FEATURES 6A THE DAILY ASTORIAN • TUESDAY, OCTOBER 13, 2015 Ungrateful daughter upsets dad Tomorrow’s horoscope By Holiday Mathis, Creators Syndicate Inc. Dear Annie: My wife and I are in our early 70s and have two daughters. The younger one lives nearby, is married and has a 2-year-old. The older one, “Deir- dre,” is divorced from a verbally and emotionally abusive husband. We had warned Deirdre against marrying this man because they seemed incompatible, but we were supportive when she insisted she loved him. They moved 2,500 miles away, and we traveled as of- ten as possible to see her and show that we cared. When she called at 3 a.m., crying and begging me to talk to her husband, I traveled alone to comply. We suggested they seek coun- seling, which they did, but it didn’t KHOS :KHQ 'HLUGUH ¿OHG IRU GL- vorce, we paid for her lawyer. When her ex left her high and dry, we paid for a new car so she could get to work and drive her daughter to school. We pay their airfare to come here for summers and holi- days. $QQLH ZH DUH RQ D ¿[HG LQ- FRPHDQGLWWDNHVDORWRIVDFUL¿F- ing to pay for all of these expens- es. When we visit, my wife cooks and helps our granddaughter with her homework, while I clean house and take her to and from school. you cannot expect sweetness and light from the girl. What you can do is accept them as they are. You DUH HTXDWLQJ \RXU ¿QDQFLDO VDF- Creators UL¿FHV ZLWK \RXU WUHDWPHQW EXW LW Syndicate Inc. won’t always match up. Do what you feel comfortable doing, but Kathy Mitchell without expecting an emotional and reward. Deirdre and her daughter Marcy Sugar FRXOGEHQH¿WIURPFRXQVHOLQJDQG you can suggest it, but again, keep Meanwhile, she has become just as your expectations in check. It will confrontational as her mother. The save you a lot of grief in the long girl never says thank you, is not run. affectionate toward us and has no Dear Annie: Oct. 13 is Met- respect for our authority. astatic Breast Cancer Awareness Recently, Deirdre became an- Day. Metastatic breast cancer is gry when our granddaughter called cancer that has spread from the her at work in tears over a broken breast to other organs in the body, necklace. We were partly blamed most commonly the bones, liver, IRU WKH LQFLGHQW DQG ZH ÀHZ EDFN lungs or brain. Unfortunately, most home upset and are currently not of us diagnosed with MBC will on speaking terms with Deirdre. I eventually die from the disease. recently sent her a birthday card Additional research and treat- with a check, telling her that I will ment development will help a great always love her. I don’t want to many patients in the future. Please sever relations, but this relation- urge your readers to get informed. ship negatively affects my wife — New York and I wonder whether there is a Dear New York: Thank you for better solution. — Up the Creek the timely reminder. Anyone who Without a Paddle is interested in more information Dear Creek: Yes. Let go. Deir- can contact the Metastatic Breast GUHLVGLI¿FXOWDQGKHUOLIHZLWKDQ Cancer Network at mbcn.org or the abuser didn’t help. Her daughter is National Cancer Institute at cancer. a combination of her parents, so gov. We’ll be thinking of you. Annie’s Mailbox FRANK AND ERNEST BLONDIE THATABABY SALLY FORTH STONE SOUP B.C. LOLA DILBERT SIX CHIX BIZARRO MUTTS NON SEQUITUR BABY BLUES WIZARD OF ID ZITS ROSE IS ROSE ARIES (March 21-April 19). Here’s the way that’s worked best for you and will continue to work best for you: Do things when you are ready to do them. Don’t jump just because someone else is tell- ing you to. Go at your own pace. TAURUS (April 20-May 20). Children have nothing better to go by than their visceral response to people. Their sophis- ticated defensive skills are primal. That’s a juxtaposition that works well and can be duplicated at any age. GEMINI (May 21-June 21). Flaunt. The dictionary defines it as an act of ostenta- tion, drawing attention in hopes of gaining admiration. But if you got it, why not? It’s a celebration of that thing, for a moment... CANCER (June 22-July 22). You may project onto another person angel-like qualities that they do not currently pos- sess. And yet, they may possess these qualities in the near future because of your attention. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). So, you love him. Is it for his virtue? Probably not. It’s because of the special way he makes you feel. You know, that was in you all the time. He just activated it. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). Domestic happiness helps you feel emotionally supported enough to tackle the challeng- es. When you succeed, it’s a source of pride for your loved ones, too. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). Your hard work has paid off, and now you can chill out, revel and reflect on the curious path that brought your unpredictable success. Life is smiling at you. SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). When it reminds you of the old romance, take a moment to replay the whole story in your mind — the whole story, especially the end bit. The memory will have a positive effect on your current relationship. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). Maybe it doesn’t make the most sense to you right now, but you’re a life-long learn- er. Don’t forget that. Keep going until the pixels arrange themselves into a clear picture. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). Com- munication is your day’s agenda. People talk; you listen. Sometimes they talk too much, and you tune out. Why say less with a lot of words? You can say a lot with a few. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). There is freedom in wildness, and very little of it in civilization. That is part of the reason you are so connected to nature right now. You need to let that soft animal inside you free. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). You can do remarkable work before the rest of your workforce has caught their groove. Why? Because you are immune to the stresses that affect others. WEDNESDAY’S BIRTHDAY (Oct. 14). Happy birthday and welcome to your year of finally getting the admiration you de- serve. Next month will be the hardest, so get ready — you’ll need a few more skills in your arsenal. Come on, though, you’ve never been averse to learning. There’s a party in February that will change the way you think of yourself. Taurus and Capricorn people adore you. Your lucky numbers are: 15, 27, 31, 22 and 11.