VXSSO\ needs. Landowners in that area, ZKLFK LV SDUW RI XQLQFRUSR- UDWHG &ODWVRS &RXQW\ KDYH TXHVWLRQHGWKHH[SDQVLRQDQG KRZ LW ZRXOG LPSDFW SURS- HUW\ WD[ HYDOXDWLRQV WUDI¿F SDWWHUQV LQIUDVWUXFWXUH DQG lifestyles. Two other sites, earlier GHHPHG OHVV GHVLUDEOH WKDQ the Southeast Hills site, are back on the table and could KHOS GLVSHUVH WKH LPSDFW RI DQ ERXQGDU\ H[SDQVLRQ 7KH ¿UVW RSWLRQ LV WKH /HZLV DQG Clark Hills site, north of Lewis and Clark Road, which FRXOGSURYLGHDERXWDFUHV RI GHYHORSDEOH ODQG 6HFRQG is the North Hills site, east of North Wahanna Road with SRWHQWLDO DFFHVV IURP 6KRUH Terrace and Ocean Avenue, ZKLFK FRXOG SURYLGH DERXW DFUHVRIEXLOGDEOHODQG MORE ONLINE Maps of the sites are at http://bit.ly/1jKipyn Hanson suggested the city WDNH D WZRVWHS DSSURDFK ¿UVW VXEPLWWLQJ D SULPDU\ DSSOLFDWLRQWRVDWLVI\WKH year land-needs analysis, and NHHSLQJWKHRWKHURSWLRQV³RQ WKH ERRNV´ WR PDNH DQRWKHU H[SDQVLRQ UHTXHVW DW D ODWHU date, if necessary. &RPPLVVLRQHUV VXSSRUW- HG WKH PRUH FRQVHUYDWLYH DSSURDFK EXW VXJJHVWHG rather than taking the initial DFUHV HQWLUHO\ IURP WKH 6RXWKHDVW +LOOV VLWH FRP- bining the Lewis and Clark Hills site, the North Hills VLWH DQG D SRUWLRQ RI WKH 6RXWKHDVW+LOOVVLWHWRPRUH HYHQO\GLVWULEXWHWKHLPSDFW “I want to bring in those other two sites and cut back RQ WKH DPRXQW ZH EULQJ LQ IURP WKH 6RXWKHDVW VLWH EH- cause that’s where all the RSSRVLWLRQ LV´ &RPPLV- sioner Richard Ridout said. ³:KHWKHU ZH GHYHORS ORZ- land or highland, that is the QH[WWKLQJWREHGHFLGHG´ Meeting state planning goals The city started look- LQJ DW H[SDQGLQJ WKH XUEDQ growth boundary in order to address state guidelines UHJDUGLQJ ORQJWHUP SODQ- QLQJ IRU SRSXODWLRQ JURZWK and urbanization. Those JXLGHOLQHV DVN PXQLFLSDOL- WLHVWRGHPRQVWUDWHD\HDU VXSSO\ RI GHYHORSDEOH ODQG 7KH VWDWH LV UHYDPSLQJ DQG XSGDWLQJWKRVHJXLGHOLQHVWR VXJJHVWD\HDUWLPHIUDPH LQVWHDG WR KHOS VWUHDPOLQH WKHSURFHVVDQGPDNHLWVLP- SOHU IRU VPDOOHU PXQLFLSDOL- ties, Hanson said. Taking a FRQVHUYDWLYHDSSURDFKWRWKH SRWHQWLDO H[SDQVLRQ ZRXOG actually align Seaside with the changes the state is con- sidering, and also address the concern of residents in WKH SURSRVHG ERXQGDU\ H[- SDQVLRQDUHDZKRVXJJHVWHG the city “overshot what our QHHGLV´&XSSOHVDGGHG The Portland State Uni- YHUVLW\¶V 3RSXODWLRQ 5H- search Center is scheduled WR LVVXH D QHZ SRSXODWLRQ forecast for Seaside in June 7KH FRPPLVVLRQ KDV UH- FHLYHG GLIIHULQJ RSLQLRQV RQ KRZ PXFK EXLOGDEOH ODQG LV QHHGHG WR PHHW WKH FLW\¶V SURMHFWHG SRSXODWLRQ JURZWK ZLWK VWDWLVWLFV VXS- SRUWLQJ ERWK VLGHV &RP- PLVVLRQHU &KULV +RWK VDLG With the future uncertain, he IDYRUVSODQQLQJIRUDVKRUWHU WLPHIUDPH ³+DYLQJ PD\EH MXVW D WULÀHOHVVXQFHUWDLQW\PDNHV PRUHVHQVHWRPH´KHVDLG “If we’re going way out, we could be way over, we could be way under. We can always revisit it. We always KDYHDQRSWLRQWRGRWKDW´ &RPPLVVLRQHU 7RP Horning agreed, adding, ³7KH\HDUORRNLVDPXFK PRUHWDQJLEOHVLWXDWLRQ´ who waited for it Continued from Page 1A out West for the long-haul, in- cluding a short stint at Disney, and used his GI Bill to go back to school. He was “scared to death” of his English course. It wasn’t his strong subject in high VFKRRO +LV ¿UVW DVVLJQPHQW ZDV D FRPSRVLWLRQ :LWK HQ- FRXUDJHPHQWIURPKLVZLIHKH used his art with words to tell WKHWDOH7KHVSHOOLQJZDVDWUR- FLRXVKLVWHDFKHUWROGKLPEXW the story was good. He used his storytelling VNLOOVWRFDOPDEXVIXOORIXQ- UXO\ FKLOGUHQ GXULQJ KLV WLPH as a bus driver. He’d tried VRQJV ¿UVW DQG JRW WKH NLGV singing along, but received FRPSODLQWV IURP SDUHQWV about the noise. Then he began telling the stories. He told one that stretched on and on with cliff-hangers. It lasted eight PRQWKV DQG HQWKUDOOHG WKH youth. ³(YHU\WKLQJOHDGVXSWRWKLV book,” he said. Steidel dedicated his book to those who waited for it. “Whose Move” is about DQ RUSKDQ QDPHG 7LPRWK\ who lives in a desolate village SODJXHGE\DGUDJRQ,WFRPHV DQQXDOO\ GXULQJ KDUYHVW WLPH and destroys everything. Eventually the villagers VHQGWKHRUSKDQRXWLQVXLWRI DUPRUWRIDFHWKHEHDVW7LPR- WK\FKDOOHQJHVLWWRDJDPHRI tic-tac-toe that he wins, send- ing the dragon away. (YHU\ \HDU WKH\ SOD\ WKH JDPH 7LPRWK\ ZLQQLQJ HDFK WLPH PDNLQJ WKH YLOODJH RQH RI WKH QLFHVW LQ WKH NLQJGRP 7KHQWKHGUDJRQ¿QDOO\ZLQV 5HDGHUV LQWHUHVWHG LQ ¿QG- LQJ RXW ZKDW KDSSHQV QH[W FDQ ¿QG ³:KRVH 0RYH´ DW 6WHLGHO¶V$UW*RRGUHDGV$P- azon and Barnes and Noble. 7KHUH DUH D OLPLWHG KDUGEDFNV VLJQHG ZLWK D VSH- cial drawing inside. — Dani Palmer