FRIDAYEXTRA ! THE DAILY ASTORIAN • FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 2015 The Daily Astorian Friday, November 20, 2015 Weekend Edition the rush of the live act is in thei y a s s r e l t s e r w t n e Independ Once a month, wrestlers meet at the Astoria Event Center for the chance to claim belts, r blood ÀH[WKHLUPXVFOHVDQGZLQRYHURUORVHIDQVLQWKH3DFL¿F1RUWKZHVW3UR:UHVWOLQJ LQGHSHQGHQWFLUFXLW2XUSKRWRJUDSKHU-RVKXD%HVVH[SKRWRJUDSKHGVRPHRIWKHVH ZUHVWOHUVDQGDVNHGZKDWGULYHVWKHPWRSXWWKHLUERGLHVRQWKHOLQHLQWKHULQJ GENTLEMAN GEORGE MICHAEL What better way to go It’s the entertainment. I love to perform and it’s exercise right? beating people up? and ring out and get out your aggressions than have fun in the CHRISTOPHER RYSECK AND NADDIE RYSECK Christopher: For the money and the chicks and the fame. And Naddie: For the money and fame. to prove to everybody MARY JANE PAYNE When I was a kid I didn’t know you could do this like go to training and become a professional wrestler. When I met my husband Patrick Large he was already training and the first time I went and saw it I was like, “O h my god, I want to do this.” That was 10 years ago. We’ ve been doing shows for eight years and really it’s the fans that make it so much fun. The interactions we have between them, the way that they cheer and boo, it’s surreal. ASTORIA’S OWN MAC WELLS I love professional wrestling. I t’s my entire life. I t’s what I do for a living. I t’s what puts money on the table for my family. I love Astoria. I love compe ting in front of the amazing fans in the Pacific Northwest and I appreciate all of you. PHOTOS AND STORY BY JOSHUA BESSEX/THE DAILY ASTORIAN 1C