SPORTS THE DAILY ASTORIAN • THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 2015 7A Cowapa All-League football team announced GLDQV DOVR FRPELQHG IRU ¿UVWWHDPVHOHFWLRQV It was a senior-heavy all- Astoria and Seaside also league team this year in Cow- KDG¿UVWWHDPSOD\HUV apa League football. Astoria senior running Of the 37 members who back Carter Wallace and se- PDGH WKH ¿UVW WHDP ZHUH nior center Clay Williams seniors. The all-league team PDGH WKH ¿UVW WHDP RIIHQVH was voted on by the league’s seniors Wyatt Dietrich and FRDFKHV ZLWK SOD\HUV IURP &OD\(QJOXQGZHUH¿UVWWHDP Banks and Scappoose taking OLQHEDFNHUVDQGVHQLRU5\NHU up most of the selections. Helmersen and junior Kyle Donny McClean of Banks 6WUDQJHZHUHVHOHFWHGDV¿UVW and Braden Clark of Scap- team defensive backs. poose shared the Offensive :DOODFH ZDV DOVR WKH ¿UVW 3OD\HU RI WKH