2C THE DAILY ASTORIAN • FRIDAY, OCTOBER 23, 2015 HISTORIC PHOTOS OF THE WEEK Photo courtesy of Cannon Beach History Center and Museum Former Gov. Oswald West’s summer retreat in Cannon Beach. WILD, WILD WEST By ELAINE TRUCKE Special to The Daily Astorian D id you Nnow that 2swald West had a suPPer retreat in &annon Beach? First, who is 2swald West? West was Eorn in 2ntario, &anada, in 0ay of 1. $t the age of he PoYed to SaleP, where he attended school and eYentually end- ed up in EanNing in 19. $fter seYeral years as a EanNer in SaleP and $storia, a position as the state land agent in 19, and a stint with the 2regon 5ailroad &oPPission, he gained the 'ePocratic noPination for goYernor in 191. +e de- feated his opponent, -ay BowerPan, and ended up taNing of¿ce in 1911 until 191. 'uring West’s terP, woPen’s suf- frage was approYed, a new parole systeP for prisoners was instituted, capital pun- ishPent was aEolished, and prohiEition caPe into effect. West’s Post iPportant and recogni]- aEle legacy was the 191 Eeach highway law, which declared the entire 3aci¿c coastline to the high tide ParN to Ee a puElic highway. The source of West’s inspiration for protecting the tidelands and his loYe for 2regon’s Eeaches can Ee traced to his retreat in &annon Beach. With the whole coast to choose froP, the goYernor se- lected what was then a rePote wooded section south of &annon Beach in 1911. The last leg on the Mourney froP 3ort- land to his proposed house was on horse- EacN. ,t Pay haYe Eeen that the rough ride contriEuted to the goYernor’s later decision in PaNing the Eeaches a high- way. ,n 191, West and his wife 0aEel pur- chased an acre of land Must south of &an- non Beach. The property sat on a Easalt precipice with a EreathtaNing ocean Yiew that included +aystacN 5ocN. ,n 191, West had ¿nali]ed plans for a log house, Earn and spring house, which was a sPall Euilding used for refrigera- tion. West’s weeNend retreat was coP- pleted in -uly of 191. The caEin sat feet aEoYe sea leYel and was a rectangular, one-story $dirondacN-style log caEin that was situated with a wide coYered front porch, e[posed SitNa spruce log construc- tion, and split cedar shingle roof with two patios, one in concrete and another in Àag- stone. $ spring house, carriage house, and Earn were also on the site. The caEin, howeYer, would not haYe Eeen coPplete without a PassiYe 9-foot ¿replace constructed of rounded Eeach stones that tooN oYer the center of the western wall. The retreat was used for Pany faPily Yacations Eefore West sold the hoPe in 1926. While the log caEin still stands, it isn’t ? 9-1-WHAT? the original. ,n 0ay of 1991, the hoPe was Eurned nearly to ash Ey an arsonist. Fifty-¿Ye years of faPily history had gone up in sPoNe. $fter reali]ing the e[- tent of the daPage, it deePed infeasiEle to reutili]e the original Paterials with the e[ception of the Pain ¿replace chiPney stone, a few of the lower logs, and the wrought-iron door. Because of the special Peaning the hoPe had to the faPily and citi]ens of &annon Beach, they deePed it necessary to create an exact replica of the caEin. To recreate the original retreat, the faPily went with the 3ortland architec- tural ¿rP of Fletcher Farr $yotte. The reconstruction Eegan with exten- siYe ¿eld docuPentation and salYaging saPples, and the caEin was authentically recreated. 9irtually all of the Paterials used in the original caEin were repeated in the recreation including the logs and porch coluPns, which were Pade out of SitNa spruce logs oEtained near Til- laPooN. The reconstruction of the caEin was technically coPpleted in 199, Eut the ¿ne-tuning continued. The spectacular results of the recre- ation earned the caEin second pri]e in the exterior rehaEilitation category of the 1ational Trust for +istoric 3reserYation’s 1996 *reat $Perican +oPe $wards. Elaine Trucke is the executive director of the Cannon Beach History Center and Museum. Photo courtesy of Cannon Beach History Center and Museum Oswald West as a young man. School daze J ust so we’re clear: When your child refuses to go to school, call 911. ,t’s ¿ne. ,t’s not liNe there are any real ePergencies going on, liNe a Pan walNing around aiPlessly swinging a sword, or folNs craEEing Ey a sewer Slant, or a woPan who wants your wine, or cows ... Follow reporter Kyle Spurr on his 9-1-What? Twitter watch, where a few of the soPetiPes head-scratching calls to area dispatch taNe center stage. The full feed is at www.twitter.coP9B1BW+$T. THE BEST OF THE WORST CALLS TO ASTORIA 911 DISPATCH 3 W AY S TO GE T Y O U R CO PY TOD AY ! OR DER ON LIN E w w w .DiscoverO urCoast.com /order S TOP BY ON E OF OU R 3 LOCATION S A storia • 949 Exchange St. Seaside • 1555 N . Roosevelt Dr. Long Beach • 205 Bolstad A ve. E. #2 o r CALL HOLLY LAR K IN S at 503-325-3211, x227 Em ail: hlarkins@ dailyastorian.com