The daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1961-current, October 16, 2015, Image 5

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God’s country
wanted to answer Patrick
Webb’s review of the book,
“Inventing a Christian Ameri-
ca: The myth of the Religious
Founding,” by law professor
Steven K. Green (“Oregon law
professor debunks ‘myth’ of
religious founding,” The Daily
Astorian, Sept. 25).
This book promulgates the
proposal that America’s reli-
giously inspired founding was
a “myth.” The truth is quite
the opposite. It appears that
our history is almost lost in
classrooms in America, and
particularly in those of higher
nation’s history, the university
was the guardian and the pre-
server of faith in God. Present-
ly, the university has gone way
beyond being ethically neutral
and agnostic. Abraham Lincoln
proclaimed in 1863, “We have
forgotten God. We have forgot-
ten the gracious hand which
preserved us in peace and
multiplied and enriched and
strengthened us.” If this was
true then, it certainly is truer
now. Our nation has given birth
to a new religion called secu-
larism. A view of life without
God, or that he even had any-
thing to do with the picture in
Seriously overlooked is
George Washington’s ac-
knowledgment of heaven in
the War of Independence: “The
success which has hitherto at-
tended our united efforts, we
owe to the gracious interposi-
tions of heaven, and to that in-
terposition let us gratefully as-
cribe the praise of victory and
the blessings of peace.”
Also overlooked is Benja-
min Franklin’s great speech.
“I have lived, sir, a long time,
and the longer I live the more
convincing proofs I see of this
truth: that God governs in the
affairs of man. And if a sparrow
cannot fall to the ground with-
out his notice, is it probable
that an empire can rise without
his aid?” Franklin went on to
recommend the Constitutional
Convention begin every morn-
ing with a prayer by a clergy
“imploring the assistance of
heaven and its blessings” on
their assembly.
Also present at the Consti-
tution Convention was Charles
Pinckney, who commented,
“Nothing less that the super-
intending hand of Providence,
that so miraculously carried us
through the war (in my humble
opinion) could have brought
it about so complete, upon the
It is so unfortunate that in-
tellectual trends denounce reli-
gion and God in the founding
of our great country. It is not
our history.
Vote yes for schools
would urge every voter to
say yes to this continuing tax
levy for our children to have a
decent education. This is not a
new tax, but simply renewing
what we have already commit-
ted to.
That’s $52 per year on a
$100,000 house. It’s one tank of
gas. It’s a dinner out. Two large
pizzas. It is a birthday present. It
is two weeks of your cable bill.
It’s one shoe. It’s a Mother’s
Day bouquet. A bag of grocer-
ies. If you have no children in
school it’s charitable giving.
Our children are worth at
least that.
Part-time voters
s a taxpayer in both Wash-
ington and Clatsop coun-
ties, I wish to clear up a mis-
conception about voting rights
in the city of Seaside. If you
own a home in two locations,
you are allowed only one res-
idence of record to vote in the
state of Oregon.
All local elections, such as
school levies or bond issues
only voted upon by full-time
residents. Though I spend half
the week in Portland and half
in Seaside, I am not allowed to
vote in Seaside elections.
On the Oregon Public
“Unprepared,” about earth-
quakes and tsunami alerts and
preparedness, the interview-
er of School Superintendent
Doug Dougherty stated that the
main reason the school levy did
not pass was because vacation
taxing rental homes. Really?
Will more regulations sud-
denly eradicate Fourth of July
behavior? Will it prevent an
overstuffed garbage can from
y dog, who has all of her shots, to quarantine my dog. It was like it was they have their dogs spayed or neu-
tipping over? Are we dealing
was attacked by a pit bull while my fault my dog got bitten.
with a chronic problem, or an
tered, and have their shots, just like we
she was on a leash. The pit was un-
occasional nuisance? How will
I guess homeless people can afford have to.
leashed and owned by some homeless dogs and not abide by the rules, espe-
redundant ordinances be en-
people, who also owned another pit cially in Warrenton, as this happened who were trying to help me and my dog
forced if the current ordinanc-
bull. After the attack, the owner of the two other times to other dogs in the really rudely. I feel he could have han-
es, dealing with many of the
pit bull — that put seven puncture holes area. It’s called a dog and dog problem. dled it with a little more compassion to
same issues, are not currently
in my Pomeranian — started beating
In the long run, my dog was quar- me, since my dog didn’t do anything
his dog in the head and biting its neck. antined to my apartment for 10 days, wrong.
I ask the Gearhart City
They had no shot record on their and their dog was taken to the pound,
Council to take the time to
I would like to thank those who
dogs. But by gosh, I had to show my where it will receive shots, neutering, did try to help me, they were my he-
think and thoroughly study
SDSHUZRUNRQP\GRJ7KHRI¿FHUZKR training and free X-rays to see if it had roes that day. Such a traumatic incident
the impact of restricting short
term rentals. Then think again.
was in charge said, “What can I do injuries from the beatings, and released should never have happened. Homeless
Think about the effect on local
about them, they’re homeless?” They back to the homeless people.
or not, people have to be in control of
businesses, property values for
can’t pay for vet bills, so I had to pay
If these are homeless people, how their pets at all times.
all homeowners, and especially
$186 by myself. If I didn’t have my pa- can they afford to feed these dogs?
the economic impact Gearhart
SHUVRQP\GRJWKHRI¿FHUZDVJRLQJ They should all be checked to see if
will suffer by virtually discour-
aging Oregonians who have
home owners and rental own- in my three years with my cur- (“Race to Astoria,” The Daily that a friend or neighbor who enjoyed our beloved vacation
ers did not want their taxes to rent employer. It brought me so Astorian, Oct. 9)? This event PLJKW KDYH VRPH LQÀXHQFH spot for so many years to stay
go up. This was information much joy not to be in Seaside was a nightmare when I lived could reason with the owner of away.
given to the interviewer by this last Hood to Coast.
in Seaside over 24 years ago, the SUV about that slogan.
All and all, Hood to Coast and I couldn’t wish anything
It’s not too late.
Given the fact that nonresi- LVOHVVSUR¿WDEOHIRUWKHUHVWDX- worse on Astoria.
dents (but taxpayers, nonethe- rant employees than other big
We don’t need it. Keep our
Thank you
less) are not allowed to vote, events or holidays, or even just events local events. I doubt the
On Oct. 2 our family lost a
this is a misstatement at best. a normal summer weekend, Maritime Museum wants to
great man when Kenny Green
Not only is it untrue, it stim- because they make big reser- give up their parking lot, either. Redundant
e have owned our home passed away at the age of 82.
ulates the theory and rumors vations, and most do not show, The reason Seaside businesses
in Gearhart for 10 years. The outpouring of love and
that vacation owners do not or arrive late with a fraction of want it gone is obvious, so why
take pride in their community. their party, making our dining ZRXOG RXU GRZQWRZQ EHQH¿W" Prior to our purchase, it was support for our family has
I feel this is a grave injustice room a complete hectic romper Keep our events local and rel- a long term rental. It is rented been nothing short of amaz-
only 95-97 days per year, or ing. We would like to say
to those of us who do support room. Less money by far, and evant.
our neighbors, our kids, our way more aggravation.
Anyone who would want about 26 percent of the time. thank you.
Thank you to everyone who
schools, our parks, our librar-
Additionally, why do they Hood To Coast through their Gearhart has been a rental va-
ies, our rivers, our beaches and get to bring their own vendors? town probably also believes cation destination for decades. came to the service or recep-
oceans. This is also a grave dis- If local eateries do not get their OLTXH¿HG QDWXUDO JDV /1* If rentals had never been per- tion, and to those who were
service to those of us who have business during years with at the mouth of the Columbia mitted then, what would Gear- with us in thought or sent a
card. Many thanks to everyone
invested time and money into a good weather, and they have River would help bring good hart be today?
Gearhart hosts overly large who helped plan and organize
community we love.
a food court, then at least local jobs to the North Coast. Anoth-
crowds over the Fourth of July the reception, and to all who
In addition, the city of Sea- businesses who wish to partake er joke.
side was given a federal grant in the vendor’s tents should get
My vote is no on both holiday. Has the city taken any provided help or food for the
steps to advise homeowners reception or the home.
to supply residents with tsu- a chance to get their business. counts — no joke.
Thank you to the Knap-
nami barrels. These barrels, But they bring their own Port-
LAREE JOHNSON that guests must adhere to city
the size of an oil barrel, were land and Lake Oswego ven-
Astoria ordinances, and that violation pa High School football team
of these ordinances regarding for the beautiful tribute and
stocked with food products dors.
garbage, noise and parking, dedication of the homecom-
and delivered by citizens in
I will not endure it any-
Be nice
etc. will be fully enforced? ing game. And we can’t say
the community. I have one of more. Like many others, I will
think we all agree that killing The city goes to great lengths enough to all of our friends and
be out of town whenever they
a non-threatening person for to issue warnings about the family who have been there for
The city of Seaside also are here. But it is unfortunate
received emergency radios that they behave the way they their religious beliefs is wrong. LOOHJDO XVH RI ¿UHZRUNV DQG XVLQWKLVGLI¿FXOWWLPH
This community is amaz-
for residents. These were also do, causing me to take a week- It’s too late to reason with the the consequences for doing
so. Why don’t they do the ing, and you have all provided
distributed and delivered by end off work, and spend money Roseburg shooter about that.
A few days ago in Astoria I same regarding other issues? comfort in our time of loss.
citizens in the community. I to retreat elsewhere.
also have one of these. This in-
DAVID MUSCHAMP saw a slogan on the spare tire Is it not the city’s responsi- While words seem not nearly
formation was either not given
Seaside cover of an SUV that read in bility to enforce all existing HQRXJK RXU KHDUWV DUH ¿OOHG
part “neuter all your liberals.”
ordinances, not just the use of with love and gratitude for you
to the interviewer, or somehow
all. Thank you.
I think we all agree that it’s ¿UHZRUNV"
was chosen to be irrelevant.
No to jokes
wrong to do such a thing to a
Now the city wants to add
It always comes down to
oving Hood to Coast to fellow human because of their to the plethora of ordinances
the few people who work hard
Astoria — is that a joke political beliefs. And I hope by regulating, restricting and
to help the community. The
follow-up on both the barrels
and the radios by the city of
Seaside was basically nonexis-
ally dropped the ball in a lot of
ways, but it wasn’t because the
vacation home owners didn’t
vote to support school funding.
I would ask that this be
Signal and The Daily Astori-
an. I have also written to PBS
in regard to the documentary
on OPB. I am asking that you
do this, as well as clarifying it
with Doug Dougherty. A man
of his responsibilities should
know better. I look forward to
a response.
Owners need to be in control of their pets
Missing the mark
ducators are missing the
mark. Children cannot be
bullied if they have poise and
ances a child’s well-being and
improves the chance that the
child won’t have to act out
to get attention, i.e. dressing
provocatively, participating in
hate groups, etc., the list goes
on and on.
Bullying has been around
for decades; bullies won’t con-
tinue to attack a child emotion-
ally if the bully doesn’t get a
reaction to their criticism.
Avoiding race event
started a tradition to escape
town when Hood to Coast
arrives. I have been abused by
those folks every year. I am
shocked by how rude and how
arrogant they are.
I welcome busy, exhaust-
ing events such as Volleyball
Weekend, Fourth of July, etc.
But Hood to Coast causes
hectic masses invading quaint
dining rooms and other busi-
nesses, and expect the room to
be rearranged, fast service, a
confusing division of their bill,
and then they treat employees
poorly and tip inadequately,
especially when we have to put
up with their overwhelming ar-
I made a proposal that I
will work every holiday, and
all other Seaside events — ex-
cept Hood to Coast. That was
my only such scheduling plea
If you call a contractor yourself,
that still counts as DIY.
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