Cowapa All League girls Providence Seaside gets new chief SPORTS • 4A PAGE 7A 143rd YEAR, No. 102 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 2015 ONE DOLLAR Port’s pockets show promise 0RUHEXVLQHVV slowed spending paint stronger ¿QDQFLDOSLFWXUH 6KHOO¿VKH[SHUW WHVWL¿HVLQ'& about domoic acid By EDWARD STRATTON The Daily Astorian By JORDAN NAILON For EO Media Group I QDUHYLHZRIWKH3RUWRI$VWRULD¶V¿QDQFLDO SHUIRUPDQFH EHWZHHQ -XO\ DQG 6HSW the agency is showing promise through a combination of increased business and frugality. ³:H¶UHORRNLQJSUHWW\JRRG´VDLG([HFXWLYH 'LUHFWRU -LP .QLJKW DW D TXDUWHUO\ EXGJHW UH view Tuesday. The review showed the DJHQF\ HDUQHG DIWHU H[SHQVHV LQ WKH ¿UVW ¿VFDOTXDUWHUDIWHUEXGJHW LQJIRUDORVVRI 7RGG .LPEDOO DQ DF FRXQWDQW ZLWK ¿QDQFLDO FRQVXOWLQJ ¿UP &)2 6H lections hired to help pre- pare the Port for upcoming DXGLWVERLOHGWKH Jim variance down to four Knight main factors. 7KH3RUWVROG ZRUWKRIIXHOLQWKH¿UVWTXDUWHUDERXW PRUH WKDQ H[SHFWHG .LPEDOO VDLG IXHO VDOHV ZHUHSDUWLFXODUO\VWURQJDWWKHPDULQDDVLVH[ SHFWHGGXULQJWKHVXPPHUPRQWKVWKH¿UVW¿VFDO TXDUWHUODUJHO\FRYHUV Kimball said the Skipanon Peninsula proper- ty the Port leases from the Oregon Department of State Lands and subleases to Oregon LNG OLTXH¿HGQDWXUDOJDVLVDELJSDUWRIZK\WKH DJHQF\ HDUQHG RYHU EXGJHW RQ OHDVH and rental income. The property was recently re- FODVVL¿HGIURPXUEDQUHFUHDWLRQDOWRPDULQHLQ GXVWULDOVN\URFNHWLQJWKHOHDVHSD\PHQWVIURP WRD\HDU2UHJRQ/1*SD\V WKH3RUWZKLFKWKHQSD\VWKHVWDWH 7KH 3RUW VSHQW OHVV WKDQ LW EXG geted on projects. Kimball said the difference See PORT, Page 7A Clam closure bites business Joshua Bessex/The Daily Astorian One of the Port of Astoria’s big moneymakers in the first quarter was fuel sales at the West End Mooring Basin. /21*%($&+:DVK²$WR[LF bloom of algae has been laying siege XSRQWKH:HVW&RDVWIRUWKHSDVWVL[ months and beach communities are feeling the pinch. ,Q 0D\ DQ RXWEUHDN RI GRPRLF DFLGDQDWXUDOO\RFFXUULQJWR[LQSUR GXFHGE\PDULQHDOJDHSRSSHGXSRII the coast and stretched from North- ern California to the top of Washing- WRQ'XULQJWKHKRWGURXJKWSODJXHG VXPPHUWKHEORRPVWUHWFKHGGHHSHU into California and north all the way to Alaska. 'RPRLFDFLGLQ¿OWUDWHVWKHRFHDQ LF IRRG FKDLQ WKURXJK FODPV ZKLFK ¿OWHU WKH VDOWZDWHU LQ RUGHU WR IHHG 3UHGDWRU VKHOO¿VK OLNH FUDEV WKHQ prey on the clams. Birds and seals QDWXUDOO\IROORZVXLWDQGWKHWR[LQLV passed right along. As a result of the domoic acid ODFHG DOJDH LQYDVLRQ D VXFFHVVLRQ See CLAMS, Page 10A Daily Astorian/File Photo ABOVE: Todd Kimball, an accountant with financial consulting firm CFO Selections, said the increased lease rate paid on the Skipanon Peninsula land, (bottom right ) which the Port leases from the Oregon Department of State Lands and subleases to Oregon LNG, accounts for much of the Port’s over budget revenues in lease and rental income. A boat docks along Pier 2 in 2013. The Port of Astoria is preparing a pro- posal for the Oregon Department of Transportation’s Connect Oregon VI infrastructure grant, seeking money to repair the west side of Pier 2. Daily Astorian/ File photo Cases pile up in party barn spat Administrative ¿QHV&LUFXLW Court ahead By R.J. MARX EO Media Group *($5+$57²1HDFR[LH%DUQ owner Shannon Smith is head- ing toward another day in another court. (DUOLHU WKLV PRQWK 6 PLWK VXF cessfully challenged Gearhart Mu- nicipal Court charges that she was operating a party facility in violation of Gearhart’s zoning code. She still IDFHV DGPLQLVWUDWLYH ¿QHV IURP WKH city. Now she heads to Clatsop County Circuit Court seeking to stop an in- junction prohibiting future commer- cial activities at the barn. The city seeks to close the barn to SURWHFWWKH³KHDOWKOLIHDQGVDIHW\RI WKHJHQHUDOSXEOLF´DFFRUGLQJWROH JDOGRFXPHQWV¿OHGLQ&LUFXLW&RXUW last month. See BARN, Page 10A *HQHWLFDOO\PRGL¿HGVDOPRQ2.¶GWRHDW Fish has growth hormone from Chinook salmon er concerns about a statement that eating genetically WKH ¿VK LV D ³JDPH PRGL¿HG IRRGV changer that brings But the agency said healthy and nu- 7KXUVGD\WKH¿VKLV tritious food to safe to eat. consumers in an By MARY CLARE In announcing environmentally JALONICK WKH DSSURYDO WKH responsible manner Associated Press FDA said that there without damaging are “no biologically the ocean and other WASHINGTON — The relevant differences marine habitats.” Ron Food and Drug Administra- in the nutritional 7KH ¿VK JURZV Stotish tion approved genetically SUR¿OH RI $TX$G twice as fast as PRGL¿HG VDOPRQ WRGD\ WKH vantage Salmon compared to QRUPDO VDOPRQ VR LW UHDFKHV ¿UVW VXFK DOWHUHG DQLPDO DO that of other farm-raised At- PDUNHW VL]H PRUH TXLFNO\ ,W lowed for human consump- lantic salmon.” has an added growth hormone tion in the United States. $TX$GYDQWDJH 6DOPRQ IURP WKH 3DFL¿F &KLQRRN The Obama administration was created by the Massa- VDOPRQWKDWDOORZVWKH¿VKWR Alex Brandon/AP Photo had stalled in approving the chusetts-based company produce growth hormone all The Obama administration has stalled for more than five fast-growing salmon for more $TXD%RXQW\ 5RQ 6WRWLVK See SALMON, Page 10A years on deciding whether to approve a fast-growing salmon. WKDQ¿YH\HDUVDPLGFRQVXP WKH FRPSDQ\¶V &(2 VDLG LQ